Would you have sex with a girl who had a penis if she was super cute and asian?

would you have sex with a girl who had a penis if she was super cute and asian?



No, because if he had a penis, it wouldn't be a girl.


pick one. Can't have both.

gooks are fucking ugly. Get with your own race.

It wouldn't be a she

But yes

that's literally rape, bro

Never again.

Don't you have a country to ruin Mr. Trump

>>>has a penis

FFS pick one!


pick one faggot

beat me to it

Kek story?

implying Sup Forumstards have a choice of whether to have sex or not

would you have sex with a guy that looked exactly like the girl of your dreams, except the only difference is he has a penis.

if you say no you're incredibly insecure about your sexuality and it will only be harder for you to accept once you realize the truth

this is an impossible question as girls dont have penis's you fag

americanized asians are quite cute though

wat if op is asia?

Ladyboy, Bangkok. Met at a club. Early hours of the morning, feeling horny and drunk. Too drunk to be assed with anything but sex. Sucked his cock, he sucked me off. Makes me feel a bit queasy thinking back on it.






lol u gay homie


Yep, I'm a gay homosexual. I bang a lot of beaver, but one experience makes me a bender with no more right to walk God's earth than a weasel.

No im not a faggot



that girl is Eurasian, with mostly white features

>girl who had a penis
That's called a man retard, and no. Also asians are disgusting.

Im straight as a rod, but even I would do it.


Then ur not straight


Girls don't have dicks

Weak bait

nope. i'm straight and dicks are a huge turnoff, no matter how feminine and cute they are.

Ya, I'd have no probs throwing on a condom and plowing my dream girl in the ass if she had a dick. Problem is, you can't procreate in the missionary position with a dude.


okay user