Ex gf sent me this pic 4 hours after she broke up with me.. I loved her.. fuck my life...

Ex gf sent me this pic 4 hours after she broke up with me.. I loved her.. fuck my life. She lets dudes film her blowing them? She never even gave me a blowjob.. I should just kill myself. Be happy you don't have it as bad as me

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post the video, nigger

This brother is right. Post the video now roodypoo

Post the video

>post the video, nigger

Did she send you the video or just the still? either way dump whatever you have of her.

dude that fucking sucks im sorry to hear that

post the video

Post video, murder bj reciever, then kys.

sucks dude
( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)

is that a still or a video? if so...def post video. fuck her. show us all

we need videographic evidence to corroborate your story

She only sent me the picture.. I feel awful.. nude pic dump incoming

Confess your love to her in a suicide note, unless she's a completely sociopath she feel some form of guilt. I've fantasized about doing this to someone as a form of ultimate revenge the only limiting factor is that you won't be around to see the results.

>sucks dude
>( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)

I miss this fucking face ( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)


Give us her info.

then how do you know she is blowing another dude?


are you serious? no, she was just having her face right on his dick and talking to the guy about the weather

Don't worry buddy. It takes a long time but you eventually move on. I know you don't believe it now. But it's true.
I spent 6 years with a woman I was about to marry. She left me out of the blue and then proceeded to fuck with my life for over a year. Destroyed me.
I ran into her a few weeks ago and felt nothing.
You'll end up missing the good times, but not them.

If you hate her that much post her nudes everywhere, if she posts yours in return own it.

I actually feel bad for you dude. Post your snap and you and I'll talk it out if you need. :)

Porn for everyone else:

Give us her info. Im sure some of us can be creative.

That sucks man :( only thing I could think of to recover is to find another bitch to give you a bj then get a pic of that and send one back to your ex

Post the photo on her facebook wall.

Expose her lol! it only makes everyone think that she is a complete slut asshole! :)

might be bait but anyways this is what should be done


This. Eventually you realize that you were in love with what you thought they were. That takes a while to fade. If you're anything like me you'll have this weird feeling that you're in love with a ghost or an illusion of some sort for a good while after the fact. It's a very surreal feeling.

i know what will cheer you up. outer space puppies.

look at it this way. she has the mentality of a 13 year old girl. she wouldnt have been wife matieral anyway. she actually did you a favor because you know she was a piece of shit and didnt have to waste any more time on her.

Isn't it obvious by the picture? Starting with some tit pics.. fuck I'm such a cuck

She has a penis in her food-hole. You don't What's the problem here?

She still wants your attention mate. the best advice in dealing with ex's, especially cunt ex's is to simply ignore them. Act as though she doesnt exist. Never existed even. Women cannot fucking stand this. You'll watch her make every emotional attempt to get your attention back until she is ready to move on with a serious relationship elsewhere. Never doubt that whoever is in that pic she had been at the very least flirting with the whole time you were together. It means nothing. She means nothing. It may hurt, but neither she nor anyone else should ever ever ever ever know that. Please bro do this thing. Ignore her forever. Delete her off of all social media, delete her number, ignore her texts, ignore the faggots she'll get to prank call you when you ignore her. Ignore all of it. She doesn't exist.

You can do it man.

Post video and her full name and facebook,
So i can send it to her dad.

There's only one thing you can do now, OP.

>Find a way to hack her FB, email, phone, whatever it takes to find out who the dude she's blowing is. Perhaps you have a few ideas already as to his indentity.

>Once you find his name and his address you need to muster up every ounce of balls you have, maybe even drink a few beers to muster up the courage.

>Once you get to his house take a deep breath, kick down his door, throw him to the ground and proceed to give him the best blowjob of his life. Send photos to your ex with the text "who's the cuck now, cunt?"

Probably begging for him to cum inside her and make her a mommy right now.

This guy's right it's your only and last opportunity to get yo girl back


>she never even gave me a blowjob
top kek
thx op


Killer advice backed by double doubles.

> not getting a blowie from your girlfie

pathetic, an hero OP

Thanks for the advice Sup Forumsro.. but I already fucked up and sperged out over the picture, so she already knows she got to me. She won.. I'm too beta to fond another girl fast enough to get revenge. By the time I do, this will all already be irrelevant


This guy and myself and many more support your mission #suckforcuck

Yep. Been there too mate. It fucking sucks I know. But I think I'm starting to not give a shit about it now and you probably will be the same in time.

What about smiling puppies?

Yeah but if you start right now, you win. Trust me dude, you'll win. Start right now and stop being a pussy. Already sick of baby sitting your ass, imagine how she felt.

Man the fuck up.


Women are not to be trusted. They aren't like us



You need to channel your sadness into anger. Figure out who it is, and threaten that if he touches her again you'll kill/injure him. Or just go over there and beat the piss out of him. Most likely she'll come running back to you, don't give in, toss her out on the street.

Eh you're fine user, she's fuckin ugly anyway

Man it really hurts, but you gonna be better, time is king. And yeah, ignore her.

Easy, spread it around. Fuck the bitches life up.

I had a chick just like this whore. Just ignore these fuck heads and move on. Modern day woman are almost all useless whores. If you want to get into a serious relationship you have to investigate these chicks first. Find out everything you can about them before you ever get attached. If you dont odds are you will be fucked over.

Jusy tell her that u know where she lives and your gonna come and put your stank tank in her frilly fridge easy as that negus

ever wonder why gays want to only fuck straight men? because they know they can't have them. If she finds you sucking his dick she will beg to suck yours

that works too

She's just going to do this again when she eventually gets bored, she's going to come running back to you but don't let her back in just move on and fuck another bitch asap

in 10 years from now you won't give a fuck about any of this. it's ok to feel bad now, but know that it'll start to hurt less and then not matter. unless you're a dramacuck. don't do anything stupid and regrettable (like doxxing her or threatening the guy...)

And then there was cuck

Find where he lives and rape him to assert your dominance.

>yet another cuck thread
>people buy it

>she broke up with you
>mad enough to send you a pic blowing someones dick
the way i see it you either fucked up super hard to get her that mad OR she's playin with you boi
>never even gave me a bj
so i'm guessing you never tried the tru love we makin`?

I just don't understand why she would rub it in like this.. I was nice a fuck to her, I treated her great. My birthday is in a few days too.. how can girls be so fucking heartless.. also.. I have an average dick.. this guy looks like he is bigger then me and only looks to have a semi.. I'm losing my fucking mind.. starting to get drunk now.. FUUCKKK!!! I finally get a gf and this happens?!?!

don't worry OP unlike you ex-gf, this bitch won't abandon you just because your pathetic

Been in your shoes op. Trust me, she won the battle, but the war is still on. How do you win? By at least ACTING like you don't give a fuck. She wants you to keep hurting and feeling over her. Trust me on this. Do not contact her. Do not respond to her. No matter what, do not speak to her. Move on and focus on something else as hard as it is. My ex of almost 3yrs pulled some similar shit and I thought is never make it out. Once I forced myself to see friends and move on, she kept trying to contact me cause I was moved on and enjoying life. It began to drive get batshit crazy. Then it turned into her saying shit like "I've been thinking about you" and "I realize what I lost". I told her I wanted to meet up to talk at the very first place we met... She showed up and I never did and had a great laugh that night. Told her to hit the road and she lost a hell of a guy and I know to this day she regrets it all. I win. You can tip op. Trust me, it hurts and its hard, but it feels sooooooooo fucking good when you come out on top.

My wife filmed her blowing me and posted it to a secret group on facebook

I don't know what to make of it OP but oh well

Any pussy close ups? Start a new thread, dump everything, no beta stuff, send her a link to it


lop sided boobs, nipples aren't uniformly colored, jungle pussy, 3/10 would not fuck. i'd let her give me a BJ tho

see op?
you should be more like user here
user would get a blowjob

Yo she's ugly.
Who cares


Hey man, at least you didn't have to break up with her because she moved to another country. We were both still in love when she had to move, fucking sucks man but you'll get over it.

Same op here. I also have an average dick. Just around 6". Even after all that bullshit with my ex, I'm not married to a fucking goddamn incredible soulmate best friend. We met while my ex was at the same place with a group of mutual friends. My ex saw me totally fixated on my now wife and it fucking drove her NUTS when I wouldn't give her an ounce of attention all night. My wife now is smart, loyal, mature, compassionate and the fucking sexiest thing I've ever seen. We've been together almost 8yrs and married for one year. I thank the universe every day for her. Trust me, you'll find yours too op. It might not be tomorrow. Might not be next year. But in time, it will happen. Everything happens for a reason. The universe brought this to you cause you weren't meant to waste your time with her. She's an idiot and she'll learn het lesson. Trust me.

That's what you get for falling for a she devil. I learned my lesson earlier this year with the last whore I was with. They fuck you over as quick as they can. Watch this video youtu.be/ckmXie8C0A0

You know what you should do to get back at her? suck some other guy's dick, send her a picture and then upload the results to Sup Forums.

I meant to say at the beginning that I'm "NOW" married, not "NOT" married. Fucking autotype...

that'll show her

seriously, do it.

my wife (of 13 years) and I decided we wanted a divorce this weekend. your life is fucking roses kid. keep your chin up.


I had an ex that would just not go away. she threatened to commit suicide and I still ignored her. she must have felt devastated when I was dating another girl one week later.

>10 years
More like 10 weeks max.


>Send the picture/video to her family and friends with the context behind it and get even.

>Feel better about yourself

>Find New GF


tbh fam a few years ago I got divorced from my wife of ten years and it opened up a lot of positive changes in my life. Things could still be great for you

Get a prostitute.


I hope my post, along with the other strangers in this thread supporting you, is proof that people care about you and we don't even know you..

If you need someone to vent to or talk to, hit me up on my throwaway email. Too many assholes to post my real email.

trailrunner 9 9 1 2 @ gmail . com

Yeah you were being cuck. Learn from your mistakes OP It's that simple.

Thanks for those of you who gave honsest advice in this thread.. I'm getting drunk tonight and wallowing. Tomorrow will be a new day.. I'm just so frustrated. She was so great, and then this just happens out of the blue. She must have been cheating on me if she sent me this a mere 4 hours after breaking up.



I know it will. Just hard now. It was a mutual decision after years of winging it. we have no kids, our biggest argument will be the dog.

Dude send the video to her mom.


tell her that she's just a shill for the corporations and that you have broken away from the system. that'll fuck with her head