Dunno But I honestly feel no joy in seeing this. It's terrible, kids so broke they have to degrade themselves for $...

Dunno But I honestly feel no joy in seeing this. It's terrible, kids so broke they have to degrade themselves for $. No fapping 4 me

Other urls found in this thread:


Yeah, this is really sad. Degradation on file.

They would be better off making money in a bus depot bathroom than posting pictures like this, just to have them posted on random sites.

Hope there's a solution to this that can be found soon.

To add, the poor girl is my age; older than me by about a little over four months.

Damn kid, hang in there. If only you could receive financial aid for being a full time student, and receive scholarships you don't have to pay back for your hard work.

wow what has happened to Sup Forums

moralfags happen

So this is where you guys draw the line huh?

no problem
bring it on
>dead puppers
>poor bitches that have to get naked
oh hell no

oh please, you didn't really think everyone was as big of an asshole as you, did you? besides, she's in china; you can never find her yourself or fuck her over on Sup Forums; it's already been done so there's no point in relishing in someone's misery.

if there's one thing i know about my fucked up homeland, it's these lenders are going to eventually be dealt with, hardcore. pulling shady shit like this in china is about the dumbest thing possible; government's anger backed by the people = you're fucked.

anyone want to be actually helpful?

Let's hope for a default!! I wonder what host will be used. I want more information, I love as a in chicks, and I wanna link!!!


>better off getting raped with aids than having your boobs on the internet

Yaaa okay

You're disgusting people and you should be ashamed of yourselves.


here one just censored

you can find some if you look hard enough. try twitter

damn she fine
more chinese girls please


Go! Go! Go!
Let's see if we can get a trending hashtag. Let's get college chicks to take topless selfies in solidarity.


for got there are pussy here


thank you kind user

wtf ahahahah blur the nudes but not the photo ids or names on the id's ahahah boy do i wish i could read gook tho

thanks bro

I though the samething

what info would you want from the ID? all thats on there is:
Name, Gender, Ethnicity, Date of Birth, Address, and ID number

These posts are absolutely disgusting.

Go fuck yourselves. No one is forcing them to post their nudes. The creators of these loans are actually utilizing capitalism properly. Invent a way to make money. No slavery, no losers.

Trump approves of this style of business.


post your faves from the link

Whatever the shit this forehead is


how is this your favourite

>nice hair

... and for the white knights out there by watching this we are helping them ...

There was never a specific meaning behind "favorite". I choose funny, as the reason for my favorite.

Fuck that pervs.. hope they burn in hell

pedofags, should be brought to jail and fucked by each prisoner in there

>dead puppers
sick bastards, hope they get cancer for christmas

>poor bitches that have to get naked
ooh.. come on...


this one here isnt naked i demand compensastion

Already saved.
The ones posting will just post again, because their motive is to publicize. We will find the next source, and the next source after that. Never has a little work come between an user and nude Asian chicks.

an if enough people see that and this becomes common knowledge there will be yet another thing that makes people in the west disgusted by chinks
they can even try to pretend they are going to stop doing it
...win win


I just want to see tits, blackmail just makes it all the better

now we just gotta get a hashtag going in which we convince the rest of the world that a rich japanese businessman is giving away 100,000 yen for each posted to the hashtag

I think it may be time for you to head back to plebbit faggot.

i mean this sounds cool and all but who would pay 12.000 $$ for a couple of shitty pics ...

Thank you based user. Today fapnight is saved again.

If I were the credit shark, they'd be doing a lot more than just post pics.
Hmmm fresh, nubile wombs

You're just making the rest of us harder

China is a great country.

In the US they suck dick for 2$ to pay for the college. Must suck to be in a country where education isn't free.

>In the US they suck dick for 2$ to pay for the college

any more?


Is that all they do if you don't pay? Goddamn. Do they take dick pics?

no red neck inbred crying excuse bitches please. trump supporters are all crying little bitches.

Let's face it they are female hence they are sluts anyway and would normally be doing this shit for free. It's nice they're getting a little extra pocket change for just being themselves.

No, they don't. I found a USB of some chinese FOB who traveled here to pay $50,000 out of state tuition a year to be a social studies teacher. I had passport pictures and everything.

If these broads would pay the loan off in time, there would be no issues.

They are bringing it upon themselves.

i need to fuck her so bad