Let's face it, Sup Forums is a trash tier porn site now. Haven't seen anything good for ages...

Let's face it, Sup Forums is a trash tier porn site now. Haven't seen anything good for ages. The only ones that browse Sup Forums now are edgy kids that think seeing naked chicks and soft core gore is cool.
>inb4 low quality bait
Time to grow up kids. Cya on the fuck side, flippers.

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>mfw it was like that from the start

Oh look! It's another newfag!


Cross Out Text / Strikethrough T̶e̶x̶t̶ Generator

Bullshit. When I first started coming here there was hardly any porn. Sure, every other thread was a dubs guy thread but it was a Sup Forums thing. Porn is everywhere, why the fuck repost it here constantly?

Oh just fuck off already.

He's not wrong

Everyone says Sup Forums was never good, and that's true, but it was different. Even a year ago there were tons of interesting threads. Now it's all porn. Fat chicks, traps, big tits, teens, pubes, feet, etc. There used to be fun and itneresting stuff posted more often.

What are your hobbies, Sup Forums? I'm sure a lot of you actually do something interesting or productive with your time and talents, and not just sit around consuming internet, vidya, porn, and memes all day.




I go to college and study for my CS degree. Though I don't really have much drive for studying and kinda wish I stopped going because the amount of stress I put my self in

it's worth it user, you'll always have a job and you'll be able to have a stable career, and your life won't be riddled with angst. it's nice to be able to work and afford the things you want in life throughout your 20s and 30s and so on

Meh, get a co-op while you're at it. I'm a junior getting my CS degree and just got my first developer job doing work with robotics. Makes it less of a pain in the ass and more interesting and worthwhile. That and CS co-ops get paid between 20 and 35 an hour. So not bad starting.

you are either very young or very dumb, possibly both

nope, i'm an oldfag who's been meandering through an unstable career and now finally studying audiology so i can have a nice gainful career and finally "live somewhere".

excitement is goof for awhile but only for so long, eventually you want a sure thing.

maybe, maybe not. it's up to everyone to come to that on their own. just because you went this way doesnt mean its the best way for everyone



that being said, i cannot help but to doubt my every action of every single day and ask myself if im going the right or will i one day realize ive been going the wrong way

It's true. This site has porn boards yet Sup Forums users do not use them I dislike it Hell man I don't come here to fap to guys with tits I come for ruthless fun yet that doesn't even exist anymore.

Sup Forums was never good but now it's trash.

If I make a gore thread with some good shit no one will contribute and it will 404 in minutes. There is no incentive for anyone to post good content because no one wants it anymore. You're contributing to the problem by making threads like this instead of making threads with actual content. Faggot.

you never really know until it's too late. but you do what you can along the way, that's literally what life is.

life is one big paradox i guess, best to not overthink it

is it summer already?

Sup Forums was never good, but it was tolerable before edgy redditors flooded this shithole, haven't posted in months, but sometimes I lurk in an attempt to see if any originally has sprouted.
None thus far

>56 porn related threads currently



I'm just here because I'm b& on firetireschan.
I forgot you niggers can only post one image and have soundless webm.

I write. My creations are messy and strange

I also do alot of drugs and do silly shit on the reg

I'm a mature child baby

>I write
post an excerpt? i'm genuinely interested in this.

i write as well, it helps.
also drugs and silly shit.
we could be friends in another life

Assuming you're meaning it and you're not a newfag, there is still funny threads this year. Like for example, into the office threads where everyone was acting like they were in a office was hilarious.

I go on recording expeditions. The whole idea of capturing a place as sound, as opposed to image, is way more fascinating to me.

