How do i tell my roommate to take a fucking shower without coming off as a rude cunt? the fucker is pretty fat as well...

how do i tell my roommate to take a fucking shower without coming off as a rude cunt? the fucker is pretty fat as well, so the smell is something else. im sure his coworkers are also in the same pickle as me. cuz hes a good guy and all but he just fucking smells awful. he showers like once a month so its not like he doesnt understand how to shower, he's just a lazy sack of non showered shit. like should i open up a few tabs on my computer on showering, soaps, hygiene and leave them open so he has to notice them?

Talk to him like a proper roommate as a fat sack of shit myself I had to learn how bad I smelled the hard way. If you like the guy tell him,if he doesn't respond well that's a problem unto itself.

we met playing vidya and he doesnt take kind to any form of 'help' he's a massive know it all. whenever i say something helpful he pretends he knew or that he invented it. its beyond me why he just doesnt fucking shower.
like you said, someone had to tell you. lets back up. what made you think u weren't doing anything wrong and allowed yourself to smell that bad?

Save out a few turds from your next shit and rub him down while he's sleeping. (Use gloves)

Btw, I vote this as the most /b question of all time

thanks for the vote, reddit
legit kek'd at your suggestion btw. but im sure he doesnt mind shit on his body, i tested it once and folded the toilet paper in pattern b4 he took a shit, and the paper was untouched. fucker doesnt wipe.

Peoples topped having anything to do with me. They would go out of their way to exclude me from shit then one day my friends had an intervention and was like basically, group you stink we love you but shower more and take care of yourself if I you're not gonna lose weight etc. I thought I was just not well liked or whatever but it was the fact I didn't shower more than like once every 3 weeks. To be fair if the guy doesn't do much work showering more than like 3 times a week won't do much unless he's just a natural skinky fucker. Drop some hints if you don't wanna be confrontational but if you guys are friends just sit him down and be like bro, we need to talk kinda stuff.

Your an idiot loser beta duck, you deserve to suffer from this since you are too pussy to talk to him lmao also your retarded, "maybe I'll leave tabs open" you dumb fucking loser I'm glad your in this situation, enjoy suffering , while I don't fag

In my case as a fantasy who games most of his time away you get used to your own smell to the point of it being the norm or even good smelling. It's pretty fucked, you don't realize your smelling like cheese and sweat cause that's what you smell all the time. It takes someone shoving it in your face or whatever for you to be like, shit I need to work on this

yeah i def want to just sit down with him and just tell him. hes 27 so its not like some awkward teen phase. hes been through college, jobs, friends, etc b4 i ended up with him. so hes pretty much has had 27 years of doing his shit without someone telling him otherwise. thats the part where i dont know how to go about it. like a small example, i called him out on a something in a game, he got mad and doesn't play that game as much. if i call him out on showering the wrong way, something thats real life related, i just cant even imagine the shit storm. the fucker smokes too, i used to smoke, but he made me quit, like his smell, and the smell of cigarettes all in the same room. fucking hell.

are you my smelly roommate? thats something he would say

>good smelling
oh god.

Sounds rough to be sure man. I've been that smelly guy and to be fair he may not even think he smells. It's hard to come to grips with being that fat smelly guy and he won't believe it's that case at first but if he's anything like me,his peers coming at him will resonate even if he doesn't like it

Sounds like my ex bf. gives me the creeps thinking about it

i fee like i need to do something extreme and whenever he calls me out i'll be like 'at least i smell good'

by any chance are you my roomamte?
I have a feeling I might be this person.
where is this at?

>ex bf
>tfw someone like that gets a gf

Might come to something like that , if he is as dismissive as you say. Try not to hate him or be too hurtful as like I said he may not even thin no its possible or something, I was in denial for awhile. After the initial shove in his face try to help him out with tips or something if you can even if he dismisses it to your face he might take it to heart

dude must have no reason to shower
given up on any intimacy and accepts his fate as being forever alone
that or he doesn't want to pay an endless ammount of monies on showering which in turn makes him realize what anugly mass of fat he is

bro, thats why i made this thread, i love this guy to death, but this is his one flaw. i dont want to be a cunt and hurt his feelings. lol gay i know but idc. he has helped me thru some rough times, hell, he let me live with him, so im just great full but he needs to shower lmao

Op here, I told him that something stunk in the house and I think he got the hint because he immediately got up and went to take a shower.

Well if you two are as close as that then he probably at least thinks about what you have to say so passive agressiveness is probably a bad way to go about it. Do you guys have any female friends who would be willing to say something even if it's not directly to him. Like "what's that smell" casually around him. That shit bothered me enough to be like is this me and crap.

Well that's a good start if he thinks you're aware it's him he might take it more seriously

Lol, you literally describe my ex housemate. Overweight, non showered smelly, same clothes without wash, cigarettes, weed, booze. God help us all the weeks after he took MDMA. The profuse amount of sweat pouring out of that body writhing on the couch caused a wretched scent that lingered for nearly a month.
Top guy though, great friend and nobody could bring themselves to say anything

You could try to reinforce his decision by mentioning the house smells better in an hour or so

Say this:
Let's play a game! Whoever gets an erection while taking a shower first wins!

Fuck him right in the boipucci.

if i stank i'd expect the dude living with me to fucking tell me. man the fuck up or find a new room mate.

"Ya stink friendo and im out this bitch if you dunt shower homo. Smell ya later nigga but not really"
Try it

Hide all the Doritos bags and console cables until he gets im the fucking shower

>being a "great friend" to a fucking subhuman

Some of you people need to get some standards. What does it say about you, that you associate with these degenerates? Wouldn't you prefer friends who meet basic standards of decency? FFS meet some actual human beings.