I haven't been on here in years. I don't know what happened to Sup Forums. It makes me laugh honestly...

I haven't been on here in years. I don't know what happened to Sup Forums. It makes me laugh honestly. A place where minds beyond that of sheep congregated. There were idiots of course, but the majority had enough intellect to see beyond the shit and piss of deception. There's a plot to enslave all of us. To put a new world order into place. We will lose our rights slowly and become slaves. Kanye West spoke out against the plan, on more than one occasion. He has been taken now by those who seek a new world order. Nobody sees that he is being silenced. Sup Forums disappoints me now. No wonder its dying.

Other urls found in this thread:


nice bait faggot try using a different picture next time to make it less obvious

Hahaha like the picture matters you fucking fool Wake the fuck up

le special club of smarts has now moved to reddit you should join them >:)

i miss the old kanye


:It doesn't matter right man nothing matters our lives are nothing ecept insignificant blips on a never-ending span of time. That's why they can do whatever they want to us. There is no god. There is no hell. There is here. There is now. You all either don't see what happening around you or don't care. It's easy that way. Not caring. There really isn't anything we can do.

Hello Mr. Nihilist. Merry fucking christmas

Haha good luck man really. Sit on here.

>thread about being better than everyone and OLD Sup Forums! !! ! !
>kanye picture
sure it has nothing to do with it. suuure.

He finally snapped.
Taken on a stretcher and handcuffed for "exhaustion".
Guess he knew all along huh?

hey you dirty nig nog i said i miss the old kanye ill live forever hahahahahaha FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!

You really think I wrote this to say I'm better than anyone. You think what anyone says matters. Our lives are all completely meaningless. The picture doesn't matter. It never has. That's exactly whats so funny. The picture is the thing that's being focussed on. The message isn;'t even discussed. No one has the critical thinking ability to talk or discuss. I don't care what is said about me. Only a zombie would become offended when their identity hasn't been compromised.

If you think Kayne West ever had a plan than I know whos mind is snapped.

He just spoke on it publicly. But they'll either kill him or change him now.

Good luck. And it's "then" you fucking slave.

Now I'm being serious when I say this, and I really think you should take it into some consideration. Why don't you kill yourself? Tonight?

This has to be bait?

They went to 9gag

look at the 15 year old who tried a psychedelic wowwee!

All I have is life. The only thing any of us have is our time in this existence. we give our lives meaning. The most brilliant thing that nobody realises is, is that we are free. We're fucking free. Because our lives and this existence have no preordained rules we can determine any choice an outcome we desire. You telling me to kill myself hahaha. I honestly laughed out loud. This is what you fools aren't getting. This isn't bait. This isn't bullshit. You need to realise that there are larger forces at works here.

Good luck.

Good luck.

I could care less whatever the sheep follow.

youre acting like you're the shitposting jesus. Shut up already your thread sucks.

Good luck.

this thread is bait or this guy's been stumped
>inb4 Good luck.

It's funny how no one realises how free they are as anonymous posters anymore.

Also OP is a gigantic cock smoking faggot even if he is a little bit right.

True OP is fucking cancer, lol.

This is part true but do you have to make it sound like you're such a cocksucker?

where is the evidence? What makes kanye any more of a sheep than us? Why is his knowledge of the world any more significant of our own?

>"This is what you fools aren't getting."

Well we don't really need evidence one way or the other. What you need to do is consider what he's saying and make up your own mind about it.

Look dude the kids right he just sounds like a gigantic faggot while saying it. Take the context away from the faggotry and you'd probably agree.

The Bateman cuck.

Of course some of what he's saying is right but you'd have to be stupid to not realise something like that. He thinks he's got everything figured out. It's his cunty ego that's awful about it.

next potus 2020

Shitty concert last night Kayne. You're the cuck. Why don't you stop being a pussy op?


At least he's telling the truth to the sheeple.

Oh yeah, I know, I'm just trying to break the cunt so he can separate himself from his own bullshit, goddamn he sounds like such a poof, right?

What's the deal with the kanye pics

>mfw Kanye dies

I think the people resonated with his rant the other night.

What rant fgt

fucking lol

where the link

Fucking what? Dude, this shit.


McKenna represent, I'm from the school of RAW.

aww yea nigga im known as the mutha fuckin mushroom man aswell

Fuck me puff Diddy looks like shit

What a dumb nigger


i dont know what he is even saying

Haaha fuck yeah dude, keep on your path, just don't forget there's life outside of all the knowledge though.

i love you

Your opinion man, I agree with the dude, he had a good vision before the fame got to him.

Chikin and watermelon

Hahaha, here give this a listen if you feel like it man.


I gotta go to bed mang but I bookmarked it and I'll give it a listen tomorrow. Peace broseph Gordon Levitt

real illuminati here... west is just a typical tard that acts like he's on crack and LSD all the time. his application was rejected.


What the fuck do u mean kanyes a dumb black attention seeking whore

And a fatwa on you.

that's dumb, you're dumb.
