Just a poorfag having lunch what are you richfags enjoying?

Just a poorfag having lunch what are you richfags enjoying?

i had bologna and toast... not necessarly poorfag, but thats what the kids wanted

I'm also poor, and just woke up.

Eating some fucking captain crunch.

a beer

what kind of poorfag has 2 pizzas for lunch. you must be an amerifat

Vanilla oreos

my nigga

taco hell

that's undercooked

I haven't eaten in two days. Not too poor to eat, although not too far off it, just haven't gotten round to it.

made some homemade spaghetti sauce last night
4 vine ripe tomatos
orange bell pepper
sliced crimini mushrooms
5 cloves minced garlic one vidalia onion diced, seared in rib bacon fat
buncha fresh seasoning shit including some habanero
3 jalapenos
1 scotch bonnet
I'm leaving out lots of prep details
cooked ma strings about 75% through added a little sauce for bonding into the strings and added some of the beef liquid run-off.

Wasn't sure how it'd turn out by the gf liked it. Bout to cook up some fresh strings for lunch with the sauce.

Programmer WFH ftw

if you're poor- stop being lazy and stop eating cereal. Shits expensive.

If you've got a job and work your ass off- I can't blame you tho

Kek. You're pathetic.

My sister bought it.

lol. idgaf. I've got more money than you. And I'm about to have a delicious lunch.

but to explain- I use my gf as a taste tester. She has a really sensitive palate. She's really good at identifying beer by taste smell alone. Not sure how that makes me pathetic.

You arteries will thank you in a few decades.

I ate a jalapeno-chicken hot pocket and some top of the line Private Selection brand kettle cooked BBQ chips. Delicious, fresh tap water to drink.

Sauteed onions, garlic, mushrooms and asparagus with balsamic vinegar.

Making America Great Again

Your judgement of what op eats will get you farther in life

shut the fuck up, nobody cares you narcissistic autismo

Time stamp or gtfo

3x3 + animal fries +Coke from In-N-Out

Why am I fat when other people eat like this?