Ask the liaison of the coming invasion of the planet Earth anything

Ask the liaison of the coming invasion of the planet Earth anything

What kind of alien are you

will they have alien dogs?

Is spiderman REALLY your favorite memes

Why fucking bother?

How did you get this job?

Will it be a violence-free invasion?

Why do they need a liaison?

what do you think of niggers?

I am not an alienI am not an alienI am not I am human however I serve a race of aliens that I cannot get to this device to print to print outs to pronounce

Years ago I worked for a scientific division deep in the Pentagon and I came in contact with with signals from another race return I then communicate with them and they offered me incredible power in riches And I simply saw my dreams come true only if I help them take this planet so I did

What's going to happen to us

What's going to happen is you can either join the movement or you can be hunted down and possibly even dissected for science if you resist them
I am here to see you join the movement

And if you have a girlfriend you'll you will watch her be fucked by these lizard creatures in inseminated end of the alien babies will tell her body apart

Are you coming to purify the human race by purging the degenerate Jews and the savage-nigger "people"?

Because I think it would be great if the white and monguloid races can work together to enslave all of the lower-lifeforms in other worlds. Here's our resume to let you know just how valuable of an asset are:

>God-tier in terms of enslaving other races
>Used a systematic brainwashing-tool created by the Jews (religion) to manipulate the savages
>Killed millions of Jews in one of our wars
>Genghis Kahn, our greatest monguloid, made great bounds in scientifically testing the Darwinian concept of survival of the fittest in our ancient times
>Adolf Hitler did the same as above but on a more updated scale adjusted specifically for whites in the western world
>invented nuclear weapons (Albert Einstein technically white because his brain is physically and mentally superior to that of the Jews and nigger-savages)
>are capable of destroying our planet with our nuclear weapons
>Destroyed so many nigger-savages
>Wiped out most of the dirty-natives that lived in the Americas

When's the last time you had some good earth sex?

Let me join

I would like to join how do i ?

Can we have sex with the aliens?

fuck off space niggers

Hi mr. CIA man you can leave now

Why do you dumb niggers keep trying to land armies without dropping rocks from orbit first?

Post tits and or dick, or GTFO.

Preferably both, since you're an alien and all...

There is no such thing as aliens, because I never created anything more intelligent than a human. In fact, I technically didn't even create humans, I created the necessary components for humans as an eventuality.
Aliens are just a fools dream.