Damn you guys. I feel bad for Eugenia Cooney...

Damn you guys. I feel bad for Eugenia Cooney. She gets shit all the time for being skinny you guys call her a skeleton and if you ask me she's the last person we should be messinng with. I think she's cute, seriously I do. She seems like a sweet girl, she's funny and energetic. And if you ask me she doesn't seem sickly or starving, she seems happy and alive.

And another thing is I've never preferred skinny girls. I like my girls with some meat on em but honestly, I would fuck Eugenia passionately for hours until her bones were rattling. She can probably suck like a fucking hoover vac. And I know you fucking faggots would fuck her too. I mean, shit, you closet homos fap to traps all the time, I see the threads every day. Is Eugenia that bad?

I'd fuck the shit out of mr skeltal

pls stop white knighting she is never going to fuck you.


bet she don't swallow

got an unshopped version

fuck off kid


she's marfanoid not anorexic she'll likely be dead before 60 unfortunately. She doesn't need food or mental help she just needs to see an actual physician.

>she's funny
Nice try you stupid mongrel faggot

get off underaged fuck

I know that but I don't understand why you guys act like you have such high standards for women and then wonder why you jack off all the time.

Anyone got more?

Our standards includes eating

I'd hit it


So does your standards include people who sleep and drink water or are those basic human needs? She's like 23 she made it this far somehow. I feel like you'd have to eat once or twice to make it that far in life.

I'm really not trying to white knight believe it or not. I'm saying don't lie to me and tell me that you're too good for Eugenia because I'll bet anything that you aren't.

She's fucking anorexic. But good luck on your Crusade.

fucking white knight i bet he is going to show this to her thinking its going to get to go out with him

Why should I give a fuck

There are so many shit-stains in this world that deseve Sup Forums's wrath but Eugenia deserves it the least if at all. You know you'd love to see those raccoon eyes lookin up at you while you're getting blown don't lie to me

cool hair and personality

she needs to absolutely get help before her internal organs fail prematurely and she can't continue being a camwhore

thank you mr. skeletal

I'd grab that by the pussy

thanks white knight for ms skeletal

I could give a fuck what she thinks about me. I also couldn't be fucked to even attempt to show her this. I just think she's fuckable. And you do too

Bitch is too skinny, don't want to be made fun of for being anorexic? Don't be anorexic.


someone made the white knight mad look out

I've seen and been around people with real eating disorders and if Eugenia has one and her weight isn't just because that's how her body is supposed to look then she's very good at seeming healthy.

Bro you're same fagging like crazy you gotta stop.

smeone said she is very healthy for some n in her condition


thats like saying someone's in good health for being an alcoholic with AIDS

As an alcoholic with AIDS, I find that offensive.

As an offensive with AIDS I find that alcoholic.

as AIDS i find this adequate

Ed? Is that you? I swear I didn't know.

Wait it's actually a woman? I always avoided the threads because I assumed it was a trap.

You do realize she has an actual problem right? And faggots like you enable it

She is definitely having some health issues, Dont get me wrong Im a fat fuck, but In her case she's probably attentionally starving herself and puking up anything she eats.
>rational weight in the pic

>until her bones were rattling
That's a very specific fetish you've got there.

your exactly right piglet.

Hey man

People are entitled to their opinions, and generally speaking I think everybody telling her she's a twig is to hopefully give her some motivation to gain some fucking weight, mate.

Man shut up Coonfag fanboy. KYS

Bro is her balls hanging out or what

I'd listen to the sound of her ribcage as I ponded pussy with my ten incher.
> I like the music of a xylophone

She could be one of the actors in the Holocaust movie.

Have you ever actually seen what a person looks like who actually pukes all of their meals?? Heres a hint: Their faces and teeth don't look like that.

Those could be caps.

Anyway, IMHO she is scary skinny. I wouldn't hit it because I'm afraid I'd break something.

No, they look exactly like that, white night faggot

Veneers are like 1,000 to 2,500 per tooth.


Prove it cuck master.

Here's the thing she wants attention and she is getting it. If she getting bullied for being skinny that's on her


what is this ?

>Here's the thing she wants attention and she is getting it

Show me one time where she herself drew attention to her weight and body. She doesn't have to look like fucking Jenna Marbles-for-brains to make videos. Buncha loud mouth baby dicks in this thread.

looks like jack skeleton found a new mate

fuck shes perfect

Haven't you heard? Skeleton waifus are the new hip thing.

Fucking mobile bullshit.

Ha ha that's a good one. Hip. Skeleton. Haha you kill me

Your dumb, my step did it for a long time to maintain her weight. Never noticed

Would 100% bang Eug for therapeutic purposes. Medical need. She needs to absorb nutrients vaginally.

would actually look good if she actually ate

welcome to Sup Forums

Maybe you should've paid better attention then asshole.

Nah she just had an arby's roast beef in her pants

I've heard proteins are better absorbed that way. Don't bother trying to convince the boys on Sup Forums though. They're more attracted to drawings than skinny girls apperantly.

Remember you're here forever

there's nothing about her that indicates she's unhealthy, mentally unstable, or getting worse. She's skinny but there's no frigging way she could grow hair that dense with the kind of deficiencies you see with eating disorders. .

that pussy is fat my nigga

I would shlurp that shit up like I'm the pussy Dracula


>Delusional fanboy.

I wonder what she would look like at a healthy weight.
Anyone here good with photoshop?

what if she's wearing a wig tho

I'd fuck her.
But for me to do more than just that she'd have to stop being anorexic. Or at least show signs of improving. Until then, I don't want her around longer than it takes to finish.

That, and the fact that her face doesn´t look fucked off as it should if she was sick.

she looks so much better with normal makeup

with how many slips and fuck ups she has I don't see how she could keep a wig on without someone noticing.
I wish, I don't even like her I'm holding out for the nudes. Been harassed by fat people for being skinny all my life though so that much is relateable.

i agree.

Id face fuck skeletor

Oh hell naw. She's grotesque and nightmarish

she has makup on in that photo and he pussy looks like an over microwaved pizzaroll.

Look at her fucking arms, m8. She looks like a frail 70y/o.

who said she didnt have makeup on lol

I know this is bait, but in the 3.69% chance you're actually being serious, how can you say she doesn't seem "sickly or starving"? She weighs like 85 pounds at 5'10" and in her 20's. She is fucking deathly anorexic and sick, and her eating disorder is probably going to kill her in a few years. Sure, she's attractive and sweet, but that doesn't detract from the fact she's going to die soon. People talk shit mainly because she needs help, they want her to stay alive, and because her morbid skinniness is seriously unattractive and flat out disgusting

dat pussy tho

>she has makup on in that photo
Yes, NORMAL makeup as user said. Not the raccoon face she usually has.

What is this, some type of skellington?

not really that far outside the norm. I'm not seeing Russell's sign, tooth decay, pale gums, or lanugo hair in places it isn't normally. Need to look at the bigger picture and not fixate on one thing and draw conclusions from that alone.

i don't really feel bad for her tbh. she ignores people's advice and warnings. she's a fucking delusional moron

i remember there was a video of her playing pokemon go and she thought people were staring at her for playing pokemon go. She's oblivious to the fact that people were staring at her because she looks like she's about to snap in half

didn't this happen before in another video of hers. every time she's in that position her pussy falls out

it's a nice pussy. i would hit it if she gains weight.

Yeah I'd do her. I'm 21 and weigh 120 pounds I know where she's at. Can't bring myself to eat somedays even if I'm crazy hungry.

She swallows, she just goes to the bathroom to throw it up later.

did she take this video down? i wanna look fore it

kek, horde is better