Can a trump supporter please explain these things about yourselves

Can a trump supporter please explain these things about yourselves

>proud of making $9/hr as a corporate slave
>literally proud of being cucked by rich men living a lifestyle you will never achieve
>dont work hard to advance or use your resources to educate yourselves to earn more but believe you deserve to be upperclass for gluing pieces together in a factory
>blame every problem on niggers, jews, feminists, and muslims despite never interacting with one
>cry about the govt taking your guns despite not a single govt official mandating you give up your gun or even proposing legislation to do so. ever.
>blame everything on the govt despite being on govt healthcare and often welfare
>whine about inefficient coal but turn down free trainibg in more efficient energy sectors that would pay you more
>muh tax breaks despite being so poor you either dont pay taxes or your taxes will skyrocket in the next 4 years from trumps trickle down scam
>want less people on welfare but you took away birth control to prevent poor people from having kids who then need welfare
>want creationism back in schools
>want to cut school funding and hand that money to churches
>complain about being poor but give all your money to pastor conmen

Other urls found in this thread:

Lurking for answers. Trump supporters are literal retards.

Trump voter here. I just want to see the world burn, plus minorities and faggots executed before i go. I also play the lottery every day, so youll be calling me a rich ceo one day. Fuck yall salty poors.


your just salty

straw man how nice,
more like
25 and mortgage free

into science and support facts though they are not politically correct

against welfare as it creates a permanent underclass

dosnt complain about being poor because not poor

not on government programs because not a leech

a fan of americana and so dislike cultural marxists that subvert and destroy it

I'm pretty sure most Trump supporters got cucked by a minority or are mad at Jews and Native Americans because they're smart people who know how to make money (Hollywood, casinos, tobacco, etc.). It's not fucking rocket science Sup Forumsro.

Trump supporter here.

Your view of what you believe to be a typical trump supporter, seems to have been coined by liberal media and internet memes.

You must be one of those safety bubble faggots.

P.S. I endorse many liberal values, like being pro abortion, anti religion, pro light recreational drugs, yet I still take a Trump over "the establishment".

I'm sorry your wall street candidate lost :[[

Can a hillary supporter please explain this thing about yourselves

>constantly shit posting on Sup Forums cause you're asshurt beyond recognition that your cunt lost

answers are appreciated.

you seem like a guy i could have a decent conversation with.

OP you just listed every negative stereotype of both liberals and conservatives. You're very confused and need to educate yourself on politics.

I think what perhaps you may fail to appreciate is that Trump supporters identify with Trump because he embodies what they want to become, not because he is able to relate to their life as they currently live it.

>muh science
elects pence. puts carson gingrich palin and all the anti science pro religion scammers into power

>not on govt programs
muh mommys healthcare is still good for another year right???

>against welfare
takes away birth control preventing poor births

>muh america
>muh dirty commies
doesnt realize that america was most socialized at the height of economic prosperity in the 40s, 50s

>trump puts religious conmen, the establishment of wall street, the far right establishment, and established rich ceos into power
>muh liberal media!

>trump literally stacks his team with wall street
>puts billionaire owners into govt positions
>hillary is wallstreet tho
>trump is anti establishment tho

and now we wait for redneck tears.

If the final race was Trump vs. Bernie, would you have voted for Bernie?

You can tell Trump supporters realize their mistake when they stop bothering to try to defend him in these threads.

I voted for Hillary, and I'm not surprised she lost. She had zero charisma, and her strident delivery at every campaign event made it very difficult to like her.

She used the DNC as her personal army before the primaries were over, and she thoroughly screwed Bernie and his candidacy.

I still think she was a saner choice than Trump, but it was hard voting for her.

>Vice President Mike Pence
>Pro light recreational drugs
>Attorney General Jeff Sessions

You got conned user

>25 and mortgage free
lives in mom's basement.

Someone can recognize that Trump is a con man without having supported Hillary.

Lefties wonder why they lose when their main campaign was just to demonizehalf the country. Shocker

Pence is a piece of shit. Fuck Trump for finding every shriveled-up reprehensible politician to give them new leases on life. I'm looking at you, Gingrich and Giuliani.

I totally would, despite being a registered republican.

Not like my vote in the state of NY matters anyway lol

Yeah, you are right, that Trump has his own vision of "his establishment". But that's where the problem of two poor choices comes in. You just have to pick a lesser evil, according to your own views.

>till take a Trump over "the establishment".

Name a Trump policy you support.

the wall


Seriously. Nme a policy you support.

Isnt that why people voted for Donald? Becuase he "wasn't afraid" to be an asshole to half the people he is supposed to care for as a president?

Disagree. Hillary lost because no one liked her enough to show up. Voter turnout was a fraction of what Obama garnered. In theory, she had the numbers to win, but voter apathy prevailed.

not even from murica, and not the one you replied to, i just like walls

>despite not a single govt official mandating you give up your gun or even proposing legislation to do so. ever.

Eat shit, you ignorant fuck.


See i know its bait... but,
I work in the solar panel industry, but know how many jobs coal provides. Welfare monkeys could abstain from sex or save some money and buy their own birth control. Im not poor, and i support neither the schools or churches. Homosexuality is not a personality type, it is a sexual preference which should not define you as a person, if anyone defines themselves based on sexual tendencies alone they are degenerate. Anchor babies are a drain on hospitals, supplies and medical staff. My state has fairly lax gun laws, so im not worried about it much. Dont generalize, its not very nice and tends to be inaccurate.

I supported Trump during the election for teh lulz from the left. Now I am part of the movement to oust Trump for teh lulz from the right.

U mad?

>Disagree. Hillary lost because no one liked her enough to show up

She got more votes than Trump.

>. In theory, she had the numbers to win,

She was smeared by the right wing media. IT was bullshit, but, if you throw enough bullshit, eventually some will stick.

The great success of the right wing was encouraging Clinton voters not to vote.

Why are these redditfags spewing their bullshit on Sup Forums and Sup Forums?

At the forefront, I like his isolationist and anti NATO attitudes, which is the reason my other favorite president, Vladimir Putin, likes him as well. Sadly he is gonna inherit the middle east shitsandwich from Bush, and will have to commit to that regardless.

His international trade policies resonate soundly, but I do not believe are achievable.

what about
> Close to 3 million illegal votes
> Verifiable evidence of wrongdoing made public
or are we still trying to memory hole that?

and you also pretend that a man who was born into enormous wealth, has hobnobbed with every political figure available during his lifetime, fills cabinet with old school establishment career politicians, is not "the establishment" your delusion is precious

>She got more votes than Trump.
Not in the red swing states that mattered. Plus gerrymandering is a real thing.

>She got more votes than Trump
She got an excess of votes in states like CA and NY, not enough votes in the states that mattered

>Smeared by the right wing media
She's been getting smeared by the right wing media for thirty years. It's the DNC's fault for nominating someone who half the country already loathes.

Stop reading fake news user

That is the point. I am willing to compromise.

That's been debunked already. You're parroting right-wing extremist nonsense.

really you mean a few hundred feet of fence , which is what it has become, I have a stronger border to keep the cows out of my yard


libcucks still mad and in disbelief I see. Your tears are still delicious.

read this:

So useful, holds up stuff, picture hang! wow, such structure

>proud of making $9/hr as a corporate slave

No, I actually own my company and have several employees of which the lowest paid is still over $20. per hour.

>literally proud of being cucked by rich men living a lifestyle you will never achieve

Again. You fail.

>dont work hard to advance or use your resources to educate yourselves to earn more but believe you deserve to be upperclass for gluing pieces together in a factory

I'm pretty sure that you do not have a good understanding of who voted for Trump. I did however notice it was the ghetto's that voted for Hillary.

>blame every problem on niggers, jews, feminists, and muslims despite never interacting with one

Grew up in Pontiac, MI.. We had all of the above. Fuck yourself.

>cry about the govt taking your guns despite not a single govt official mandating you give up your gun or even proposing legislation to do so. ever.

Former marine as well. Best they not try.

>blame everything on the govt despite being on govt healthcare and often welfare

Nope. You're describing the Hillary voters in the ghetto again.

>whine about inefficient coal but turn down free trainibg in more efficient energy sectors that would pay you more

Yeah, obviously you're just fucking confused.

>muh tax breaks despite being so poor you either dont pay taxes or your taxes will skyrocket in the next 4 years from trumps trickle down scam

Taxes ? Let me tell you son, you don't know what taxes are until you have employees.

>want less people on welfare but you took away birth control to prevent poor people from having kids who then need welfare

Abort them fuckers, I don't care if they've already been born.

>want creationism back in schools

Yeah, I think not.

>want to cut school funding and hand that money to churches

Fuck religion.

>complain about being poor but give all your money to pastor.

Never given a penny to a religious type.

The only people still making minimum wage are students and people too lazy/stupid to find a better job.
If you want to make more money do a better job.

And you can complain all you want but clearly enough people wanted Trump to win. If you dont like it leave.
If everyone who said they would leave actually got up and left, most of the problems would sort themselves out anyway.

I voted for Trump, and exactly none of those points apply to me.
-last year I made 250k. Already made more this year.
-will likely achieve that lifestyle. Even if I don't, my life is quite luxurious and I have no debt to speak of.
-Clearly does not apply
-feminists got me fired from my last job by overreacting to something inoffensive. Similar to donglegate. Not that it matters since I make way more self employed now.
-pro gun, but that's not why I voted trump.
-does not apply.
-which free training would that be now? Not that it matters, went solar for the tax credits. Wasn't a bad investment since most months the power company pays me.
-that's not how his tax plan works. That's just wrong. Citation needed.
-I'd like more people to take some damned initiative, and also to stop welf are abuse. I'm pro birth control, I just don't see why I should have to pay for some woman I don't know.
-no, that's retarded. If the government presses that issue I'll be right there with you fighting it. That went into the platform to appease the retards at AFA.
-Citation needed
-does not apply
Wow, 0% success. No wonder your guy lost.

Only issue i care about right now is how the far left SJWs are forcing their shit on everyone and silencing free thought, speech, and silence. If Hillary would've been elected to office you can be sure she would've passed more laws that cater to them. Its sickening.
Its a law in New York right now that you have to ask people what their fucking pronoun is. If you dont you can be fined and/or jailed. Theres 24ish pronouns and its only getting bigger.
I would rather risk living in poverty than living in a SJW hellhole.
Also i am a negro and I don't think trump is a racist.

Your gun argument is how I know this is bait. No one, not even liberals are stupid enough to argue against slippery slopes anymore.

It's clear, in their own words, that progressive / statist politicians are trying to take the guns. Hillary Clinton's own words in her own emails said that and worse, not to mention countless bills and legislative sessions on the subject over the past decade.
BTW liberals are crying slippery slope right now about Trump and he hasn't even been sworn in!

Hurt durr hurrrrrrr, muh guns!

>got an honest answer
>not able to do anything but sling insults

And that's why I can't stand progressives.
I'm not American but I would have voted Trump.

>. I just want to see the world burn
Top three reasons to vote Trump:
>I have a man-crush on a fat, senile 70-year-old.
>I don't want drag queens to use the ladies room.
>for teh lulz

>plus minorities and faggots executed
Ironically, Trump supporters are in the minority.

>I also play the lottery every day
Confirmed for learning-disabled.

All the christian shit just applys to christian voters soooooo...... that being said, with regards to tax breaks the lack of understanding here blows my mind. I beleive in low coporate and income taxes for the rich and poor. That means i will gef less free shit from the government. I will probably be less well off, and so will everyone for a few generations as prosperity returns to 1960s levels. Regardless of this i have principles and stand by them. I vote for policys i beleive in not for "Robin hoods" to gank money from peoplw who earned it. Cause im not a theif

>against welfare as it creates a permanent underclass
>implying we didn't have a permanent underclass before welfare existed

Cant even put effort into a troll comment... It makes me sad really.

>but for some reason it's okay to ship large quantities of assault weaponry that will most certainly be used to murder innocent people at some point to unstable places in the world and sell the rights to half our uranium to the Russians...

Not just apathy in general, but apathy she could have prevented if she wasn't so keen on convincing brightbart shitheads "with just the right charts" and instead fucking visit WI and PA a bit.

>The only people still making minimum wage are students and people too lazy/stupid to find a better job.
This is bullshit. Some areas in America are pretty fucking bad, user. There just aren't opportunities.

>doesnt realize the lazy and stupid voted trump in

>it was hard voting for her.
The Trumptard minority got about a million less votes than one of the last electable candidates ever.
I almost voted Jill Stein, but voted Hillary just in case the pollsters were wrong.

Yall wrong though. That's what they call an internet lie.
Here's the details:

When two or three years from now we're in a trade war that's dragging the economy into the toilet and you've lost your job and feel like even with a job you have less money to spend because things "cost more", just remember it's the evil liberal media and the "establishment" that caused it. Call it "the Obama recession" and blame "libcucks".

Me, I'm middle-aged white guy with a job making about 350k/yr so I'll be enjoying my lower taxes. Sure, it will be rough laying off 50-100 people from the group I manage, but hey times are tough and it's what has to be done for the good of the company. My bonus might even see a decline of 5-10% so it's not like I won't be suffering too.

I can't wait to taste your impotent tears of rage as your quality of life circles the commode and you realize, whether you care to admit it publicly or not, that you punched yourself in the cock.

>went solar
>not a bad investment
>elected Trump

>Close to 3 million illegal votes
>Verifiable evidence of wrongdoing made public

Fake news is fake.


but assuming you're right anyway, how do you explain the AWB, '86 GCA, or the NFA? All took guns out of the people's hands.

Literally none of that has happened. This isn't a memory hole. You literally just made that up. Like a liar.Or a rube.

>The only people still making minimum wage are students and people too lazy/stupid to find a better job.
>implying there are millions of "better jobs" going unfilled.

There have never been enough good jobs for everyone that wants one.

>i have no evidence
>i just feel like its clear that muh libralz r evilz!!

The first claim requires a citation. The second one does not until the first citation is provided. I can't disprove what I don't have evidence on in the first place.

I currently make $24 an hour, my direct boss is CIO of small FQHC, Don't think we qualify as corporate, or slaves

Never been "cucked" in my life, but I have and will continue to achieve a lifestyle you desperately want

I have worked hard to advance myself, i worked through college, and graduated with honors debt free. I don't feel i deserve to be upperclass. But I will be because I will have earned it, not just had it handed to me

I have never blamed a problem on any one.
Many leftist politicians claim to want to propose this legislation, they never do, but propose it all the same to get you to vote for them.

I very rarely have blamed anything on the govt, never been on welfare, and have always had private health insurance

I have always championed alternative energy. Im a huge supporter of solar and nuclear

My parents where very poor when I was born, and I watched them struggle from being poor to being what you might call wealthy and they have always supported tax breaks. Trump's tax break specifically target the middle class not just the rich business man. That being said, last year my wife and I paid, 9.87% in Federal income taxes, and I felt that, that is fair enough.

No one has ever taken away birth control. Like I said, I work for a FQHC, we offer BC at discounted rates so the poor and uninsured can easily afford it if they so choose

The majority of my family is very right wing and I have never heard any one claim to want to teach creationism.

Again, very right wing family, never once have I heard anyone EVER want to give public funding to churches. Stop spreading lies. And no one has ever wanted to cut school spending

Even when my family was poor, we never complained about it, never gave money to the church either

>why did i waste time on such b8

>the top 5% who benefit from trickledown inherited their money
>earned it

good, good. he thinks the elite earned their money.

Truth is asking too much, trump is a genius, he figured out the ???? step, profits to come

>famous tv show, attention
>make an outrageous claims, proof reality optional, i.e. birther, wall, Islam know it all
>get press from/for idiots
>get elected POTUS

when will retarded liberals understand, we have no need to defend Trump.

we won....

Oh it says that she wants to ban large mag assault rifles. But that's it. I'm 100% okay with keeping weapons of unprecidented destruction out of the retarded hands of people like yourself. But it's not a gun ban. Just a high mag assault ban.

>>proud of making $9/hr as a corporate slave
I make 75k and work about 90 days a year

>>literally proud of being cucked by rich men living a lifestyle you will never achieve
I don't think you know what cuckoldry is

>>dont work hard to advance or use your resources to educate yourselves to earn more but believe you deserve to be upperclass for gluing pieces together in a factory

I have a PhD though.

>>blame every problem on niggers, jews, feminists, and muslims despite never interacting with one

I do nothing of the sort.

>>cry about the govt taking your guns despite not a single govt official mandating you give up your gun or even proposing legislation to do so. ever.

You must live under a rock. I was gifted a gun by my dad that is now illegal to own in my state because it holds 14 bullets.

>>blame everything on the govt despite being on govt healthcare and often welfare

Neither are true. In fact, negroes are 5 times as likely to be on welfare as whites, and they vote 90% for Democrats, so if you're wondering where the welfare dependency vote goes...

>>whine about inefficient coal but turn down free trainibg in more efficient energy sectors that would pay you more


>>muh tax breaks despite being so poor you either dont pay taxes or your taxes will skyrocket in the next 4 years from trumps trickle down scam

I live in NY. Don't tell me liberals like you don't tax my ass off.

>>want less people on welfare but you took away birth control to prevent poor people from having kids who then need welfare

Non sequitur and false. You are an imbecile.

>>want creationism back in schools


>>want to cut school funding and hand that money to churches

Schools in my area spend 20k per pupil and graduate less than 50% of their students, and you say, give this train wreck more money. How is that not retarded?

>>complain about being poor but give all your money to pastor conmen

Never complain about being poor.

>Never been "cucked" in my life,

>votes Trump because "outsider" will "drain the "swamp", build wall, etc.
>one week later...
>cabinet all washington insiders
>entire platform abandoned like passed out sorority girl in cum-stained dress

How does your master's semen taste?

>literally proud of being cucked by rich men living a lifestyle you will never achieve
not proud of it
But there will always be people richer than you.
I'd rather be cucked by rich people then cucked by SJW's, niggers and minorities.

When are all yall trump haters gonna realize it doesnt even matter when choosing which bullet you wanna be shot in the head with? The voting system is a bullshit appeasement to make the public believe they have any say in the country's affairs anyway. Yall need to understand that aint nobody in any political office that gives a fuck about you, Hill-Dawg included

>>cabinet all washington insiders
Explain the liberal hysteria then

Your entire question is predicated on your own assumptions.

Trump supporters are not a one-size-fits-all group.

>i make 75k a year
>the peak spot for tax increases under trickle down and republican establishment
>not even close to the top 5% the democrats wanted to tax
>votes for trump

how easy it is to manipulate trumptards.

Namecalling already, jeez.
>the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed

I thought alt right guys like trump.

There isn't one forward-thinking smartie in his cabal.

I voted for him because it pissed special snowflakes off

>>>cabinet all washington insiders
>Explain the liberal hysteria then

>implying liberals would be happy with right-wing insiders

It's actually quite frustrating that republicucks will vote for somebody who betray them and they still love him afterwards.
I'm happy Reagan gave amnesty to millions of illegals, and that he signed an assault weapons ban.
But it's really frustrating that you cunts still love him despite betraying your party's values.

you legitimately think welfare created poor people?

dear lord i knew trumpets were retarded but shit this is a new level of stupid.

the welfare system is a result of poor people you dipshit
why are retards like you allowed to vote? i guess the right has to win somehow

>votes Trump because...

You assume you know why I voted the way I did, Liberal superiority complex.
>Stay uninformed

>Anti science
Yea you totally know more about science then a brain surgeon

Look everyone, I found a moron!

>You assume you know why I voted the way I did, Liberal superiority complex.
>>Stay uninformed
You told me yourself you voted Trump "for teh lulz".
Try to keep up.

>live in NY state
>taxed up the ass
>don't by liberal imbeciles I'm barely taxed
>average dem voter a college kid or ghetto welfare queen

I agree, Reagan was awesome.

Yeah, I'm sure the billionaire from New York City is really going to be anti-wall street.

Fucking idiots.

Actually in my origional post I never mentioned why I voted the way I did

see >