Faces of Sup Forums thread

Faces of Sup Forums thread

How yall doing tonight fam?

You look like an edgy 7th grader

you should kill yourself.

Is that really you or is this just shit bait?

yeah i'm a newfag
but then a again arent we all

Lets see you without the hat, hood and bandanna. Fucking faggot

OP does not show his face...fag-tard shit poster

Only decent pic I have, but how is everybody doing?

Working..bored as fuck

>Hey op show your face feggat!!11
>doesn't post face

Kek. Is it just me?

You doing anything for Thanksgiving?

You look like kid on "we're the miller's".


lmfao zack is that you

tits or gtfo


Interesting. lol

Fuck off back to game grumps Ross.


Working more :( might get my something nice for the gas station when that day comes

it makes me sad knowing autists like you are allowed on Sup Forums.

Stale paste, sage in all fields

Wow my phone auto corrected the fuck out of me

Ur hot, I'd give you the s u c c

Rip dude. I hope things go well for you.

t h a n k s

Daddy af. Would bang.

Don't talk to daddy like that.


>ITT we act like normies.


So far that's basically how it's been going.

C u t e

Get out of here OP

sup Sup Forumsrethren

I'm not OP.

No I'm not. I look like a 15 year old

Haha not him. Nice. What brings you to Sup Forums?


tits or gtfo.

no tits just gtfo.


drunk and high

You have a rat face and live with your parents, rate the the taste of a gun barrel.

Hahahaha thanks. Your kind words have freed me from this miserable existance on this chinese noodle board

Welcome to the fold, most of us are ugly.

I'm a dude, hope you like traps.

Too bad you're too much of a pussy to actually kill yourself, you'll just cry about your "depression and anxiety" while listening to Sleeping with Sirens and cutting yourself, wishing you were brave enough to get past your own questioning of God's existence and your fear of hell, which you "don't believe in" but are still frightened by.

Now please


Hahahaha you're funny. What's sleeping with Sirens?


I look away for a few minutes and you guys are acting like shit heads. lmao

Also i never said anything about killing myself. I said you freed me from being on b all day haha fuckin summerfag

>Hard working man
>Good face

What are you doing on Sup Forums?


i like attention so im getting in on this thread. sup Sup Forumsros

Am I open casket material user's?

I spend my life sitting in this box regulating pressures for 10 weeks at a time other then that I lurk on Sup Forums

Hello goddess


what a cute smile

twink tbh

tbh I feel that tho

cute filter! that doesn't look like Snapchat, what is it? also nice hair

what a lovely human

y the frownies when ur pretty af

I would let you suicide bomb my pussy

I always get confused. Is twink a good or bad thing?

bruh. holy shit

am i cute

you look like the cute boy next door in every romcom

good aha it means ur cute in a very specific way

u look like a guy who'd treat a girl right tbh

Umf I wanna lick your boi pussy all night


yes. holy shit yes
>would get fucked in the ass by

you look like a sweet dude who drinks too much coffee

Of course you are

Very handsome

im fatally allergic to coffee, i drink none

too much weed is an easier argument

Can I suck your cock please


Hello, Sup Forumsros.

what do you mean by that?
probably honestly
thank you :)

I didn't even know people could be fatally allergic to coffee

>west coast
>new york hat


you look like such a wholesome guy

5 is fatally allergic, im a 4.61

i just shake and sweat and drool stomach acid and dry heave, its not worth it no matter how good it is

rip, my good dude

A life without coffee horrifies me.

its awful. i spent 6 months building a tolerance to it so i could drink it every day, but anytihng less thank roughly 1.2 liters a day of black coffee and my tolerance would slip. i couldnt do it after a few months

I'm serious, you can violate my sissy ass any way you want too

you look like the kid down the block who got the first gameboy in the neighborhood and shared it with everyone

lol nigga really named his selfie "multi use selfie"... I could only imagine his organizational pattern for his memez. The original pepe meme he has named (hip new meme that people will think im cool for using. NO.5998)

I've no icons for anything in images file, so I just name shit to avoid having to open images to see what they are.

What's good tonight Sup Forumsrothas?

Damn. I suppose you can only drink decaf now. My condolences.

my boys got a name and an index for every picture lewlz

hell yeah

you look like a nice guy

nope, its the coffee itself. none at all

i like you man no homo.. Yer my nigga running windows CE

Rate the new cut, fam

I want you to impregnate me with your Aryan seed

Soviet QT

Too bad I have a cock. ;)

