/nzg/ - The New Zealand General

/nzg/ - The New Zealand General

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Why are IDs even gone?

Time to fap.


The TPP is dead. Long live the God Emperor.

Caught a Mew in Pokemon Blue using a glitch, thereby fulfilling an almost 20 year old ambition of mine. Back in the day I had no internet to tell me about glitches, if you wanted a Mew you had to go to some convention or something and get it downloaded into your cartridge by Nintendo employees.


this will never be a meme you fucking faggot so stop forcing it.

ki ora cunts

>before trump
>NZ media hates tppa

>after trump
>criticize him for repealing it and acting like it's a good thing

God NZ media sucks

Also Christchurch cuties get at me!

hey sheepfags, hows life in the shaky isles??

Well the TPPA was a better deal for us than them, but there's no story when the government is doing what they're supposed to

>Investor-State Dispute Settlements.
>Better deal for us

who else /mentalhealthinthegutter/ tonight, fam? verge of slitting my own throat on cam these last couple weeks kek

It's fucking summer. Go out and get a tan, and a have someone suck your bell end. You'll be good as new.

fuck man i never even thought of that, chur, thatll certainly fix it straight up, how have i never thought of that.

someone let australia out of the gorilla pen again

GTFO you sheep shagging cunts, you beta fags should of been wiped out in a fucking earthquake
Time for an Aussie shitposting thread.

>Forgetting about out FTAs with Australia, South Korea, and ASEAN as a whole

The ISDS issue is a dupe, we've had them since the late 80's

Get rid of your toxic acquaintances. Quit booze and weed. Pick a lofty goal, something major you want to change about your life, divide it up into baby steps and start walking. Start a healthy diet, and start lifting weights. Go get yourself a buzzcut, a military surplus jacket, a good pair of boots, and a motorcycle. Stop your woe is me shit.

>nz mental health professionals


But user, every thread is an Aussie shitposting thread.

Mental health has been pretty poor over the last few years, but I cut all the shit I was doing that bought me down out of my life over the last year and started doing things for myself, working on my existing connections and shit and feel so much better for it.

Good luck bro

This is not the answer, dear user. Our lord and savoir, anime, has spoken.

This thread is too depressing. Where's that Wellington blonde with the nice big titties at?

>too depressing













why hello newfriend





Sup cunt. Czech this shit out. This Russian language tv show showed the inside of the Topol-m for the 1st time yesterday,



why hello newfriend

wassup my nigga? will add to watch later, busy shitposting atm

>says the guy impersonating idbro
fuck outta here you filthy impostor

i'm wondering what kind of shit canons amricans had in their stuff that could pierce frontal tiger armor like those two big spots

that is a PzIV, not a tiger

shit forgot image



DERP, sorry about the freudian slip. That's clearly an Iskander-M, not a Topol.

big fucking missiles huh? lemme see what i've got

how about a bunch of smaller ones?


Not the biggest fan of western shit. The last aesthetic weapon system to come from north America was the composite bow and the glass arrow. I pretty much left the NZDF coz the steyr was lame.

South d here


I'm sorry to hear that

Don't be silly, South D doesn't have internet

russian then?

reactive armour and khibimi makes me moist.

my bad, didn't notice turret lengh, this explains that

here's some very dead reactive armor

A little laggy but it works well

oh, here's a big fucking missile for you

i wonder how much air pressure they use to launch those things out of the water like that

on-road tracks
must be a magazine pic

John Key was working so hard in Peru to resurrect TPPA.
It still may happen but with out the US.
That may be a good thing if it means that it tells the US corporates to go fuck themselves.

here's a very well ventilated B1 for my french loving user if he's here

moar big fucking missiles, not quite as big as an ICBM, but still pretty sizable

get in faggots, we're going to hunt muricans

the TPP/A is all about bigger profits for the big corporations

Sup bois, what is your guys speed? And how much you paying?

Shameless dude freeloading at parents place reporting in.


not sure those rounds got through

supposed to be 50 over 20, paying 45 monthly for the first year, but highest speed i've gotten is 10mbps

also paveway about to obliterate that target boat

Moving to titrangi/New Lynn area next weekend, anything i should know?

hey car bros, check out my slammed tank

nigli, on fibre?

How much does one missile cost

yep, fibre

and depends on the missile, older tech probably 5 digits, the bigger and newer it gets the more digits, up to 7 easily


The girls at the asian massage place on great north road will suck your dick bareback for $160


that's actually a really cool pic, gonna add it to my collection


more french tanks for my french loving user friend

>not christchurch

who /incase/ here

do you like not ever get bored of posting this every night - i mean im not complaining but every single thread.

dedication i guess

yay finally found some reactive armor

pay for 1000Mbps down, 500Mbps up, $108 per month including landline

? You think im a poser?


My Grandfather had a story of being in command of a tank attack group in italy.
they had been told there were no allied tanks in the area.
grandfather was in a jeep heading back to command post after setting up when he came across a murican tank.
rode back on top of tank waving his hat so it wouldn't get blown away

why does that ancient snowy shithole get the best internet in the country, im sitting here in auckland on 1mbps upload


no? i meant i'm not from christchurch you silly billy

so he came across an abandoned running tank, and rode it back to command?



New Zealand has good drugs.

moar french tanks

no, he came across some muricans in a tank heading for the area his troops had set up.
muricans either hadn't passed on troop movements, or were in the wrong area

is that christchurch in the background??

You must have the meanest porn collection

this fuckin thing

so, he captured the tank and rode it back to command? that story makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, y'all need a whole lot more detail

as of a few weeks ago, the plan was made available pretty much NZ wide

tankman trusty as always

for shame, you disgrace double dubs