Hello Sup Forums, lets have a quick survey to see how financially fucked you are, or if you've got positive cash flow

Hello Sup Forums, lets have a quick survey to see how financially fucked you are, or if you've got positive cash flow

>weekly income:
>monthly rent:
>monthly car insurance:

>age: 30
>job: sysadmin
>saved: 25k on hand
>weekly income: $1300 after tax
>monthly rent: $1300 mortgage payment, $240k outstanding
>monthly car insurance: ?? like $90?

>age: 20
>job: CEO of 2 service companies
>saved: $6154
>weekly income: $1100
>monthly rent: $850
>monthly car insurance:$197

>>saved: 25k on hand
Do you like to not spend because seeing the numbers feels better?

> 19
> None
> $12,000
> Rich parents pay me as much as I want
> Don't pay for rent, live at college
> Parents pay for car insurance

Pretty good!

what do you want me to spend it on?

it's offset against the mortgage so it's approx 4.5% a year. been on international holidays in the last year, go out all the time. it's there if I need it.

A 2006 Evo 9. That's what i want

got a 2014 honda civic, good enough for me

not much of a car guy fam

Just the thought of owning that car gives me butterfly's... couple more months of hard work and she'll be mine

just remember they lose value constantly while you own them. don't spend too much on it unless you've got money to burn or love it.


I am suspicious of Sup Forumstards' claims they are this financially well off.

$0 paid mortgage

Evos hold value pretty well, unless you blow the fucker up though. But their is a good demand for evo 8/9s

Do you get triggered when you see illegal happenings on Sup Forums

>Contract writer
>Trustafarian with ~$800k
>$500 rent
>$140/month car insurance

>age: 22
>job: military
>saved: 2200
>weekly income: 550
>monthly rent: 0
>monthly car insurance: 60

>age: 21
>job: nothing solid, I show up when they call
>saved: $3000
>weekly income: varies
>monthly rent: none, live at parents
>monthly car insurance: no car señor

Gas Station Clerk
Depends on days work $350~$450

>>age: 21
>>job: Electrician
>>saved: $3200
>>weekly income: $760
>>monthly rent: $0 trappin' out with los Padres
>>monthly car insurance: 70$

>Trustafarian with ~$800k
if you're serious, my nigga

>age: 20
>job: CEO of 2 service companies
>weekly income: $1100


MFW you mow lawns


>age: 2
>job: Student
>saved: Mommy, what is a saving?
>weekly income: 5 dollars
>monthly rent: Mommy, what is a rent?
>monthly car insurance: 5 Monopoly dollars.

>age: 23
>job: Journalist / temp worker
>saved: $500
>weekly income: $300 - $500 (varies)
>monthly rent: $375 (split)
>monthly car insurance: I don't drive

Real estate bub.

Yeah. No idea what to do with it. I guess buy a house, but don't plan on settling anywhere for several years.

>>age: 29
>>job: None
>>saved: Bout £500
>>weekly income: £125 medical
>>monthly rent: £160 because my parents dont give me a free ride
>>monthly car insurance: Cant even drive.

> 27
> Network Engineer
> About $12k in my savings, fiance has about the same
> After Tax $800
> My portion, $600 (San Diego Fag)
> $90 including renters

Dont consider myself fucked by all means

Your money is less valuable than mine money because of its legitimacy.
You can't buy WHATEVER you want.
Your money can be taken or lost at any point in time.

Go fuck your self you degenerate.

Before you make money decisions, make sure you're well grounded and its thought out. Such money has a way of inflating your needs, and before you'd know it, broke. Happens to lottery winners all the time! God speed user and congrats

>age: 25
>job: electical engineering student
>saved: -100€ in bank (was -1500, got 1200€ student loan)
>weekly income: 200€
>monthly rent: 0
>monthly car insurance: 0

Are you buying it new? Because a new car can be one of the worst investments one can make. The second you put a mile onto the car the price drops drastically. I would highly recommend getting it used, even if slightly.

>age: 20
>job: Marine
>saved: 2k
>weekly income: $360ish
>monthly rent: none
>monthly car insurance: $156

>Engineer drafter
>32k USD
>Live with parents

Damn at 20yo lucky you

No sir, buying the most respected used i can find (hard to find) But the generation i'm after was made in 2003-2006 (evo 8/9) The current gen is the evo 10.. which looks wack

What are you a CEO of a fucking ebay store or something?

>age: 25
>job: IT
>saved: £3000
>weekly income: £200
>monthly rent: £400
>monthly car insurance: £0

>job:it for the govt
>weekly income:4k
>monthly rent:500
>monthly car insurance:dont have a car

>>weekly income:414 per week
>>monthly rent:650
>>monthly motorcycle insurance:paid yearly (200$ in total)

>job:it for the govt
>weekly income:4k
>monthly rent:500
>monthly car insurance:dont have a car

TV Tech
I suck at saving
$600 take home
$440 (room mate)

I live comfortably enough as to not really worry about money. But I sure wish I had more.

Thank you user, but no luck here. just a ton of research and listening to people who are where i want to be, and follow the foot steps as closely as i can

Real Estate Wholesaling

$360 weekly? Jesus christ man what the fuck are we doing to you guys

>>weekly income:4k
Wait what. What are you doing?

I have a son of 7 months, and we just recently moved to a new place and i needed furniture and a pc, and a smart tv, the rest goes to food and diapers and milk

Real Estate Wholesaling?

You flip houses for a living? Good luck man, I really mean that.

If/When the market crashes, youre out of luck.
Source: I work at a bank and have tons of clients big and small like you

Job: Marketing in pharma industry.
Saved: 2.93 in account and about $9000 in antiques.
Weekly: $480
Rent: $500
Car: none

That's like 12-13 an hour, homie

Please be very careful user. Life isn't fair and has a way of surprising us all. God forbid that gov job were to cut you for some reason, you'd be fucked. Look into other options so you're never caught with your dick in your hand

Yeah thats really shitty pay for military service. Thats shitty pay to begin with not to mention this lad has a career going.

I was making $23 an hour working at Bestbuy and I wasnt dealing with half the shit my nigga user here deals with

>age : 32
>job : IT
>saved : $13,211 on hand
>weekly income : $800 after tax
>monthly rent : what's that? i own my home.
>monthly car insurance : $64

>age: 33
>job: Sr. Embedded Software Engineer
>saved: $400,000
>weekly income: $5,000
>monthly rent: $0 (house paid off)
>monthly car insurance: $80

>You flip houses for a living?
Wholesaling in realestate is a master niche. I put a shit but has potential property under contract, turn around then assign that contract to one of my investor buyers for an assignment fee (2k-15k average) and close quickly. Rinse repeat. Educate yourself, fool.

Thanks for the advise, i realise i have to make some savings for the baby, its kind of hard i mean i never had money, or a place of my own, i started with this job two years ago, and is hard to fight with the impulse of buying shit, especially for my son, i bought a giant beautiful tricicle but he cant even stand on his own yet.

Nah nigga you a straight used car salesman. Look at yourself in the mirror and bet honest with yourself.

>age: 19
>job: Student
>saved: 12.304,71 €
>weekly income: //
>monthly rent: 750 €
>monthly car insurance: //
College life

I hear ya with the spending issue. The thing that fixed it for me was loading up my csgo loadout with the best of the best shit (FN Dlore, ST M9 Marble fade, ST karambit doppler) Then gambled it all away on a coin flip. That straightened me the fuck up because it was such a painful lesson, similar to if you put your hand on a hot stove test if its hot. you only need to learn once or twice


I strive to be exactly you in a few years.

>saved: 0
>I needed a smart TV

well played

Attaboy. What i your "secret" you would tell people if they asked you how to be financially successful

>saved: $17k
>weekly income:around 600 euros
>monthly rent: 0, paid by the firm
>monthly car insurance: 0, paid by the firm

No expenses?

just food, girlfriend and helping mom out. That's about it. I'm in very good relations with the company owners.

Geez user you pfc or something? As an HM3 I'm making 500ish a week money will come in as you pick up rank I've been in for 5 now best 5 ever headed to 3rd MARDIV oki in a few months just reenlisted for another 3 years so hope to see ya around stay motivated devil dog rah!

Weekly income:$500
Monthly rent: $680
Car insurance:45