Are there legitimate reasons for liking Trump, or is it just because being conservative these days is edgy?

Are there legitimate reasons for liking Trump, or is it just because being conservative these days is edgy?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Will discard TPP
>Put tariffs on foreign imports
>Privatize healthcare
>Deport illegals and build a wall
>Isn't a career politician

He'll be fine

Facebook fap thread.


>Isn't a career politician
How is this a good thing? If you're sick, do you want someone who isn't a career physician?

This chick is obsessed with black dick.

This girl deep throated me at a party when we were drunk. Best head I ever got.

>being conservative these days is edgy

OP still has no idea why Trump won.


>Privatize healthcare

You really don't comprehend what the whole affordable healthcare debate is all about do you? You don't need to take any particular side of the issue, but is it asking too much for you to actually learn what the fuck it is you are even talking about, before moving onto giving your opinion on the matter?

Liberals went full retard... never go full retard



Are career physicians known for misleading people on a grand scale? Do career physicians have a say in our laws?


Nothing about politics is edgy. Go fuck yourself kid.

This didn't answer the question. Political experience makes for a good resume for a politician.

He's funny.


>not edgy


I just hate liberalism
Daddy is a maverick, and a ballsy one

plz be b8

Because more than 90% of career politicians are corrupted who will do anything for their donors who sponsored them
Do you not understand that government funded healthcare is a fucking disaster in America? Look at how Obamacare drove premiums up dipshit

This helped me make my decision.


>tfw trump is gonna be our president no matter how hard these sore loser piss baby breast milk drinking libetas scream and cry

>isn't a career politician
That's why I only have my car serviced by pastry chefs.

If it wasn't for edgelord retards of all ages, the Republicans wouldn't have an issue profile.





It's garbage for fat kids and stupid grown-ups. The entire political identity is Sup Forums edgespam.

Unless its bad experience
>Tfw no qt facebook friends

I'll be here when the electoral college votes for Hillary, and I'll be looking for you. :^)

Cool story bro 8-)

but he won, so..

if you honestly think that's a possibility you're delusional. you clinging to the last bit of hope you have is making this even better for me

Health insurance was more affordable when there was no exchange and it was all private plans. Unless you were poor as shit.
> inb4 that's the point, help the poor
What's the point in trying to be better if your government is going to take your hard earned dollars to support someone that doesn't work or wasn't smart enough to get as good of a job as I did? With social welfare programs what's the fucking point in hard working smart people trying hard or even worse start their own business? Hey I know let's just all live off and depend on government subsidies.

Well, considering how Trump is going to do a lot of work for his buddies in the fossil fuel industries, as well as giving himself and his cronies tax breaks out the ass, you could say he's a career politician. He just isn't controlled by the 1%. Because that would be self-control. And he has none of that.

Yeah, he won. The rest of us including his supporters got the booby prize. Shit is already disappearing from his website and he's already backing away from his most-often repeated campaign promises.

The fact that 9% of swing voters in Pennsylvania and/or Michigan and/or Florida are stupid as rotten shit isn't some kind of exciting new development.

Because the right didn't cooperate and neither side stood up to the insurance lobbyists.

Also trump is corrupt as fuck.

Bunghole detected

>you disagree with me
>you're stupid as rotten shit
liberal logic, ladies and gentlemen
this is exactly why trump won

Nice. Did you get to see dem titties? They look like they're possibly bigger than her shirt lets on....

Trump's a macho tryhard, so other macho tryhards are cucked by him and fall in love

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

He won fair and square. Do i think he will be a good president? No. Did I vote for him? No.

I really, really hope i am wrong. I hope things will work out. Not because of his social policies. Economically i do not feel like this will be good for anyone.

Based post.

So we currently have a healthcare law that was passed through the house without the proper timing. This bill was called the affordable healtcare act, which would make you believe it's goal was to provide heathcare that was at least somewhat more affordable. This same bill, has raised the average heathcare premium by 27%, and for small business owers, by 51%. So, lets see, could Trump fuck it up more than it has become? Yea it's quite possible, it's also possible he accidentally stumbles into a better solution, and that oddly enough seems more likely.

You got it. Democrats failed to turn out for Hilary in the numbers they did for Obama, so the dumb fucks were left to make the decision.

Theres one of these guys in every thread. Contribute some intellectual content.

Trump's a Democrat who ran on the Republican
ticket, dumbfuck.

Pretty much this and dubs confirms

>intellectual content
>Sup Forums
Your dubs are about the most intellectual thing we're likely to find here tbh. Checked.

Amd the modern Democrats are basically Marxists. That's why they lost

Actually, statistically speaking, our lord and savior Trump would not have been able to win without a large number of Obama supporters switching sides.

Just bc you never get any pussy doesn't mean no one does.
Unfortunately no. They aren't that big tho. It was pretty spontaneous. We ended up in a room alone then she grabbed my finger & deep throated it, then we started kissing & she gave me head. Then I had to walk 9 miles to get home. It was a fun night tho.

You don't have the first clue what Marx actually had to say about anything and you won't bother reading about it in your entire life.

Extreme forms of capitalism, just reverts to feudalism.


Marxism is based.

yeah, calling people stupid as rotten shit is a great argument you're right i should have come back with something stronger. my bad


i'll take bullshit that never happened for 1000 alex

All these wasted dubs...


Original poster actually talked about how Trump is backing away from campaign promises.

>implying that the GOP didn't drag their feet and do everything in their power to ensure its failure before it was fully implemented

i.e. Many states failing to meet scheduled mandates in the program in protest

Name one president-elect that said they would audit the fed.

Well, they don't publish data on who voted for Obama and then Trump so I have no idea what evidence you think would support this, but here

There is no reason to think that Trump winning over large amounts of Obama voters made the difference in the very close elections in any of the one or two swing states Trump won by.

Sorry about your fantasy scenario.

of course he is, only an idiot would think he didnt have to move to the center a bit. unless you actually want us to be so divided we have a civil war, which is what it seems some of the protesters want

If you understood how few people made the decision in this presidential election, you would know that it's smaller than the number of functional retards in any given swing states.

But you don't know that, so I guess you're the big winner.

you're talking about the same functional retards who voted for obama twice


Sorry you never had fun times Sup Forumsro. It was the night Ronda rousey knocked out bethe correira or whatever the girls name was. My friend held a party for the fight. You should hold sports parties man. Or at least get involved with them, if you're still in your 20s. They're fun & sometimes you'll get lucky.


Go look up Obama's total popular election votes. Then go look up Clinton's. Then look up Romney's. Then look up Trumps.

Write them down from highest to lowest. When you're done, I'll try to fucking teach you to think straight some more.

you're saying this like the popular vote means anything. and trump and hillary got way less votes, thats because most of the country saw them both as garbage and just didnt vote.

trumps gonna be your president btw in case you forgot

Not mine.

what country do you live in?


Nobody will ever forget that that fucktard was elected president.

>or is it just because being conservative these days is edgy
This and Hillary having been what she is (not Bernie, and hardly a liberal) is what did it.

Bernie is the president we need, but clearly not the president we deserve.

then he's your president

Had we the internet as it is in 2000, reddit existing, Gore would've had a landslide victory.


So, I was actually going to make a point about the shit we were talking about BEFORE I told you to go look up shit up.

See, you were talking about shit before you looked it up. That's not the right order. Now you didn't look it up and you're talking about some other stupid shit.

I guess I could tell you to look shit up about the garbage you're saying now, but you wouldn't bother.

I'm guessing you're a fat kid?

wow, sure are a lot of hillary shills in this thread...
oh wait

why dont you try making any point at all? lol

Yeah he'll be fine
Why do libs always think their way is better

Don't worry Trump wont be president..

the jews and Soros are paying every elector that votes Hillary 10 million


His point is you're an ignorant cunt. I'd have to agree with him on that..

#pizzagate amirite?

I wish I was an elector. I'll never get millions in Jew gold from anywhere...


>Muh fake news

Looks like Trump and Russia rigged it bigtime.

The consequences will never - NEVER be the same.

Donald Trump is not a conservative. He is a reactionary.

He is not trying to conserve anything. None of the Republicans are. They are determined to make America into a lollipop version of the nineteen fifties that never happened.

this is really the best way you have of trying to persuade someone and you still cant see why trump won, its amazing i guess it really depends on how these medical professionals choose to run their careers, as an alternative you could look at how badly people have being raped for years on medication prices, literally prime examples of unnecessary price gouging. it sucks to have to break this to you but there are shitty people in almost every career field.

Trump disavowed you. Why are you still alive?

research it. very real. very possible.

you have about a month left to believe this fantasy so enjoy it while it lasts

Are you retarded?

Democrats fail at being anything but NEOLIBERALS. They are owned by Wall-Street and they would never attempt to seize the means of production. Literally read a fucking book.