Emo porn webm porn thread

Emo porn webm porn thread

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What's that ching chong got to do with emo?

She doesn't look very emo

u know name or something?

Her name is karate chop.

nice meme

not porn but still emo.

Mein neggar!


Anyone have the really old video of the blonde eMo girl who gives head to two guys? They both say thank you to her?


they all go to hongkong to play pingpong with a dingdong

Like thissss?

we need sauce :O



emo is a genre of music not a fashion term you idiots. The 00's really gave it a bad image




emo gave itself a bad image you cuck

It is a fashion term shitbird. People who dressed like the comedian Emo Philips were called "Emos".

Been trying to post this forever

>The 00's really gave it a bad image

You know this fact right after calling everyone idiots for not knowing what emo was since those who identified as such depicted stereotypes that echo till this very day. Seems like you should press the idiot name-calling to people who misuse faggot, autist, and other buzzwords taken out of context. Perhaps you already do, but I'm putting my bets that you don't and that you're partial to identifying emo that might be motivated by something personal.

The bands that dressed "emo" were not emo bands they were fake ass bullshit. listen to an actual emo band

I call anyone an idiot who stereotypes.

Yeah i dont care about the storys and origins of emo people i just like the way emo girls look so POST EM what else are we here for comon

Post more emo girls fucking


is that Kati3kat?


she doesn't have tattoos there as far as im aware

Who are these sluts? Sauce?

just saw blue hair lol

thats not emo, that's scene girls. lrnfacts.

Dunno sorry

And stereotypes exist because of the many individuals who choose to stereotype themselves to reaffirm people's initial thoughts. Maybe some stereotypes are rooted in observational analysis by thoughts diligent in being neutral or unbiased.

they're all just stupid fuckin kids

thats not emo...more like some scene dykes

Colored hair is better for sex

Not webem but its emo, or scene, or alternative idk who cares. Also ive contributed 3 times now help me out here fellas



you post shit and you should feel like shit

this is a emo porn thread, not scene lesbian picture thread asshole

pretty deep, nice job

it is now


It is.

I have the sauce.



Hey fuck you i dont see you contributed shit dickhead. Fuck if i care the difference between scene and emo kys

uh.. decryption key?

yeah but those idiot scene kids dont and never did represent actual emo music. Real emo bands and fans of the genre dont dress like fucking hair metal bands. They dress like normal fucking people. When you and most people think of emo youre really thinking of teenage scene kids

We want our teenage scene kid nudes

Fun fact - that quote is by Thomas Dixon, not Charles Darwin.

This is why you never trust infographics and memes, kids.

you should care that youre a fucking retard

also how are pictures WEBM's? fucking leddit/9gag motherfuckers

>you should care that you're a fucking retard

source? or is this just you talking out of your ass?

>what is Hume's Guillotine

dude, whats the key?

facts implies evidence of proof. post it or go suck a nigger dick faggot

Mega doesn't work well on my phone.

This is the link with key, or so the damn app says.


i like how this thread was ment to be a emo porn thread but instead its just one massive flame war

haha what a fucking faggot

you took the time to type out my sentences and fix them rather than literally click two times

fucking cancerous nigger

Sure thing.


Pic related. The Clansmen is not a book by Charles Darwin.

Once again, this is why you don't trust infographics and memes, kids.

holy fucking shit rekt

anally annihilated

oh shit it's happening

>libertarians everywhere start shitting themselves

Does this work for anyone?
Do you still need the key?


now im going to keep saying darwin said it

because fuck you faggot

oldfag is old.


Fucking hero right there people

wow i've never seen someone actually academically wreck someone else on Sup Forums

I'm pleasantly surprised


Keep voting Trump in 4 years too.

You're literally stereotyping




this guy can't be over 18, he acts like a 5 year old.

Um, welcome to Sup Forums?

Did you not notice when specifed that it wasnt a webem

>Thomas Dixon
>mfw even nigger know theyre inferior

Oh I don't associate myself to those who misuse words, but make an effort to understand why. I don't expect you to have any effort to adhere to the idea that maybe they're not entirely to lay blame, but a mix of more than one sided ways of observing others and those who want to convince how others should see them in carrying a label.

I'm not disagreeing with you, I'm saying maybe there's more to blanket labels beyond the nature of human assumption. I don't think there is a debate taking place, but a difference of perception. If it nature for humans to blanket label things as they do with stereotypes, political labels/identity politics, or fingerprint others for simply being the nature of herd of sheep wherever they flock, it would be a bit difficult to call the masses idiot if that is the average or normal misunderstanding. Maybe then we would have to use lower words of asinine IQ levels just to label others something below that if they are below the average of idiot. If you really are above stereotyping and are not guilty of stereotyping, then it must seem depressing living in a world where everyone looks beneath you.

Right!? Dragging knuckles across a cheese grater!? Mother fucking metal as fuck!

wow look at this pedophile fucking faggot

what, do you want to diddle my tight little 5 year old asshole now?

fucking faggot

you dumb nigger, that book was written in the early 1900s.

No one is willing to do research and stuff wants to talk politics like they know a damn thing.


>prove it wasnt this Thomas Dixon

Personal emo 10/10


thats a boy you fucking queer

trap threads are over there

Many quotes on the internet have been misrepresented by naming those who phrased them. It destroys the integrity which seem credible, but if Hitler said something perceptive that anyone could agree with and cited Einstein who said it, would the thought be a fallacy just because it was said by someone others morally object to?

We should be more careful and do some fact checking on the internet, maybe we should also look at quotes people we morally object to have said could have some value of truth.


>Nothing gets to you staying freash staying cool
>mentos freshens, mentos frashness
>mentos fresh is full of life
>the fresh maker

Well, all the adventurous and daring went out of Africa millennia ago to conquer the world.
It's a continent full the fearful.

Add 10 pounds, and he/she would fall down 4 points.

>damn honda airbags

"Actual" emo music sucks ass

Rip, god bless this thread.

I don't agree or disagree with that quote. But I have a career in academia. Being academically responsible is a part of my job.

Nice. Doesn't make it any less true.

Fucking moar

You're a better person for it, and thank you. It has shed some light. I'm glad you're around, we need more people like you.