Dear the left

Dear the left,

You lost. You're progressive bullshit lost. Feminism, black lives matter, and all other racist/sexist religions lost. Donald Trump is far from perfect, but he represents a side of people you have attacked for far too long. People don't like being accused of being racist and sexist and what ever you fucking call them. Just because you criticize Islam ideaology doesnt mean you hate all muslims/ Just because someone is white, doesn't mean they are priveleged and inherently racist and sexist. Just because someone is white it doesn't mean they hate black people
>It's only a small number of extremists who believe these things!!
No it fucking isnt, it's a large number, and it's why you SJW cucks lost. You have black people marching down the streets demanding dead cops and dead white people. and women going around saying all men are rapists or something else pretty shitty. This isn't a small number of people doing these things.
Trump represents anti SJW bullshit that the left have been peddling for the last fucking decade or so. If you are part of the progressive left, and you are reading this, please I hope you understand why people voted for Trump. It's not because of racism or sexism or what ever narrative you want to push on people. Trump is president because of YOU.
>he denies climate change and blah blah blah

You only have your selves to blame. People are sick and fucking tired of your shit. But you wont learn your lesson. You'll find another way to make others feel guilty for being who they are and what they believe.

Other urls found in this thread:

Retards voted for Trump because they got scared of two dozen random college kids and fat bitches on Tumblr.

You can't blame anyone else because a herd of cattle was retarded enough to stampede. Whatever the dipshit midwestern moo-moos who voted Trump into office thought was going to happen isn't going to happen.


Hurr durr I don't like the shit I heard about on the news, so I'll vote for a complete huckster and disgrace the entire nation to prove I'm not a slave to the media.


Step away from the drugs, dude


> People don't like being accused of being racist and sexist and what ever you fucking call them.

No fucking shit. You do realize the reason the left is so hostile is because the US has been on one of the harshest rightward shifts in political history? Regan would be called a fucking communist if he ran today.

> People are sick and fucking tired of your shit.

And we've been tired of fascists on the right trying to exterminate cultural dissidents since the 60's. You're like cops who pepper spray a crowd, then can't understand why people start calling you scum.

nice quads and points

>You are a Zionist.

Yeah, it's true that you can criticize Muslim ideology without hating all Muslim people.

Now, draw a line between that and a presidential candidate who said that we should discriminate against people because of their religion and national origin (two constitutionally protected classes).

I mean, sure, his shit got deleted from his campaign website within 48 hours of fooling the dumbest fucking people in the US, but he still said it.

I bet nothing really changes

The only good thing I can say about him is that he knows how to let other people run things. Unfortunately, he alienated the most competent people available.

Hell yeah we've been on a right shift.

"Right" = nationalist + capitalist + republicanism (or sometimes libertarianism)

"Left" = globalist + socialist + authoritarianism

So yes, we are going back to being proud of our nation, melting pot and all. And we are tired of the "gibs me dats" and we are sick of watching you shut people down because you don't agree with them or acting like Obama is a dictator who doesn't need Congress or the Supreme Court.

It's a shift back to the right because you were capsizing the damn country trying to go left.

Dear Democrats and Liberals, I'm noticing that a lot of you aren't graciously accepting the fact that your candidate lost. In fact you seem to be posting even more hateful things about those of us who voted for Trump. Some of you are apparently "triggered". Because you are posting how "sick" you feel about the results. How did this happen you ask. You created "us" when you attacked our freedom of speech. You created "us" when you attacked our right to bear arms. You created "us" when you attacked our Christian beliefs. You created "us" when you constantly referred to us as racists. You created "us" when you constantly called us xenophobic. You created "us" when you told us to get on board or get out of the way. You created "us" when you forced us to buy health care and then financially penalized us for not participating. You created "us" when you allowed our jobs to continue to leave our country. You created "us" when you attacked our flag. You created "us" when you confused women's rights with feminism. You created "us" when you began to immasculate men. You created "us" when you decided to make our children soft. You created "us" when you decided to vote for progressive ideals. You created "us" when you attacked our way of life. You created "us" when you decided to let our government get out of control. "You" created "us" the silent majority. And we became fed up and we pushed back and spoke up. And we did it with ballots, not bullets. And we aren't the ones destroying property because we lost. You played the race card and the gender card. America played the Trump card.

> we are sick of watching you shut people down because you don't agree with them

Says the group that would run you out of town for being atheist or bomb an abortion clinic. I remember living in the deep south in the 90's. You guys were guilty of this shit long, long before the left even started doing identity politics. It has nothing to do with 'free speech' and everything to do with trying to re-gain your dominance over the country.

Also nice job simplifying 2 dimensions of the political axis into a single one so you can straw-man left-wing politics into authoritarianism. Fuck you are so dishonest.

Dear right,

tl:dr lol

Yeah, so basically we created "you" by calling you out on your bullshit.

Protip: Saying you're 'pro-free speech' but bitching that people attack 'christian beliefs' is hypocritical. Those jobs were *always* going to leave the economy and it has NOTHING to do with the left wing and EVERYTHING to do with the capitalists who demand more profits. Those jobs are never coming back, and trump can do nothing to do so. Automation and AI have taken low-skill, middle-class work for good. "We" didn't emasculate men, men who wanted to be softer decided to be of their own volition. Nobody decided to make your children soft, your children have minds of their own.

tl;dr quit the victim blaming

Oh look nobody fucking liked Clinton anyways. Trump is just going to be a right wing social justice warrior and cry when ever somebody offends his delegate sensibilities. The only difference is it wont be PC outrage, he is just going to cry on twitter when people says shit he does't like. He has already betrayed his electoral base anyways if you have been following his transition team. If you were expecting things to change in a way you liked then you are fucking retarded. It would have honestly been the same whether your voted left or right, but hey I hope you enjoy an Orangutan with a faret on his head for the next 4-8 years.



and this


and give this a watch:

For a thread that's meant to tell people to stop being so butthurt you come across extremely butthurt ITT, OP.

i'm just gonna enjoy watching him backtrack on all his promises and seeing you twats get pissy. you can sit by me when i pour a glass of wine and watch it all go down the drain lol

He literally demanded that Theater be a safe space. For all the bluster the right does about 'triggering' and 'muh free speech' they are some of the whiniest crybabies.

And all the while trump being bed buddies with the Clinton's. So far as to make damned sure his companies that he has the largest vote in, kept paying the Clinton foundation through donations. Yeah a real win for the u.s. when both doors lead to the same slaughter house.

Fuck off back to Sup Forums faggot

Dude, his post made actual sense, unlike Op.


>but did Obama bring Gen. Mattis in for SecDef nominee?

This would be funny but, it's honestly sad because of how true it is

Lol u r gay.

This, and checked

How does it feel to know that instead of "draining the swamp", your precious emporer is just throwing more roaches and snakes into it?

No wall, no swamp draining, more tax breaks for the rich

Get conned faggot

also this ^_^

have y'all read the article about the trump supporter who regrets voting for him cause her house foreclosed? lol

You realize the recent republicans have grown the government far more than the democrats, so no matter what the parties 'core beliefs' are your representatives have been doing anything but moving back to small governments

you're lucky nobody reads the shit you're talking terrorist

you would think some guy at the NSA or CIA would record your mouth and posting history just to see what a dumbass dissenter and threat to society you really are

if you're really that much of a fucking sheep you should blame Donald Trump for the FEMA concentration camps because it's totally and completely plausible niggers and terrorists lie you would get deported or tortured in about the right time to wash your mouth with soap

ps your nigger mother Judith abuhamra is the first racist bitch to vote for Donald trump and mitt Romney the fucking racist self hating meicans who putlittle Indians ages 15 with swatikas to Gestapo some punk shit such as the type of bitch fit that you do and throw

your comeuppance is coming faggot, run to fuck more little boys on people's dimes while you still can abuse of Americans and their feeble stupidity

you're mac flores to be on Donald trump's side, fuck you nigger

This. You guys always jump on liberals for getting 'triggered' and say they are attacking your free speech. Look who's 'triggered' now, and you all are so upset that liberals are using their freedom of speech. Now you guys are the one's who want 'safe spaces'
Top kek

I'm not saying they're not bankrupt but they do have the money to pull that shit

Tf? Did you think that post was pro trump?

that's great OP but why are you posting this now instead of 1 month ago?

because "the win" is all they have

trump has backed out of every major campaign promise, even before being sworn in