No incest thread? Lets change that

No incest thread? Lets change that

Other urls found in this thread:


>one time i made up a story that didn't happen
>then i had sex with my sister

if you're looking for legitimate incest shit, just got to 'rarescandals'.
They have plenty of shit that'll keep you satisfied

Holy shit, son.

That feel when someone starts an incest thread with your own fucking story.


Uh, user? That version seems a little bit small.

You're seriously LSA? Thought you were dead.


Didn't miss much, did I?

tinyurl com/twitchwincest




Chris & Clara

Post all on dropbox and give me link plz
Going on a car trip and nothing to read

No, I'm alive, I just don't typically join these threads. The story was originally told as an exercise in catharsis more than anything else.

Still fun to see that people are still swapping that fucking depressing story around though.

>blind chick
>spent the rest of the night watching movies

It leads to a google drive link.

Witch one
Oh and even better leading to google drive thanks user

The Twitch Wincest Collection.

Ok thanks user wish me luck on car trip

tinyurl com/allthewincest
For more stuff.


Can you give acces on the folders in google drive so i can download them?

There's a download option somewhere. No idea where exactly on mobile.


You need to give me acces so i can download them

any good sites for videos Sup Forumsros? been looking for a while and can't find a good legit one that isn't just a different template with the same bullahit content

You login your Google account and can download.

>Evening, Summer 2005 in West Texas
>Wind is blowing warm and dry over the plains and agitating the wind chimes and shell casings and empty bottles that hang from the awning of my uncle's trailer.
>Inside my cousin and I are playing San Andreas on my uncle's PS2.
>Uncle is out at a jobsite. Won't be back for days.
>I'm 16, tall, skinnyfat with mophead hair perpetually covered by some stoner-themed beanie hat
>My cousin, 12 or 13 from my recollection, I will describe as I remember him from that night: Round-faced, slender and scrawny. Barely a shade over five feet even as he neared puberty. Blonde hair cut shorter than mine but curly and always messy. Dressed in athletic shorts and a t-shirt with some sarcastic phrase or another scrawled across the front.
>When we started playing, there was a respectable few inches between us, sitting on the floor in front of that old-fashioned fat-backed television. And though I don't notice it immediately, after an hour of gameplay, he has slowly scooted closer so that his arm brushes up against mine every time he moves in reaction to the game

>The hour is 2300 and in the middle of a gang battle, my cousin suddenly pauses the game and tosses the controller in my lap.
>He says, "I don't want to play anymore".
>I look down at him. Now I'm aware how close he's been sitting. Just turning my head to face him, I can smell his skin, his hair...
>I say, "okay", somewhat confused but not surprised as he'd been acting strange ever since my uncle left that morning.
>I get up and walk to the kitchen, grab a glass from the cabinet, and fill it up at the sink. When I turn back around, he's now laying on the couch, one arm stretched across his forehead, staring off into space.
>I ask if he wants to watch TV
>I ask if he wants to listen to some music
>Before I can make another suggestion, he gets up and goes into his bedroom, I assume, to go to sleep. Fair enough, I think, it's getting late, he's tired. That's it.
>I get a cigarette from my uncle's stash in a drawer under the kitchen counter and step outside.
>After three drags, my cousin appears at the doorway behind me, asks for it.
>I hand him the cigarette and he takes a long drag, hands it back to me.
>I take a drag and my cousin steps down from the doorway and stands in front of me. He leans forward and rests his head on my chest, his arms hanging down at his sides.
>Not sure what to do, I stare out at the lights of the cars, still passing down the highway one or two at a time in the distance.
>Throroughly confused at this point--never seen him act like this before--I ask if something is wrong.
>Long silence, five seconds, ten. Then he says, "I'm just really glad you came out here." I feel his arms slowly crawl up my sides and around to my lower back in a sort of weak embrace. Down below, I feel the first stirrings of an impending erection. I take another drag.

Already did thanks user

>With half an inch left on the cigarette, I ask if he wants another drag
>He shakes his head, swiping his face side to side against the front of my shirt. I toss the cigarette into the dirt and look around. The nearest neighbors are over half a kilometer away, but I'm still worried someone might see.
>I put my hands on his shoulders and gently push him away.
>He looks up at me, eyes wide and mouth hanging slightly open
>I tell him I'm going to bed.
>"Oh," he says. His face falls and he looks away.
>I open the door and step inside the trailer.
>In the bathroom down the hall, I'm brushing my teeth and between bursts of the faucet, I hear my cousin enter the trailer and walk into his bedroom. I rinse off and put away my toothbrush and open the bathroom door.
>Across from me is his bedroom, the light's off inside so I can't see him. I close the bathroom door and shut off the hallway light and step inside.
>While I stay there, the two of us share a queen size bed that takes up over half his floor space. I get under the covers and scoot closer to him. I know he's not asleep.
>"Hey", I say, "what's wrong?"
>He shuffles back towards me until I'm spooning him.
>The two of us have always been close, since his uncle's divorce, since his mom had her crazy religious conversion and moved overseas to proselytize in China or Albania or wherever. But tonight it's different, in a way that I felt but couldn't really explain.

>It's just him and my uncle out here, in the desolate, ugly, beautiful wasteland of the old Southwest. His entire grade at school in the double digits and mostly twats, by his judgement, the nearest neighbors half a click in either direction. I'm all he has, that's what he doesn't have to tell me.
>"Alright man," I say. I tilt my head downward, bury my nose in his messy blonde hair and inhale, and it's like I'm taking the whole of his spirit into the dome of my skull. He bends his knees downward over mine until the soles of his feet are touching the tops of mine. I reach around and wrap my arms about his chest, gripping tightly the front of his shirt.
>"user", he says.
>He sniffs and says, "please don't leave."
>I clench his shirt tighter.
>"Not yet", I say, and release.
>I feel one of his hands come over the top of my own. My other hands rubs up and down from his chest down to his stomach. He's warm and soft even through the t-shirt. My hand wanders down to his waist and over his thighs. He inhales deeply, but offers no protest.
>I ask if he's okay, he nods lightly.

>Encouraged now, I slowly shift my free hand back up and underneath his t-shirt. He's breathing faster and I run my hand over, mapping every warm contour of his chest and stomach.
>He lets go of my hand and I reach down towards the waistband of his shorts, then pause and reach lower, toward his crotch. I can feel his cock, small but rock hard, pressing up against the front of his shorts. I squeeze it lightly and start rubbing it up and down through his clothes.
>His breathing quickens and I crane my neck forward and begin lightly kissing the side of his neck.
>He presses his ass back into my crotch. I know he can feel my dick through my pajama pants.
>Bored now. I surge up and throw the covers aside--too hot anyway--even in the dark I know exactly where to go.
> I reach down and pull down his shorts and underwear in one tug, he kicks his legs and flings them across the room.
>Bending down, I place one hand on his chest, he grabs it with both hands and holds it to his heart. With the other, I feel for his cock. Hairless but for a barely perceptible tuft just at the base, circumsized and though it's hard to tell in the dark, just over four inches fully hard.
>I put my mouth over it in one go and slowly pull it out, my tongue riding the bottom vein up to the head.
>He arches his back, and I can barely make out a "yeah", escaping between breaths.
>Like a depraved whore, or a wild animal mad with feverish lust, I go at his cock such that I'm barely paying attention when he says, "wait".
>Then he gasps; his dick twitches and warm, salty semen spills into my mouth. I'm surprised, but managed to fight the urge to gag. Four, five, six strings. I start to think he could go on forever.


>FInally, he finishes. Against my instincts, I swallow every drop and with my tongue, clean every inch of his still twitching cock.
>I lay down next to him, my dick still throbbing with anticipation; I wonder if he'll return the favor.
>Still naked from the waist down, he rolls over and lays his head on my chest, saying nothing. I put my right hand on his back and grab his hand with my left.
>He's adorable, I think, even in the dark he seems so content. I'll let him rest for a minute.
>Having other ideas, he pushes himself up and reaches across the bed, switching on the light.
>Now, for the first time since I laid down, I can see him fully. He's sitting on top of his feet and looking down at me with a half smile on his face, almost expectantly.
>I reach down and begin undoing the drawstring of my pants and, taking the cue, he reaches over to help me.
>I think, here and now, this is crossing the moral threshold
>Sucking my cousins dick to climax and swallowing every drop, you could write it off to teenage horniness
>But we haven't stopped, we won't stop.
>Now he's got my pants off and he's pulling off his shirt
>I decide that I'll dive in
>I sit up and wrap my arms around his neck, pull him down to the bed so I'm on top of him
>I kiss and lick his neck, I nibble his ear, his hands are rubbing my throbbing erection and he makes soft little moaning noises as I rub my hands up and down his slender frame.

Oh thanks bro. I didn't realize anyone saved it.

I did, I asked you a while back.
Name's Twitch.

Ah, yeah I remember you. I ended up writing a different ending. I like it a little bit better.

>Laying there next to him, naked and cool under the morning breeze flowing from a half-open window
>Can't focus on the antics of Spongebob and Patrick on the TV
>I'm staring at his eyes. They're green like spring grass after a rainstorm
>He notices, blushes and pretends to keep watching
>Finished eating, I look at the alarm clock on his dresser. The hour is 900.
>My uncle will be home in less than two hours.
>It's over. I know. In a few hours we'll be dressed and back to normal, pretending like none of this happened.
>He and I. We might take this to to our graves with us. Neither knowing what might have happened if things were different, like maybe we were never related.
>Just met each other on vacation somewhere like Galveston or South Padre
>Find him wandering the beach, bored as myself. His hair and his eyes catching my attention as I walk by wondering if he noticed me looking
>He says hey and I say whats up and we start talking and discover our mutual love of Slipknot and Grand Theft Auto and inconsequential things like that.
>It's just like real life except here it's all perfect
>Over the holiday we become inseparable while our families are off doing what normal people do
>We wander the sand dunes and, when we're alone, his hand brushes mine, maybe by accident or some other contrivance. And we fall into it there under the summer sun.
>And there I learn the scent of his hair. God, his hair. Even now it's as real in my thoughts as it's ever been.
>And then on our last day together we pack up to leave and exchange phone number and AIM screen names and promise to keep in touch.
>Secretly we both know what is really happened.
>Now I'm back in the trailer. The hour is 905. I stand up to dress.
>Wordlessly. He does too.
>Maybe he's thinking the same thing.

Going to screencap this too.

I have incest stories but they're sexual and it was when we were both underage, that k or ban

It k

Nah fam you k

Imma pre-type, I'll be back in a bit


You mouth breathing troglodytes make me miss the old greentext threads.

Hey, I try to contribute from time to time. It's just fucking hard to write good incest greentext.


I'll bump with stories I guess.

Here we go:

>be me from ages 5 to 17
>early years in life, was alone with 2 years younger sis a lot
>we did a lot of experimenting, cause of curiosity, and the thrill of trying new things
>even as little kid I was a horny, romance-desperate little fag
>barbie movies etc made me feel so good
>anyways, it all started with kissing
>her lips were dry, so were mine
>the kisses were awful, and still taste bitter when I remember
>but we needed more
>around age 7
>we were inexperienced in sex, didnt really know shit
>it started with us kissing each other's genitals
>she kisses tip of dick, I kiss her pussy wall
>one day I heard something about balls used for sex
>we were lying on floor next to wall and bed, hidden, and I rubbed my balls on her tender pussy
>didnt feel right at all
>later I figured out dick was used
>she layed on her back missionary style, I rubbed dick back and forth
>mfw I never knew about climaxing at this age
>mfw I did other sexual shit with and without sisters without ever knowing the feel of "finishing" until later in life

That's it for now, I got more shit if interested

yeah keep going

Low battery, if thread not dead guess I can post more


Am back, will type another segment of my sexual life

every time that story is posted at least 1 retard comes out of the woodwork.

kill yourself.

I've never actually used my own story with these but why not

> Brother's 3 years older than me
> Single mom, doesn't give a fuck
> Spend a lot of time alone
> Starts when I'm about 6 and he's 9 or so
> Finds a video cassette in mom and step dad's room
> Shows it to me
> Like, 8 dudes fucking some chick
> Bushes everywhere
> Totally disgusted at the image of a girl sucking wang
> He asks me if I want to try what we saw today
> I really don't want to taste that please no
> Somehow he convinces me that I should show him my ass
> He starts fucking me
> This goes on until I'm almost 12
> Cry every night after he does things to me
> Step dad taps the fuck in after I tell people that my brother's essentially raping me but I'm too weak and scared to fight
> Step dad forces himself on me until I'm seventeen
> Afraid to tell anyone
> Finally tell my mother
> "You took my husband from me! I can't believe I raised you to be such a whore!"
> Spiral out of control and start cutting self in middle school
> Eat disorder, puking up food
> Suicidal every day
> Decide that I want to be a guy because my cunt has been touched and used and been the source of my torment since the age of 6
> Imatrannynow.png


came anyway


shut up and stop ruining my fap

Hello peeps, let's continue:

>be me, age around 8
>second sis was born by now, doesn't join our story until later, cousin also joins years later
>my sis and I started regularly "fucking" when we were alone
>that sweet, shy voice that asks " you want know?"
>oh definitely sis ^^
>we did it everywhere
>parents bedroom
>our bedroom
>oh god do I love the bathroom times
>we'd lock ourselves together inside, we had two separate ones, one for just toilet, one for bath and sink
>the toilet room was small, but carpeted and comfy
>my turn
>go on my knees, this thrilling feeling again
>start unzipping her pants, getting ready for it
>the sweet smell of her young pussy hits me in the face
>sniff some more
>start kissing as usual, but then decide to try something new
>"how does this feel sis"
>close my eyes, start wandering my tongue up and down the side of her vagina
>hear a whimper
>"does it feel good?"
>"yes yes keep going user"
>continue kiss-licking
>"do you want me to try the center"
>decide to finally do it
>wander tongue towards center, push it between the flaps
>her hand grabs my face
>"this feels good, but we should stop"
>wtf nigga
>switch turns she kisses my dick
>no suck yet


Sorry, just having a techy "BUT MUH OLD Sup Forums" moment. Makes me miss the days of Column and Shed.

You realize column updates all the time, right? And shed pops in every once in a while.

Shed hasn't "popped in" in literally months.

when was the last update?

I can confirm this, he appears once in a while. Busy with work and shit.

Idiot. Don't ask just do it.
We are all waiting fot you...

Anyone have photos?

I was 7 or 8 smh, should I do more? They take a while so if you wanna wait...

I don't remember the last time he updated, but it was most likely sometime this month. he started updating again as of two months or so ago and frequently shows up in incest threads. Here are his updates.

drive google com/drive/folders/0B3YMBdhaJ7qjZmlkQ2RuQ1RtRW8

Yeah it's been maybe 3 months, I know he has at least shown up here around september, I remember it. And 3 months ago doesn't constitute "muh old /b".

>I can confirm this, he appears once in a while. Busy with work and shit.
You talking about column or shed? Because either way I'm interested.



Has Shedbro managed to finish his stories yet?

Shed views these threads on a regular basis, but rarely ever posts, and never by name, because he's consistently disappointed by the downturn in thread quality.

Seriously, I can't be the only person who's noticed this. Am I just fucking imagining this? The threads seem much more full of shitposting and low quality content than they used to be. Less traffic too.

Still waiting on the last one where his friend finds out about his relationship with his sisters I believe. This is what we have so far.

I think incest threads generally suck ass when it's not holiday seasons. There was a shit load of OC over summer, and I expect the same thing coming winter break.


They're sitting in one of his folders, done but unedited, because he lost the will to finish them because incest threads kinda went to shit.

So are you shed? How else would you know..

Yes, sadly.

Be the change that you want to see in the world, broseph.

Well shit. I'm sorry to hear you're discouraged. I really just think these threads have there up's and downs and currently it's just in a shitty low. It'll peak back up again around christmas I'm willing to bet. There are always people here that lurk that wait for the greats to come out of the woodworks. If I had your writing ability I'd be writing stories, but I just can't write for shit sadly.

Come on dude, if editing is all you need done, do some peer-editing. I'm sure plenty of people would volunteer to do that. Just collect a few editors, send it to their emails and contact them for their edit choices etc.

At the end of the day, it's not about the threads, it's about writing a good story that others will enjoy. What you're doing is art, whether you allow yourself to think it or not.

Honestly this is the first incest thread I've been in in almost 3 months. Not a lot of time for Sup Forums these days, much less writing.



Yeah I know, I kinda feel bad about it, but I have so little free time these days that it's hard to justify taking time to work on greentext shit. If I'm going to spend time writing, there's always this nagging little voice in the back of my head saying, "You know, if you're going to be writing you might as well be writing things for money."

I keep trying to post some of my favorites, but they all hit the imagine size limit. Fucking file restrictions. BUT MUH OLD Sup Forums!

Understandable. I just don't want the lack of OC to prevent you from posting. We had a great story written about two days ago, and there was supposed to be more from this guy as well but he hasn't shown up in a few. It makes sense if you're not showing up because you're too busy, but just know that there are always people waiting for you to return should you choose to.


Alright, I'm going to straight up force myself to finish up the last four stories for you guys, and I'll get them posted in the next incest thread I See after that. Like I said, they're pretty much done, just gotta edit them. There's also been a bit of drama at home, so I don't *really* want to be writing about those two right now, but I don't want to be a tease either, so I'll get it done.


no dumbass i meant the original poster to that screen cap.

he was here yesterday and was going to give us an update.

Here's my story. I'll be on for another half hour, you can ask me pretty much anything


Lay off, at least the guy is trying to post content, which is more than you're doing.

post another round of greentext we aren't familiar with.

im sure you have more great stories.

Thank you shed, I really do appreciate it. Any time frame of when you expect to post it? I really don't want to miss it.

>There's also been a bit of drama at home
If you say you broke up with them I'm going to An Hero.

Can't really say. Like I said, not a lot of time to myself these days. Just got a new job that pays great, but for the first few months the hours are pretty killer.
Well I guess I won't SAY it then, but...

hey many I'm just happy for you that you got a good new job. Let that be your focus, you're doing the right thing. Just when you have the free time and feel the calling, get back to writing.

>Well I guess I won't SAY it then, but...

Holy fuck, don't fucking do this to me man. Your original story was already enough of an emotional roller coaster, I can't handle you guys not having a "happily ever after" now.

>Well I guess I won't SAY it then, but...





Nothing really spectacular had happened besides those 2 times, but I could always elaborate on the hot tub hj

I don't "feel the calling" much these days, but just chalk that up to spending all my time writing for work. Still, I'll buckle down and get it done. Probably tomorrow night or thursday.

I don't want to lie to you, so if you just don't want to hear about it, I'll keep quiet in the future.