Hey Sup Forums im writing a research paper on why cannabis should be legalized. any suggestion?

hey Sup Forums im writing a research paper on why cannabis should be legalized. any suggestion?

It should, causes reefer madness. Think of the children, you fool!

hard mode: write a paper about why it shouldn't be legal

because it became legal because of racism

Because the people who made it illegal never even smoked it

You are not writing shit, you don't even understand how scientific research work.

Because it has potential to be a cheaper, better working, healthier source of medication and it would also tilt the scale of pharmaceutical earnings back into the pockets of the patients. Which is exactly the reason it is not legal.

Smoke weed err day

say this bloke has a t6/t7 spinal injury smoked it ever day since the age of 15 now 40 and it has been less harmful than what is prescribed to me and is more affective.

Can save teh world

I'm high. Legalize weed because it's fun

i hate everything about weed and its culture but the only reason its not legal is because certain companies would lose alot of money

Look at Colorado, crime had been reduced and schools are doing good.
Plus, the only reason is illegal is because you can have a patent on a plant.

You're going to have to lie a lot

it's a plant
plants cannot be illegal

The economics. Fighting the problems cost more than legalization. Legalization generates more revenue and can support the social programs that it requires.

>research paper
fuck off you are

sounds more like a fucking junior high essay for homework

Pick an original subject, you fucking 14 year old faggot.

>tax yields, economic stimulus
>How easy it is to grow and what it would mean to the creation of small businesses
>individual rights
>medical uses
>Could replace alcohol use at least in part (alochol is waaay worse for your body)

Those are the best i know of.

What about hemp, anything good about it?

Also it's alternative uses
>Cheaper greener paper (hemp paper)
>Cheaper greener clothing (hemp fiber)
>Cheaper greener construction (hemp bricks)

"Like many of the plants that mankind has found particular useful as medicine, Cannabis was seeded here on Earth. Planted, for mankind’s benefit." - ZetaTalk

or more likely, cannabis was seeded here by satan to tempt people to sin

I suggest you do some research, you lazy fuck.

my sister died shooting up only 3 cannbisis

Something along the lines of: if alcohol is legal, why can't weed be?

you're funny

answer: alcohol should be illegal

Nah people need to have some vices in life


almost satanic trips
devil's smoking too much reefer again