What's your least favorite race?

What's your least favorite race?

Be honest

dog racing or relay racing. shit's fuckin retarded.

NASCAR is the stupidest shit I've ever seen. Dale Earnhardt's crash was the best thing that ever happened to it IMO.

Cis gendered white men

that's not a race


mexicans or black people

Kentucky Derbie. Its horrid.

Hey, thats pretty good.

orcs are fucking ugly

Fuckin forsaken i swear dude no one wanta to play as a shitty zombie except for le edgelords that roll forsaken rogue

edgelords roll belfs tho


drag racing sucks



Niggers and spics are tied for tops

Marion, Indiana.
check em?

Ive always hated dreanai. Even belfs are better.

Nah fam blood elves are for gay RPers i dont mind them because they have their own servers

that's for pandas

first gen asians

No at least draenei have cool women fucking forsaken are all ugly and shitty, theyre for that one edgy emo kid who wears yellow and blue to look D I F F E R E N T because of hoe they look atrocious

you mean worgens

White people, then black people and Asians are tied. I have no problem with anyone else, probably because I've had limited experiences outside of that.

I've always thought Le Mans was a bit pretentious

The best race was the Olympic dash where Usain Bolt just murked everyone without breaking a sweat.