Confession thread?

Confession thread?

I'll start.

Condoms actually don't fit me so I just use the pinky finger of a small latex and tape it around my raisin. Still have yet to fuck a chick tho.

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use an actual condom when you finally fuck someone. maybe they sell small ones online...

I started my search for the male g spot 2 years ago and im still searching

post pic

that's not a confession, that's not true. just admit you don't like them, no one does, don't lie about how they don't fit, girls and guys are less likely to care of you say so. condoms come in different sizes and they can stretch to insane sizes

I wear my cockring all day to work.. at a school...

read the whole post, guy. he's saying his cock is too small.

i'm a guy and i wear panties and pantyhose under my guy clothes

have you seriously kept your hand up your ass this entire time?

How do you shit?

How has anyone not mentioned it to you?

Are you retarded?

I'm prior military, ripped mma fighter. Everyone thinks I'm tough guy, but I cry at night like 3 times a week


i enjoy urethral sounding. I've masturbated with the cable to a pair of headphones threaded into my cock.


it's ok. you cry now

i've also eaten my own shit while masturbating

I had to engineer a second route for the shit so it can escape while im fingering myself


Half black mandingo checking in. Adverage size especially in Asia doesn't fit, it cuts circulation off and I can't stay erect.

So I usually talk women into not using them, plat a load in them, and have them take the moring after.



with a pecker that small the condom will be the last thing in the girls mind.

If she does let you fuck her with your mangled mouse boner, you can bet she won't have the self-esteem to force you to wear a condom.

Now, if you want to fuck a hooker and not worry about getting pimples on your pimple, then you're gonna have to order some specialized condoms. If they make dragon dildos, I'm sure they make chihuahua condoms.

My fucking sides!

i have no life and no friends, no one would care if i die

i bump dying threads

That's not a confession. I'm sure it's pretty self-evident just by looking at you, or you're the annoying as fuck people that open up too soon and talk about being depressed at the flip of a coin.

when I was young my neighbor would pay me to wear his daughters clothes and masturbate for him.

> I can't read

I will type it again for you

Me too Sup Forumsro. My VA doc says that my therapy is going well and some of my ptsd I'm able to cope with. I hate the pills. And the shots. Fucking 'vitamin' shots.



Tim plz go

Says someone who has literally never been there. I sincerely hope for your sake you never do

Honestly smoke a bowl of weed a day and watch the anxiety lift off your shoulders. Get a little stoned and go for walks and you won't feel the constant waiting for something to happen. The anxiety slowly melts for the time and you return to a more relaxed state

Never been there?

I've seen shit that make a fucking pussy like you immediately an hero

I don't care about it because I'm not a faggot pussy like you

You hit the bail on the head. It's like I'm always on alert. Always waiting. My therapist describes my anxiety as slow motion anxiety. Basically I'm the squirrel at the end of over the hedge when he drinks the energy drink. Everything is slowed down around me. It's because my body is constantly dumping adrenalin into my system

Someday if you ever research physchology you'll learn that dumb cocksuckers like you are the exact reason most customer support locations have mirrors a client can see themselves in while complaining

What was your branch and mos

You just outed yourself as a civilian. Not a single brother at arms would EVER call a compatriot a faggot for getting help after. We support each other. Semper Fidelis

It's the training m8
Watch this

I like to smoke a lot of weed and fill my ass up with a dildo. Best feeling.

I am genuinely disappointed that I didn't have the chance to do that

cry me a river you butthurt faggot

I never said I was in the army

I was a prisonguard in one of the prisoncamps in former Yugoslavia..

We took pregnant women and replaced their embyos for dog embryos so they would miscarry a dog

It was good times

They wake you up at the crack of dawn, drain you physically while shouting commands at you and brainwashing you to find an enemy of their choice. It's a systematic way of reprogramming someone. Break them physically and the mind follows often time. Especially when you're trained to be a weapon essentially waiting constantly for attack. Try my advice brother just purchase some buds and smoke a little when anxiety seems unbearable and you won't care or at least remember wtf you're so worried over

Can I come to your seventeenth birthday party?

I have the complete opposite. The base of my dick is to thick i cant even fit a specialized 69mm diameter condom.
Im lucky the pill exists.

QUADS rolling

I am 52

How's having a chode?

Days away?

>Cuts off circulation
>Can't stay erect
So if the blood is stuck in your penis how do you lose your erection

That's the worst man. I was a combat medic and there are so many things that get my anxiety going. Even to hear an ambulance siren or if someone sneaks up behind me

I have a loving gf who is smoking hot, the sex is great but i still go to omegle and virtuallly masturbate with a Total random girl

my tolerance to everything goes up way to quick and I really don't want to do the shit that will kill me

>Kill me

don't do it

a friend of mine started using marijuana and he died from an overdose

Not to mention it is proven that marijuana will make you gay. Its not worth it.

it was fun, more so after his wife caught us.


Greentext nao

Plz, Greentext this.

PTSD is sort of a permanent startle response. Useful in war zones, toxic without a war handy or a personal challenge handy.

It's common to all wars. My father had blackouts after WWII, but it got better and he lived a full life like millions of G.I.s who saw heavy combat.

Find a challenge. One pair of vetbros is walking cross-country. If motorcycles interest you, there are many vet riding clubs from chill nopatch on up.

Srbe na Vrbe

Truth. Piss on edgelords. Even General Mattis admitted, and fucking ended, his booze problem. (The Cold War era where he started was awash in booze. It's killed more G.I.s than combat if you count delayed casualties after retirement.)

Actually not bad advice. I've got my dad's old shovelhead that I've always wanted to restore. Might be just the thing!

>We took pregnant women and replaced their embyos for dog embryos so they would miscarry a dog

Confirmed for troll. Pics or it didn't happen.

Fucking this. 13 year old edgelord

Busted smalldickfag

It is. WWII vets began the biker culture in the US and every war brings more. You'll see why, and because the vet/biker culture is so large and diverse there's space for anybody.

Go to Chop Cult and for good communities.

My nick is farmall on Chop Cult.

Buy or download a factory service manual and parts book. Not Clymer, Chilton or Haynes. All are still in print.

I'm not that guy but I'm a combat vet and can concur. The biker culture will give you the comradery and brotherhood you haven't had since active duty

google "finger cot" you autist

You need to buy the condoms that they sell to asians theyre smaller than standard

Toughness is in the mind, not the body

I know some ripped pussies and some brave weaklings

Post more lewd stuff pls

do it tight, makes your raisin black