So, right now CPS is taking my sisters baby away right now...

So, right now CPS is taking my sisters baby away right now, I knew this would happen sooner or later so I am not really surprised. Is it bad I am not worried, everyone else is stressed right now.


She's obviously a shit mom or it wouldn't be happening so it's obviously the best thing for the baby.

So what? Drugs? #FreeJared? Details,asshole.

CPS took OP away too.


I'm not younge enough but I wish I was.

Mostly it was just judgemental people in CPS, they gave no warning, no guidlines were followed, etc, but I knew it would happen.

Unless I can look young enough and lie that I am a minor but I doubt that would work.

Lies. CPS don't just come knocking for no reason.

>I knew it would happen

Fuck, OP if I gotta pull teeth to get the damned story I'll have to charge your ass dental fees.

>obviously a shit mom or it wouldn't be happening
You obviously don't know what you're talking about. CPSes and DCFs around the country are getting crazier and crazier. Parents are losing their kids for letting them play unaccompanied in the backyard or spanking. I don't know anything about OP's situation, but you seem to have an excessive amount of trust in the government, if you ask me.

There are corrupt people in every group, even in CPS, you'd be amazed, my sister has been taking a lot of insults from nurses, etc since she gave birth. But for how shitty my familys luck is I knew this would hit sooner or later.

I've seen some parents dish out some abuse in my time but CPS has never come for them. Given how lazy these government agencies are to do anything, this case must be serious and op isn't letting anything on.

Actually, sometimes they do. They can show up on an anonymous tip, for Christ's sake. Many are the parents who have a busybody neighbor who calls CPS just because they don't agree with their parenting style. I had a friend whose son broke his arm falling out of a tree. DCF showed up at their house because some doc at the ER "suspected" abuse for absolutely no reason.

It just came out of nowhere but knowing how we put up with a lot of judegemntal people I knew they would do this without warning.

>my sisters baby

This right here, my sister does live in a pretty nosey neighborhood, I did not think about that.

>I've seen some parents dish out some abuse in my time but CPS has never come for them
There are exceptions to every rule, and differences between states, agencies, etc. I agree that sometimes real cases go unaddressed, but there are also many bullshit cases of baseless, excessive government intervention in the family.
That said, it doesn't seem like OP will ever divulge the real story, so who the fuck knows...

My nephew finally got taken from his bitch hording mother who shit in buckets because the toilet got so clogged it overflowed and allowed her kids to live in a shit and trash encrusted house, my brother finally got full custody after she let my 5 year old nephew sit outside by himself for hours on end locked out of the house while she fucked her boyfriend across town, Cps is the one good government regulated service in my opinion, my nephew can barely even speak and he's 5

You didn't get your sister pregnant did you op?

No pics, I'd rather play it safe

Nope, that is impossile.

1. I don't have a penis

2. I'm sane

3. She ugly and incest is repulsive.

4. I got a boyfriend to satisfy me.

I suspect this too

>judgemental people
No charges? No reason given?
Just "Hey, we're here for the kid!"
Nigger I was locked up in a juvenile private rehab for 3 years and they did a bunch of cult-ass shit to us and DCF just laughed at any call we made.
Tell a fucking story or fuck off.

I am glad your nephew is okay, but my sister is pretty obsessive about keeping things clean, she is organized.

Not much story yet, still developing, I would rather tell more after about a week or so. Chill.

So would this be like a trailer for an upcoming extended story?

I think I will wait to post a full story later after a few days, some of you guys get your panties in a wad.