Prove that you're white or gtfo of /b

prove that you're white or gtfo of /b

>pic related, my forearm

Other urls found in this thread:


Im basically see through




My dad is in the living room

I have something to print.





I clap when the airplane lands

honky here

femanon? show tits, please

I refuse to take a photo of my paycheck!

should I shave or just let it be
I'll let you guys decide

yeah...that's a pathetic beard

I pay for things that I want

I work and use Copenhagen

I'd have to say I'm pretty white.


Correct but i aint gonna show tits

but we LOVE dem tiddies

And theres plenty online for you to go see m8

Then gtfo

dubs have spoken, tits are required

ok. show panty drawer :)

I have a credit card

Feets then

This. You're not entitled to anything unless you show tits

That requires me getting up and my room is currently freezing

Theyre ugly in all honesty

All girls think their feet are ugly. POST FEEEEETS!!

Has to have your name on it or you're just a thieving nigger.

>entitled to anything

Lmfao i aint asking for shit you dumb nigger

pic of panties you have on, then. :)

You say that, yet all of you newfags give her all the attention in the world

Disgusting. Kys

pick up your mystery gift, ungrateful faggot

> being this retarded

As i said its cold so i aint moving from my warm spot but i do sorta have a pic of them


Hah. The Master Baiter


entitled to nothing. Except the complete attention of the entire thread.

We are such a group of horny fucks. Femanon. Please give the boys something. So we can get back to the business at hand

pic related

Timestamp or gtfo. Jesus you mong can't get anything right

you need to clean that bush!!! Who knows, maybe a chick (or trap, if that's you sort of thing) will want to suck on it.

no u

what's on TV?

Are you even fucking trying user?

Nah im good

I aint getting up to prove anything to you lol

I have a steady paying job, a place to live and my kids know who I am. What else do you need to know?

right? Rub that shit a little

Shave you cuck fuck.

Why do kids do this? If you can't grow a beard, don't.


i mean if u can take a picture of yourself with a timestamp its already done... are u this lonely?

You def a the cowgirl fucking type! That's cool. You can top from the bottom for a bit

Couldnt recall at the time the pic was taken...probably cartoons for my niece

I can cum to this. thanks user.


it's fake, you can see the disguise cracking away on their pointer finger

I already did


Definitely fappable. Thx user

turkey legs just in time for thanksgiving. :)

what's wrong with your pinky knuckle? you got Arthur and his buddy idis?

Ya'll gross

Dude ive been waiting all year for thanksgiving. I literally dont eat thenday before and starve myself for this day

I see what you did there. Cleverfag

No it's from depression I bite my knuckles

for \d\
this ain't gross. Come on now

All I see, is a bunch of niggers posting pics without timestamps.

learned that from my grandfather

nice dubs BTW

>its cold
>no pants


>Dude ive been waiting all year for thanksgiving. I literally dont eat thenday before and starve myself for this day

that's probably not healthy

checked.... yup really small cock. Must be white

what is that? a loofah?


YTR Change comma for dot and have fun with hottest amatour from europe ;)

sorry that you got the SHORT end of that deal

I just saw my dad.... good enough?

I clearly said this wasnt a current pic

Learn to read faggot

I never said i make good choices user

If post a picture of my degree but I'm at my web design job right now.

norton AV says that site is loaded with malware

Learn the rules faggot

Grower not shower

Grower not shower

Learn the rules faggot. Again. Fucking fag.

I just feel sorry for you. but then again, at least every chick can take all of you into her mouth.

post it 10 times. It's still really small. Sorry user

I'm on my lunch break right now and about to go back to work.

A white man has the biggest dick. WHite people are superior at everything.

white, mexican. it's all the same right?


raise your right hand straight in the air, now push your hand forward

Who wants to see my hairy as fuck arm?

Gf can't

It kinda is lol

I might be white as fuck by my bf is a pretty dark mexican lol

I dislike watermelon

Whitey reporting in.