Are you jealous white boy? Why are you mad lol? Also this:

Are you jealous white boy? Why are you mad lol? Also this:

Black guys
>Larger dicks
>Fun to be around
>Interesting conversation anytime you want
>Nicely dressed and groomed
>Crack jokes all the time
>Will take you places
>Broad social spectrum
>Know interesting people you will be introduced to
>Behave like real men
>Smile on their faces most of the time
>Can dance and cook
>Chills in the school

White guys
>Tiny dicks
>Socially awkward
>Inhibited socially
>Prefer to stay home
>Hate to dance
>Sad faces
>Often have either anger or anxiety issues
>Shoots up the school

If you reply to this thread your mother will die in her sleep tonight

underage newfag pls go back to facebook

what the fuck is wrong with his eyes

femanon here sorry but white boys have pathetic dicks

Blacks are stupid


Hello, as a white male I would just like you to know you have my utmost support. All statements in this thread are undeniably true.


one eye on da titty one eye on muh dick

Lol behave like a real man.



I think girls love money more than dick

See user gets it.


Good Job. Next try to breath water.

You have a point they are fun to be around especially when they are being put in handcuffs and they are saying
>dindu nuffin

Best thread on Sup Forums

cellphone faggot detected

>larger dicks

Yeah okay nigger.

Hey user good job making OP look like a faggot

>mfw niggers have to shitpost on Sup Forums to feel better about being niggers

Only the worst women like niggers

Black guys
>Larger dicks
Being 8x6 ain't bad
>Fun to be around
Depends for who/what? I've seen black guys be just as boring as whites
>Interesting conversation anytime you want
Ayo where da wyte wimmin at? Please, most females don't even know what the fuck is going on around the world. You can talk to them about recurrence of history, Thomas Sowell, Plato, HG Wells and they will still be bored because they cannot grasp what is really, "interesting"
>Nicely dressed and groomed
No, or it's things they can't afford
>Crack jokes all the time
Yes I agree
>Will take you places
Single motherhood
>Broad social spectrum
From omega to alpha?
>Know interesting people you will be introduced to
Local drug dealer and pimp Raykwon
>Behave like real men
What is a, "man"?
>Smile on their faces most of the time
>Can dance and cook
dance yes, cook... meh?
>Chills in the school
Blacks and school don't get along

No date? 0/10

>Broad social Spectrum
***What he meant was***
>Need Broad Spectrum Antibiotics to get rid of my Social Diseases. (The curable ones anyway.
***Fixed That, No Thanx Needed.***



Chimp b8.

A if for ass

>Negro fantasies.

B is for bitch

C is for crap

>>Will take you places


D is for dick


Dude you got that list backwards.

E is for Erection that doesn't last long

F is for fuck

G is for gay

Noice shoop. Lol.

H is for Homo that also mean gay

I is for incest

J is for Jackass

K is for KKK

one eye on the tits, one eye on the streets

L is for lesbian

And then we steal y'all women >:^)

Please an hero, wigger. Your bullshit b8 fantasies are nonsensical.

M is for motherfucker

N is for Nigger

O is for OP is a fag


P is for pussy

Q is Queer, another word for gay and homo


R is for Rimjob

>What is a, "man"?
A miserable little pile of secrets!

S is for shit

S is for Sex

T is for twat

Yeah, sure, niggers are so superior

U is for unclefucker

V is for virgin


R is for Rape.

dat feel when the best looking black female to ever do porn, only exclusively fucks white bois...

you mad?

W is for whore

X is for xXx

Y is for Yo Momma

Z is for Zika Virus



Who is that??

Who's this goddess?

brittney white

A slave. She loves her massa.

Thanks man, you da real MVP.

Black guys
>smell of nigger

Have you ever been in a pub/restaurant/bar full of niggers?

You literally have to run away because of the smell.

black men are shit eating ,monkey fuckers that aren't fit to eat my garbage....

How often do you post this?

>larger dicks
need to bone fatter ass because of the shit culture in Africa that favored obese niggers over a skinny and healthy form

>fun to be around
according to who

>interesting conversation anytime you want
"don't shoot hands up"
yea okay jamal

>Nicely dressed and groomed
again, by what metric

>Crack jokes all the time
george carlin

>Will take you places

>Broad social spectrum

>Know interesting people you will be introduced to
aka the police
>Behave like real men
*from africa, so that is to say he'll show you his mud hut

>Smile on their faces most of the time
constant smiling is a sign of inability to interact with others and display emotion properly

>Can dance and cook
shoving a white bitch into your crotch is hardly dancing
spaghetti-o's and ice sandwiches don't count as food

>Chills in the school
and fails, then ends up working at McDonald's

Your list is intelevant and your artwork is crap. Go fap on your loneliness of your room.