Someone please tell me how this game is good?

Someone please tell me how this game is good?

good graphics compared to previous games, a semi unique story with a few plot twists some cool characters and Pokemon and MOTHER FUCKING GUZMA

>Reply to Thread No.712590283
although there are way to many cutscenes and it is still kinda easy

better than x and y, they were decent. Huge pokemon diversity, bit harder as well. Played 20 hours so far and I give it a 9/10


wait till you have finished the 3rd kahuna, it gets way more intense.

eh pokemongo is better

Mallow and Lillie for the win!

Do you actually prefer crappy 3d to crisp 2d graphics? 3d vs 2d is not even my main cocern, the game has no gyms only 3 (?) measly challenges is there even an e4 or post game? The game seems like it would take 10 hours tops to complete.

I think it was actually a little harder if you didn't plan out your Pokemon. They made sure your starters would face a challenge at one point so you couldn't just run though the game with a few pokemon. Z moves are gay, wish they added more megas instead of just tossing them to the side

I'm only about 7 hours in, WAY too much dialogue.

Was gonna make a thread about this also. Thanks user

Just got it and been playing for a few hours. It's good, but there's so many fucking cutscenes.

They fixed all the problems in the previous games.

Muk is gloriously multicoloured.

And it's fucking pokemon faggot.

it doesn't have gyms, it has trials, and there are around 9 of them. i haven't finished it myslef but my friends say the postgame isn't amazing but way better than omega ruby etc. it takes way longer than 10 hours, around 30 for the main story.

has like 3 or 4 challenges on each island and a final challenge with grand challenge like the elite four. Played 20 hours so far and have 6 lv 50s and still havnt beat it

You better get used to it

trust me it gets better after 2nd/3rd island.

>They fixed all the problems in the previous games

good1 it's like a digest version of pokemon

the cutscenes get better and less annoyingly constant later in game like 2nd or 3rd island.

is this pokemon in the game?

Yeah, it's a faggot.


non spoiler

It's a cutie!

member when pokemon was good?

I should have expanded on that, I'm not saying it's terrible, it's alright so far, and I trust it will get better, but holy shit it feels like a novel so far.
I also haven't played X/Y OmegaRuby/Sapphire so I don't know if these were any different.

Minor spoiler alert not really, any one else think that was ash in one of the photos?

It's just so unsatisfying that the "boss" of the trials are just giant wild pokemon

anyone get a persona vibe with the way they tried to do the story?

Get out

why don;t you pokemon go out of this thread

They really sexualized a lot of the characters compared to other games

later on like 8-12 hours in the cutscenes end up being like 1-3 per town instead of 12 per town.


how so

3 hours in and half that time was fucking cutscenes

pokemon that were literally created for porn
>im looking at you salazzle and lycanroc midnight form

you should play x/y

I feel so too. The way some of the woman walk, the thong thing from the pink haired skull leader, the black lady and the huge tits one the purple hair ather woman

i know the game has a terrible start but trust me the game is great around the 3rd and 4th islands, well worth the money in my opinion.

hillary. you lost. you can die or something now.

Can anyone confirm Pokemon Star for Nintendo switch?

Is there anyway i can play this on PC????

Aside Tumblr being a character in the game.. it's pretty good

trust me you dont want to

Is the mom a milf in this one?

Aren't they all?

Yea, citra emulator.

Probably is but I don't have it :(

Yeah but you need a pretty good cpu. After a lot of troubleshooting I get 60fps upscaled to 1440 with AA & shit

I don't get the Pokemon fandom. Don't you guys get tired of the same shit over and over and over and over again? Explain.

It's different evry time. Just the combat is the same kinda. It changes every time because they are always adding new shit and types

you could say the same thing about most game series out there...

Oh I see. What a crazy successful franchise.
cod and battlefield fucking suck. Metroid and Mario are cool.

It's ok, like all the other anons said, it gets good after the third Kahuna. It's been pretty enjoyable so far, especially riding on Pokémon, it's really convenient. Worth the 40$? No not really. If you have a good friend that will let you borrow than I would recommend doing that instead of spending your money on it. I bought it mainly because I wanted to see Team Skull in action.

>Finally changes up the formula a bit
>Slightly more braindead & casualized than other Pokemon games
>Huge graphical improvements, actually looks good on emulators
>Some of the new mons are pretty gud
>No more HMs
>A lot more story & cutscenes than other Pokemon games, the game in general has a style that mirrors the anime

Oh finally, I hate hm moves and hwo you needed them to get around the map

this reason

stop ruining my pokemon

A speedrun was 29 hrs, but it took me 45 hours to do story, endgame, and catch all legendaries. Very much worth the money, considering im playing still as i type, trying to form a perfect IV/EV team.

Can we please get some lillie or mallow pr0n in here. Thats decent but i always imagined my primarina with small tits instead of cow tits. Also lillie is bae