How was it possible for the Egyptians to build the pyramids within just a couple millimeters of precision (mind you...

how was it possible for the Egyptians to build the pyramids within just a couple millimeters of precision (mind you that we are measuring that today and im sure in its day it was perfect) 5,000 years ago when we couldn't even build the pyramids today will all of our 'advanced technology'?

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It wasn't. They're not. We could.


how do you explain these inside box cuts in a stone that was harder than anything else the ancients had access to?

They must have used diamond, its the worlds hardest metal

Jesus christ. You don't need to cut the stone. All you have to do is melt some rock and pour it in a sand mold.

You must be trolling.. Explain how they would possibly be able to achieve that level of forging.

I don't think you know what forging means..

You obviously don't know how to geology.

Aliens. Ancient ones.

i know you all think they are bat shit insane. but seriously if you really listen to what they say it makes you think

have you ever seen a mm? i work manually with small increments. getting within 2mm consistently is no prob

>if you really listen to what they

That's where you go wrong. The show is sensational garbage.

How did the build the pyramids? They had a few ridiculously intelligent designers then they threw human death and suffering at stones until they were built

why do people think ancient people were complete dumbasses? sure they didnt have literature and calculus but they werent retarded. they could problem solve

i dont care how many humans you have. you cant lift and transport a 200 ton stone with just humans

He's right though. It's not forging. With sufficient heat (hard but nowhere near impossible for people at that time) the rock would become malleable able susceptible to forced reformation within a mold. The ancients had none of our modern distractions and were very creative. The evidence presented here does not point to ancient use of technologies more advanced than our own.

Uh, yes you can. You don't need to lift it, merely drag it. It doesn't matter WHAT you use to drag it, if you apply enough force, the fucking stone will move

Yes you can. Humans make tools customized for a specific job.


The pyramids are made of sandstone and they had access to bronze tools after all, it was built in the Bronze Age

>its the worlds hardest metal

Melted rocks turn into different rocks 99% of the time.

show me a video of humans moving a 200 ton stone without the wheel.

Read the book "Aku_Aku" about Easter Island.

He details how they moved the statues around.


I like how people use diamond metal as a meme, but technically carbon can be considered a metal

Ahem...this was the intended design

They had logs you just keep putting them in front of the stone

>when we couldn't even build the pyramids today will all of our 'advanced technology
Go fuck yourself with a cactus and find something better to get obsessed with than this shit.
No one wants to build one because there is no point in building more of such "buildings". In case your fucking brain is too stupid to know, go fucking read about the inside of the pyramids and ask your fucking self why the fuck anyone would want to build or waste their money investing for one.

Don't need to. And the fact that I don't doesn't disprove anything. You don't need a wheel. What do you need? A ramp. Wet sand to slide the stones over the ramp. The pyramids were built from the ground up, inside to out. A human-pulled stone could slide up a ramp if there was something underneath the stone to help reduce friction with the ramp. It's not impossible by any means.

Posting in we waz kangs thread


>dragonforce is the world's hardest metal


2: We can easy, but who would waste the money and what purpose would it serve?

You really suck OP, go back to middle school.

i recently saw a documentary called xmen apocalypse on how they were built it looked pretty easy

We can't build pyramids today? We have built dozens of them actually...

Two words; Ancient. Aliens.


There's plenty of ways to carve things without needing harder tools

Harder tools are useful, but they're not the end of the line
Friction carving for example works fine.

Yeah but are they more precise than electron microscrope like the Egyptian ones are?


They were really fucking good at math, had infinite slave labor, and the zealous insanity of their god-king driving them

The Pyramid workers weren't slaves
They were paid

There's plenty of records for this
Including a roster showing that an acceptable excuse to not show up at work was to brew beer

This. People were just as smart back then as they are now. They just had a smaller pool of knowledge to draw from.


I guess...

Aliens and masons.

Actually they could be sick a day, or work. Either way they would've gotten beer and meat to stay healthy or get better.

That show claims that the Bigfoot species are still around today, and that they were created by aliens as a primitive workforce human.
Apparently the reason we never see them is because they were never supposed to interact with humans, so they are hard wired to stay away.

The logics are too strong.


I dont find it nearly as hard to believe a previous civilizations method and experience building with stone was 'advanced' Unsure about the timescale of construction and just how much historians and geologists agree with eachother


Lot's of cheap labor to do it.
Lot's of time to do it right.

Also, we could build a pyramid today.
Pic related is 98m tall and was build in 2 years for a modest cost of 65 millions $USD.

That ain't Kheop's, for sure.
But we did it with what amount to the total labor product of roughly 500 people. (65M / 2 years / USA GDP/capita)
And it was just for a local basketball stadium so it didn't need to be especially big or complex, as nobody would give more ressources for such a venture.

The construction of Egyptian pyramids, whatever their purpose, were given budgets proportionnaly comparable to what we give our military : the whole nation was pitching in.

it wasn't that precise...


When this faggot thinks a glorified triangle rock is beyond modern technology. Seriously. It's hard to make something that big by hand, but nowhere near impossible.

simple - you take a slave - beat the motherfucker to death. Then you give his bestfriend a chisel and tell him the same thing happens to him if he fucks up the rock. Motivation.

>when we couldn't even build the pyramids today will all of our 'advanced technology'?

well, that's bullshit.

we could, easily. the only thing stopping us is the pricetag.

> build the pyramids within just a couple millimeters of precision

they're not.

many of them are quite wonky - like the "bent pyramid".

If you can train a /btard to select all the storefronts every single fucking time then you can train niggers to do anything.

the egyptian pyramids are not precise. look at the step pyramid and the bent pyramid. Not to mention they built many many smaller ones as practice.

Its cuz we waz kangz dawg. Yall whities kant doo shiet witout uz. das why u bruoght us to be yall slaves den yo wives wuz in luv wit our black dicks so yall set us free, so yo wives could get some udis black dick homie. everyting dat humans doo dat good cum from us. like socrates he wuz black, how else you tink he made all dem laptops? einstein was a nigga to. like we figured out how to make all dem space machines and shiet.

>pic related king of england 107BC (before dem albinos tainted our blud)
