Tattoo thread? I just got home from my first tattoo. It looks good imo. It's the Japanese symbol for strength

Tattoo thread? I just got home from my first tattoo. It looks good imo. It's the Japanese symbol for strength.
>Inb4 weeb
I don't give a fuck it looks awesome to me.

Other urls found in this thread:潚 #kanji

That looks like someone wrote that with a marker

Aaaand we've got our first shitposter. Fuck off man.

how much was it?

but he's right.

Not a bad tattoo idea but you should've got it stylized in a different way and made it a little more unique , instead it just looks like you sharpied it, agree with this user


>It's the Japanese symbol for strength.

/jp/ regular here. I do my reps on a regular basis.

That symbol actually means "The pleasure of cumming inside"


You misused Papa Franku...

My friend gave it to me. He's training to be a tattoo artist. Looks pretty good to me. Worst case scenario I go into a pro shop and have them clean up the lines. No big deal.

i have a brand. i shouldn't have done this.

Definitely not the symbol for strength. Idk wtf it is but it isn't kanji.

強 Is what you wanted

it will fist well if you fist someone just think of it

obvious bait, its sharpie wrapped in saran wrap. To think someone would even try to fake a tattoo is so fucking edgy and depressing.

wow OP, nice way of telling people you're a basic bro without saying anything.
now just make sure that tattoo is good and visible wherever you go so people know to avoid you.

Fuck off.

looks liek a vagina

i lost

>fire and strength

of two men that love each other you play the part of the woman.

Lulz. This shit always happens to gaijin.

They have a million different symbols that mean the same shit. This one just looks better.

Not my fault you inadvertently told everyone you enjoy getting anally creampied.

Prove it then, shithead.

>draw on arm with sharpie
>slap skin a few times so it is red
>put plastic wrap on top
In this photo (photos), my loverly box of smokes this is the bathroon at hofstra university...and yes that cigarette is lit u will notice the smoke ...

my friends have told me i should get something like this tattoo'd over it

that'd go down well.



What a gay and simple tattoo..

Great. It doesn't look anything like mine.

Well yeah, but I bet there is some Japanese Ameriboo with a ratio reading "great powerful sexual"


Ok is really sensitive for someone who posted knowing for a fact people would say some negative or even factual things. Don't be such a nigger, lighten up a little.

Jap here. better get used to long sleeves faggot.

fuck off cunt. fucking marker board cunt. go fuck your little sister again you incestuous cunt. go fucking die you stupid bitch. if you cant deal with the pain of a real fucking tattoo go and die you beta shitposting fuck tard. i hope you get transported back in times to ww2 and hitler makes you his little fuck bitch before cutting off your nuts, skinning your face and eating you alive. fucktard.

this is upside down by the way -- it was drawn to look right when your arm is hanging down not up in the air


OP sure does love the pleasure of cumming inside.


Are you black?

Also, why would you want it to be in Japanese? Why not just have a tattoo that says "Strength"? Its cringy.

Alright OP, did you get your screencap to post on plebbit?

Now wash that marker off your arm, faggot.


>not posting url
Fake and gay.

Bad photo. For anyone who can't read it, it says 'Respect'

op confirmed for faggot潚 #kanji

are you a hairy/muscular chic or a faggot for having that scar on your wrist?

This is what happens when you watch too much DBZ

Better get the cheese grater, kek

>no aloe or Vaseline on that, obviously slapped the shit out of his arm and drew with sharpie

Half black half jap.


Monitoring thread, I hope for your sake you are trolling OP

nobody cares

i think op must have found the word for faggot intentionally and sharpied it on to give us a giggle at his expense. good job op i laughed.

See U dun goofed if that's real.

潚 means gay. Hope this is satire.

Fuck all of you. I'm going to bed.


got this done yesterday. Was taken right after so obvi still swollen. still sore and difficult asf to put the cream on haha

Got this a few months back. Only had one other weeb actually recognize it in public.

I don't know what happened but yeah I had tapes on my wrist to cover tattoo and took it off later in the evening.

Took me like week to get rid of that gunk.

don't put cream on it.

just leave it and don't pick

You faggots got nothing. Pic related, its my arm penis, cause all the ladies be gawkin. This is 5k+ of ink

One of mine


but but but the guy said the creeeaaamm

ayy canuck

Top fuckin kek

not even a penis faggot

But I don't know what to do with those tossed salads and scrambled eggs.
They're callin' again.

Obviously Seatle, you mong.

Toronto actually

Well thems be mighty strong words runt ..... Pic related

Yeah its actually marker though. You can see the brush strokes from the marker. Also his arm is red in a completely different way than if he actually got a tattoo.

I like it, Ive always preferred the old school stuff.
Too many people these days just keep sticking random unrelated shit on their arms trying to 'sleeve' up without thinking ahead and it just looks like a bunch of stickers.

Too bad ヵ is the symbol

literally anyone who isn't retarded can see it is not a tattoo.

Yes my contention as well, this took alot of hours but the artist I went through knew his shit.

OP is a weeb faggot. My tatt is a real man's tatt.

>pic related: me

OP here. How do I make a convincing fake tattoo? You guys pretty much called my bluff immediately somehow. I don't have tattoos, so I don't know where I went wrong and how you guys caught it...


You need to simulate the raised skin and red so like maybe smack your arm a couple times and something shiny to look like the plasma stuff that rises to the top.

well for you just "getting it" your arm is looking pretty well. When i got mine it looked like shit and had "blood" and well wasn't that great looking. Not to mention you could obviously see it was fucking marker. Please kill yourself for lying to a bunch of assholes.



So a pen will work better?

I've been working in a Studio for years and wish people mocked up stuff like this,even a simple sketch helps when sorting out a design.
Too many idiots showing me tiny pixelated pictures on their phones or nothing at all to show for reference.
That'd be interesting too see how it translates into a tattoo.

nah, your arm doesn't look injured enough and seriously a fucking pen won't fool anyone. Anyone not blind will be able to tell a real tat from a fake.

Marker Ink spreads along the ridges on the surface of the skin, giving the lines an obvious bleed effect.

Actual tattoos place the ink below the skin, and a fresh tattoo will have clean lines. Older tattoos will degrade and eventually look like shit over decades.

Prison-quality tattoos also look like shit, but for different reasons.


ITS a fucking sharpie with tape or saran wrap lol.

Like why even?

Why have some many fags on Sup Forums thumbs that look like big toes?!

Plug the phone into a computer.
Trace it.
Draw it on them.
>yfw i can describe your entire career and theoretically do it better than you in 4 lines of text.

ok i called you out and asked. But i'll ask again. Why lie to a bunch of assholes online?

you clearly haven't seen tattoo work done or work it. KYS

Damn. I really wanted to make it into the Sup Forums hall of fame (leddit).

Why are you asking a question you already know the answer to.

Look at where you are. Why are any of us here?

The answer is fucking obvious.

For the glory.

The bait was alright.

Learn how to use photoshop next time. You can make a more convincing fake if you properly touch up the image.

Too much effort.