Reviving thread that died because I wrote a long ass reply. I think the idea of a world War Russia+USA vs...

Reviving thread that died because I wrote a long ass reply. I think the idea of a world War Russia+USA vs. The World ~~comrades

If I had to pick an ally in another world war, it would definitely be the snow niggers. There's a huge population of Russian and Bosnian in parts of my state. Every one I've met have been stand up guys and women. Loyal friends and bust their asses at work. It would be an honor to take over the world with you commrades.

>USA set up defensive naval networks in Atlantic launching scuds to prevent western Europe offensives on Russian front
>Russia takes Pacific naval preventing pac rim to butt fuck us again
>USA invades Canada on ground/air Canadian surrender in 9 months
>trump builds wall preventing anything from the south
>Russia blitzkreigs China ground/air and throws nuke on japan
>Japan dead instantly China/Russia fighting on Chinese soil
>germany/france/poland/sweden/UK probably all go offensive ground/air on Russia
>USA launches 25% of all troops across Atlantic with massive air bombardment to aid Russia. Land on Spain establishing a foothold within 3 months.
>USA launches another 50% to Russian Eastern Coast spreading to West to support western battlefront
>China capital and most main cities along with most pacrim conquered by Russia within 12 months
>mudslimes mostly India throwing massive amounts of ground troops to SW Russian front
>UK launching massive offensive on USA foothold in Spain fighting lasts almost 2 years, UK/France pushes USA out of Spain many troops positioned Southwest Europe now
>with China dead Russia takes 30% military pushing toward Germany
>another 30% Russian ground/air goes to mudslimes front. With USA ground troop support sent in from Pacific India Falls in 12 months.
>heavy losses on ground for both sides in middle and east Europe
>usa launches remaining home reserve troops taking back Spain
>5 years of fighting have passed; battle fronts continued on Germany/new gained Russian territory border

Other urls found in this thread:

Keeping this alive

Godlike thread. Continue, user.

>UK/axis forces Navy gets by USA naval network launches nuke on USA soil
>sams take out 2 of 3 nukes; NYc/nj/mass devastated by nuke and fallout
>USA launches nukes to UK area
>one nuke makes it by UK sams sites and hits England right in the pussy.
>all of UK forced to move to Scotland base
>USA down to 50% military forces
>Russia down to 25% due to massive ground battles all along borders
>USA can't sustain anymore large offensive. Manpower/resources under 25%
>remaining Russian forces and previously deployed 25% USA ground/air push west and make it to middle france
>USA/Russian Navy forming on West Coast of europe
>large scale Navy battles lasts 9 months
>USA/RU Navy down to 10%
>axis navy destroyed except docked ships
>axis forces pushed into northern france/uk/netherlands
>who wins the last battles?

I can dream.. I wish every single day some world changing, devastating thing happens and we have to go world War 3.

Sk sick of this mundane life every single day over and over.

Can we please just start this war already comrades?

The rich.

They rich never fight wars, the rich never suffer, the rich win, every time.

I wouldn't rely so heavily on the Russian navy to protect the pacific. Ignoring the fact that their fleets are spread out between the White Sea, Baltic Sea, Black Sea, and Pacific, a one-on-one fight with China's navy would be almost a total loss for the Russians.

Remember what happened when they tried to fight Japan?

Same user here.

We also have to account for Turkey, which has the 8th largest military on the planet. They'd catch any Russian offensives into Europe or down through the Caucasus relatively well. At the same time, Russia is fighting against all of Eurasia. That's like a twenty-front war. I give the Russian military only a year or two before total defeat, not counting use of nukes/chemical warfare.

In a one-on-one war with Turkey, Russia would come out on top in the end but only with heavy, borderline unjustifiable casualties for minor territorial gains. The mountains and hills directly south of the Caucasus would chew up Russian armor like nothing else.

When we factor in the fact that in this scenario, EVERYONE is fighting the RUS/USA alliance, the Ivans probably wouldn't even break through the region, leaving their black sea border open to all manner of strikes.

In 1939 or 1945?
both were won pretty easily

One last point, OP mentions a Russian blitzkrieg offensive through China.

>Fighting on five fronts already
>Invasion would have to cross through either the Gobi, the Altai Mountains, or Manchuria
>Against one of the largest militaries in history
>While still fighting everyone else
>Little to no US assistance because all US bases that can strike at China are either tiny islands with no garrisons or Japan.
>Implying this results in a Russian victory

Hate to burst your bubble, but this question was answered a few years back. US wins, hands down. Scroll a bit through the article until you get to the questions. Amazingly, if you really do a thorough search, expert opinions tend to stick pretty close to this article.


Just look up the story of the Russian baltic fleet during the Russo-Japanese war.

In a land conflict Russia wins hands down, but in a naval conflict they're too spread out to mass an effective force.

In a defensive war.

In OP's case, the US and Russia are both on offense.

This is what the North America & Eurasia would look like after 5 years

> Blue = US(Allied)
> D.Red = Russia(Allied)
> L.Red = Asian union(Axis)
> Green = Islamic union(Axis)

I believe the question should be "Who SHOULD win". I say not these two.

No way in hell Russia was able to take all of Western Europe in 5 years while simultaneously fighting everyone else in Asia.

The situation in the US is more believable but they'd have hella problems with drug cartels.

The Idea to go across the World was pretty stupid. Russians were overconfident/Incompetent. And the Brits were giving Japs intel/tactics/guns/ships. Russ just went for a trap.

Basically. But it still highlights how spread out the Russkie navy is. Given, they're marginally more competent nowadays, but they're hopelessly outnumbered on all fronts in this scenario.

The way I imagine it is

> US conquers Canada & Mexico with ease through Drone strikes, missiles, heavy artillery, and other military technology
> Militias and minute men also play key role to fortify the boarders
> Sends majority of foot soldiers to Europe in support role for Russia
> Deploys massive Navy to the Pacific to create a two front war for China(as Reagan proposed)

IMHO day 1 Us declares war, Canada will surrender

But where do you base your navy and troops when all your foreign bases (the real strength of the US military) are occupied? Reagan's plan relied on the use of bases in Japan and the US colony islands in the west-central pacific, as well as dependence on allies, but this scenario would render that plan impossible.

So the US would need to somehow capture or defend naval and airbases against the combined might of the world.

While at the same time being drastically outnumbered in the air game? Ships and troop movements would be destroyed left and right as the US and Russian air forces crumble against the endless tide.

Not to mention Israel is an opponent. War's already decided when that happens.

> Light red = Countries that would surrender to Russia and be absolved at first declaration of war
> Orange = Countries that would surrender to the US and be absolved at first declaration of war


We would base are Navy on the South East shore of Russia

>I wish every single day some world changing, devastating thing happens and we have to go world War 3
Yeah, nothing like going back to living tooth and nail like fucking animals, you ignorant son of a bitch

Add china in the alliance and you win. but US Russia and the US would lose


Oh, the one good, large-sized naval base they have that's conveniently located within striking range of both China and Japan?

Vladivostok is a no-go, and I think most of the other bases along Russia's pacific coast would be rendered unusable as well in the opening days of the war.

>japan dead instantly
>despite surviving 2 nukes and 2 meltdowns

This is incredibly arbitrary. Poland wouldn't go down without a fight, and neither would Turkey or any of the smaller European states.

I've already mentioned that Turkey has the 8th largest military on the planet with more armored vehicles in use than Russia, there's no way in hell they'd refuse to use it.

Every base in the World is in striking distance of another country, what can be hit from China can be hit from Russia, its executing the strike that's the issue

> US sets up Naval operations in Vladivostok
> Russian Air Force & domestic missile defense systems as well as US mobile Naval missile defense systems and Air Force repel fortify the area

pretty sure the usa would just wreck everyone including russia

Sounds like a 1984 prequel, you're basically creating Eurasia, Oceania and Eastasia. Great job...

Maybe stop spending your whole day on Sup Forums and go out and do something you stupid fucking moron, jesus.

Yes, that's true, but remember that Russia and the US are now at war with the entire rest of the world. The Russians in particular would be spread far too thin trying to maintain supply lines across their vast land area to mount any effective offensives and only marginally successful defensive actions. The US would have to spend almost a month (I think, need to check my numbers) sailing across the Pacific into enemy airspace before they could mount defenses, by which time the Russian bases would almost certainly be gone.

You have to remember that Russia has to defend its entire industrial base in the West from the might of Europe, as well.

I don't think people really understand how much more of everything, especially weapons, that the US has over everyone else.

Yeah just like we thoroughly defeated the Taliban.

I say the world would beat the two nations in numbers, but with nukes in play, everyone loses. Even though the USA and Russia are arguably the two countries with the best technology and military, the rest of the world's military would outnumber the other two armies, making it impossible to win without the use of nukes that make everyone lose.

This might sound stupid, but imagine world where there is no wars I mean no military techics all money spent on science and people comfort. No hate, just imagine...

Btw sorry my english is retarded.

Pretty much exactly how it would go.

Oh please, we invaded that country and toppled their government in record time, all from our home base on the other side of the fucking planet. Same with Iraq. Don't confuse actual warfare and the touchy feely hearts-and-minds occupation methods that we used after the war.

Life is not a John Lennon song son

> Some Say your a dreamer
> But your not the only one
> Maybe some day we will join you
> But thats not gonna fuckin happen

if it took the rest of the world to stop Germany last time i can tell you even with all the Americans stolen German technology Russia ain't gonna save them.

Germany has been castrated and declawed by Merkel user

Come, come north, this winter, it's mild :) and let's put your grade 5 history project to the test, shall we?

Or maybe we should invade Washington and burn the Whitehouse down.... again...

Europe alone has more

True enough, but that's not feasible when your target is the entire fucking world.

you cant fight an idea with force user

Soviets toppled government in Afghanistan in 1980. What's your point?

The Brits did that, put your emotions aside and think logically and rationally for a second

> Do you really think Canada can fight off a US & Russian invasion?
> Do you think Americans all live in Miami and can't handle the cold?
> Do you think Russian backed Alaskans wouldn't fuck you up
its a two front war and your population is smaller the Cali

Yeah that's my point.

Admit it tho, the USA's millitary may be awesome, you guys suck at warfare.

The main goal in the Vietnam war was to stop the commies from setting up camp, usa failed.

Afghanistan rekt ur shit and I don't even know what the fuck you were doing in Iraq.

Amero-Russo Federation would be glorious indeed.

It really wouldn't be a two front war tbh. Russia would be way too occupied with Eurasia to launch any effective support.

Literally everything in this thread shows how not-glorious it would be,

Chinese and Indians already own the U.S. All of academia, science, tech, etc. Trumps too busy dealing with nigs, mexicans, and arabs, so is RUS. The only hope the U.S. has is if china and india somehow go to war with each other. CIA needs to pull through on this.

It took Russia to stop them boi

The entire EU military budget is $220 billion

> The US military budget alone is $600 billion
> $380 billion more every year for just the last 10 years alone is a $3.8 trillion stock pile of more military tech

I understand this, but its really intresting what could be done with all that money nations are spending on millitary. But then again, pleople are apes, racists they always think they are better of smth.

Russia was already steamrolled without the massive amounts of aid the allied nations were pumping into it, they couldn't feed their own populace, let alone arm or transport it.

Europe =/= EU

>american education

Y'all should really watch Binkov's Battlegrounds. Learn some more about actual military capabilities before inflating them with ego/nationalism.

Fair enough, but the US alone would fuck them up

> 320 million > 35 million
> Canada is not even top 25 in military spending
> Drone strikes alone would fuck them up if they really believe "the cold will repel Americans"

I am not even from US. But what would be the point for Canada to resist? except if they re in Sadomasochism.

Praise the heavens with our new flag.

I don't think the other 32 countries budgets will change the difference in spending much

Oh yeah it'd be no contest.

Unless the Canadian JTF teams are as incredibly Overpowered as what we know of them indicates, of course :P

Each nation in the EU has it's own military budget, I believe, separate from the overall budget listed above,

This will be our glorious new glorious flag

>The main goal in the Vietnam war was to stop the commies from setting up camp, usa failed.

As far as the war itself went, we cleaned house. We bombed them into submitting to a peace deal. Peace deal signed, we pulled out. Then later, north went back on their deal and continued to attack the south. South Vietnam lost the war, not the US.

Nobody cares what you think

Hardly we are still superior to China militarily, and they would be the only serious threat, next biggest being that we would run out of ammo while mowing down Indians. What would be a serious issue is China immediately over running insufficiently equipped Russians in Siberia, as all the good shit is in the West. This would likely be our first roll in the campaign, fighting the Chinese in Siberia with some Russian assistance while the bulk of them are fighting their way through Poland, Germany, and Scandanavia, while holding off any offensive incursions from the middle east in the Caucus mountains, Israel, Iran, and Saudi Arabia would be the biggest risk for these forces.

After China is defeated, Japan and Korea should be invaded from within China and by sea, they wont stand a chance. After the Asian theater is wound up, we would be wise to merge forces with the Russians in Europe, and finish that campaign.

While the above is going on, in the Western hemisphere we should use about half of our air and land national guard should be used to fight through Central America until we reach Panama, which will serve as an effective choke point until the Chinese and European threats have been dealt with and we can afford to free up the necessary resources to conquer Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina, and Chile. Paraguay and Uruguay would likely surrender immediately, as would French Guinea, Guyana, and Suriname.

USA and russia take out china and india first then the rest fall into place because lets face it you take those you can take the rest right? maby?

"Take canda in 9 months"
lol. My sides are in orbit!
Bunch a frenchies in Canada so we would take it in more like 9 hours!

clearly you do

> Don't get your jimmies rustled

He's right you know

Russian conference

Some either delusional or uninformed jackasses itt. US air power alone owns the entire planet. No on else is even close. Our naval power owns the oceans easily. We only need one of those to enslave you all. And then behind that we've got a huge military that's highly trained. And behind that we've got a few hundred million armed civilans. And behind that we own you economically, culturally, and every other way. And if all else fails, we have nukes. We win in any imaginable scenario.

An armed militia unit of US citizens would wipe out that paint ball team you call a special forces unit

>what is a coat

Argentina got the religious victory! now we rule the world fags... stop fighting and build some maradonianas churchs for me.

I mean your opinion is irrelevant, only facts matter.

Remember, though, that this is all happening at the same time. Russia vs all of Eurasia at once, really.

It didn't work for Hitler and it won't work for our team.

LOL! Neither of you asshats could hold Afghanistan, but you're going to somehow conquer the world? This is how empires talk when they start falling apart. China will be the lone superpower and the US will be as pathetic and broken down as Russia and Britain in just a decode or so.

I concede, I'll take that flag.

Bruh I'm American and I wouldn't trust an armed militia of US citizens to run a lynch mob, let alone take on a real fight.

except the massive aid started after decisive battle of Stalingrad, when gerys where on full scale retreat. It helped to push them back faster thanks to massive amount of studebakers, other then that Russians were producing insane amount of Armour by the selves, the impact of aid was not greater as a glass of water would have been in a lake.

>LOL! Neither of you asshats could hold Afghanistan,

Hmm, really? We destroyed the taliban military, removed them from power, installed our own government, and it is still in power today. Please tell me again about how we couldn't hold it. fucking retarded faggot.

first we must examine putin's problems,goals and means to attain them for russia,sanctions they have been hut badly,the rouble has slid in value to up this putin needs to boost energy prices world wide,the energy supplier of world record is the saud,,at odds as always with the iranian shia regime,,putin allies himself with shia militia in syria,assisting the mullahs with new hardware,tanks vehicles mig 29s,same with syrias' al assad,putin sells fighters to the indians getting them to agree that russian techs at home will service the aircraft,putin I divine would love to see the sauds knocked off for good,using iran as proxy to boost oil prices or cut off all oil sales to the west,inducing mass every damn thing that would toss europe the US,and Canada into terrible times, sudden inflation,long lines gas shortages.putin wishes to reconstitute the cobet coyouz,has brought 2 former members aboard by force of arms. russians put in roots in these former independant states during the 20s,after the russian revolution.putin uses every technique in pursiung the rebuilding of the empire that ronald reagan and the brits plus the polish pope used to knock out the CCCP. modern communications,rt news is 24/7 kremlin propaganda,I think anonymous is paid for & run by russians.vladimir ilyich is like the short big eared alien business wheeler dealers on star trek,,always seeking business from our friends and adversaries alike. putin uses hollywood simpaticios to help his PR and propaganda needs,just as ronald reagan performed himself for GE.
putin sells military & tech hardware and has oil and gas deals with the chinese,he sides with them in the south china island building.
as to military blowups with the west,, unless vladimir thinks he can get away with outright banditry he will not dare to do much more than piss us off with overflights of our ships and carriers.Putin has been telling his commanders to get practice with tech devices like drones

Can't use the air or naval power if you have nowhere to properly base them. The second this war breaks out the US is relegated to a defensive role, not counting nukes, which in this scenario would be a lose-lose given the fact that the entire world would be using them.

On top of that germans had tons of captured tanks, and whole EU was working for their military machinery

Except we weren't looking to defeat afghanistan, we were looking to conquer it, and conquer it we have. You idiot.

Ok all you faggots really need to actually read fuckin facts instead of assuming America is the best in every way and of course we'd win.

Think of us as Rome.

The second the number of enemies becomes too great to deal with one-on-one, we're fucked. Read your history books, people.

We don't need to hold it if we glass the fucking place.

You're so precious when you get mad.

Because romans had nukes and advanced technology.

>numbers game doesn't work when the people are fucking melted.

No one is saying America is best at everything

> Just military

lol we never put full force into afgan and nether did russia there goverment never let us fully mobalize to do what we wanted and since this was a war aganst terror we couldent fully mobalize becuse there gov did not want foring milatary power roaming iam drunk feelsgoodman.