New loli bread

new loli bread

Author : モナカ公国

Other urls found in this thread:

Smug lil bitch

I don't understand why patreon exists

so perverts get showered with masturbatory monetary funding

ah good now where were we


also this thread will be comfy thread

so artists can get paid and you can support the kind of art you want to see more of
also because people are careless with their money, especially weeaboo pedos and furries with very particular fetishes



Wait how can villager perform doggystyle?

ew fucking stop

>also because people are careless with their money

I'm supporting over 10 different loli artist on patreon.(around $1~2 ea). I don't think $10~15 a month spent on getting content I want is careless.


keep going

some people shell out 100s of dollars dude. perverts are more often than not very dumb



hey I take offense to that,... even though it's true

>some people shell out 100s of dollars
If I had a good job I probably would too. Not like I have a wife, girlfriend or kids.

with a step-ladder




aka 99% of Sup Forums

I'm not one to judge, shit I spend money on frivolous things all the time
but think about it, if 10-15$ a month for a year is 120-180$, and if you instead ate only ramen and put all your money into stocks/starting a business, in ten years would your life maybe be different?
You don't see self made millionaires spending money on frivolous stuff like that, at least not when they are starting out with seed money
But spend it on what you enjoy, just remember also to save some


Why do people never strip fully off their clothes whwn engaging in sex? Had a wet dream that i had sex outdoors




Are those two topics uhh related?



Just why have sex wearing clothes?

>if 10-15$ a month for a year is 120-180$
But I make like $450 a week.

> just remember also to save some
Well yeah I'm not going to fuck myself trying to support em

Most people don't realize a ton of new loli content is thanks to patreon/commissions


Because a youtube musician thought it would be a good idea and it took off very quickly

I don't know
don't ask me lol

>webm has zero seconds
>video has tons of frames

dude what 3+3 does not = fish man



i like loli with little pubes



All I get is the sad panda... I never understood how that exhentai thing worked.



>you're basically using my pussy to masturbate




"Theres so much hot stuff in my baby room"? wtf japan

>people still cant get past panda


Gosh, that was helpful.



Star vs the forces of evil comic here

It's easy. All you gotta do is *content available only for premium users*

>New Ch@n open.

wait 1 month
clear cookie


So do I :3





How many more pages?

I have no idea

Got the pixiv source?


A well, thanks guys.
Not that I'm joining anything though.

o shit its about to get real

Make an account on the forums.

then use the extension


not on pixiv it's on tumblr...... which then links to imigur, for each page

webms AND star butterfly doujin? this turned out to be a nice thread
thanks anons














an engineering marvel

welp guys that's it for now this is the last page the artest has. source is areablogs tumblr


good show ur a god amongst men user

The comic progresses about as fast as a dbz episode



The old five minute trick.

Thank you very much Loli Sup Forumsro. Fucking diamonds right now.

looks like he updates about every week though so check back if you want more. now if you'll excuse me it's 4AM and my bed is looking damn sexy right now. goodnight
