My cat died a few days ago. He was my best friend. I didn't have many friends growing up but he was always there for me...

My cat died a few days ago. He was my best friend. I didn't have many friends growing up but he was always there for me. He lived for 19 years. Pic related. We called him Mouse since he was so small when we first got him. Goodnight, sweet prince. Obligatory feels thread.

take a dog

I have Moar pics if you guys want some. Also sorry about the angle. My phones all weird.

I already have one.

Rip mouse :(

I'm sorry for your loss OP.

He looks like he was a good guy.

best thing to do is taking a new cat.

Sorry for you loss, I lost my cat of 18 years 3 weeks ago. Feels bad.


He lived a long life! Rest in peace Mouse

Do not get a new cat until you get over this death. Getting a new one this soon is unhealthy for you and for the new cat

rip mouse

Sry for ya user

My letter to him, we buried him Thursday (he died Thursday morning) and it was buried with him in a glass bottle. Sorry if the angle if all fucked, my phones old.

My cat died at the age of 12 to cancer 3 years ago. Know how you feel bro

Thanks for understanding

May he rest in peace.

Op, may advanced cat math help you out.

He looks beautiful in those pictures OP. You gave him 19 years of love and a family, he lived a good life thanks to you and your family.

It's painful now, but that's life. We all deep down know we'll probably outlive our pets, but we get them anyway and love them while we can and you'll hold onto your memories of him forever, grieve now and honour his memory.
When you're ready, get a new cat or dog and begin the process anew.

Rest in peace.

nice letter OP

He was a great cat. He was very loyal and accepting. When you called his name he would listen and obey. When I first came home from the hospital after being born he was there. He never judged anyone and very open to everyone.

So sorry for your loss :(
RIP Mouse

That sucks bro
RIP in peace Mouse

RIP sweet keety

He was there because you gave him food. It's the same with women. As long as you give them money they're loyal

I know this maybe too much to ask, but can someone screencap this. I wanna post it in feels threads so that Mouse can live forever as a meme.

He didn't care much about food. He wanted to go outside more than anything. Hence why he was very skinny.

rip mouse

the feels

RIP kitty

My cat died 2 years ago. She slept in my room and knew she wasnt supposed to yowl at the door when she wanted out. Her food, water, and litter box were in there if she needed anything. One night she woke me up yowling. I rolled out of bed and swatted her. Went back to bed and she started yowling again. I got up and smacked the shit out of her. She kept yowling and wouldn't stop so I took her to bed because she will normally go back to sleep that way. That's when I realized her back legs weren't working. They were totally limp and cold. Went to pet ER. She had suffered a stroke and a blood clot was blocking flow to her rear body. Vet said the cat was in excruciating pain and should be put down asap.
I can't believe my last moments with my cat was me being a monster and mercilessly beating her when she was already suffering.

Fuck, man, sorry for your loss. Don't know how I'm gonna cope when my cat dies.

True bro

Why would you hurt a cat at all?


I know how you feel. If I didn't say my goodbyes to my cat before he died I would not be able to forgive myself. You did the right thing taking her to the ER and putting her out of her misery.

thanks you

Wtf is wrong wrong you? I hope you die the way you treated that poor cat.

No problem. May mouse's memory live on forever.

and how can you live with that user

I'm sorry bro. I'm sure you gave him a good life and he was a happy cat.

We got a kitten a few months ago and just the thinking of him dying makes me want to cry.

Yatzy reporting in from afterlife saying she will take good care of Mouse kitty


Your dog I presume?

Feels bad bro.

I feel like I should clarify that the cat bad a stroke because she was fat. Not because I beat her so hard that she had a stroke

she was put down 2 years ago ish but yes my dog

I didn't have many friends in my youth either OP. Instead I had my cat. His name was Tiny. I loved him more than anything. He disappeared one day.... I'm quite sure my senile piece of shit neighbor killed him (he killed a few of our pets). I tried to have him charged but animal control wouldn't touch him without solid proof, even after he admitted to a few killings. I never forgave him or my parents for trying to nonchalantly cover it up.... They literally had no idea what he meant to me. He was my absolute very best friend and even after 13 yrs I still remember him fondly and miss him (it just doesn't hurt as bad anymore). Not every important person in your life is a human. It's okay to be sad about it just try and remember him fondly.

I'm very sorry to hear that. Thank you for being here and for the reassurance.

I'm sorry to hear that. I hope your neighbor dies a slow death.

Its okay man, I think about my old cat just about every day. cried like a bitch for about 3 hours the other day for three hours the other day cause i miss him so much. hes not even dead, ill just never see him again and its breaks my heart.

just know that your cat lived a long and healthy life being loved in a nice home and theres nothing more he could have hoped for.

i love you user, things get better soon

May lady Bast welcome Mouse into the warm sands of Caternity.

Saved for future feels threads.


Slighty worried thou as Mouse (in swedish musen) was her go hunting word heh. Also pic of current woggy

They kinda look alike.

Nice catto
11/10 would pet
RIP Mouse

Godspeed sweet Mouse. You were too beautiful for this world.

I was hear to call you a faggot, but I have lost a few of my cats and I still miss them to be honest. It gets better with time, but it will always hurt.

Not really

Damn nigger, homeboy tryin to sleep FFS.

oh well, she's a very beautiful dog.

im sorry for you lose. Its sad to lose a furry friend, but you had 19 wonderful years !
i lost mine this [past moth, im still seeing them out of the corner of my eye sometimes.

Lara says Thank you! and continues snooring and farting lol


Oh, what a sweetie. He looks like my kitty, who went ahead two years ago. I still miss him every day.

Goodnight, Mouse. Thank you for being such a good cat for so long.

Salute to Mouse. May his paws be remembered, always.

Mouse looks like a pretty bad dude OP, just as mouse helped you when you needed a friend, you should help another cat who needs someone. Go down to the shelter and return the favor to these wonderful animals.

Rip catto

i know the feeling, bro.
my sincerest condolences.
R.I.P Mouse

teared up reading that user so sorry for you're loss.. my kitty is going on 12 years i can't imagine life with out her.

RIP, Mouse, sincerely.

Mine is about 16, no sign of dying, but bawled my eyes out a couple of nights ago just from thinking about it.

Gutenacht Mouse.