Story time niggers

Story time niggers.
>Be me in army
>mandatory in my shitty country
>first time we noob soldiers fire our guns
>we lay in the ground and get ready
>drill instructor yells "are you ready?"
>i yell back "ai ai captain"
>random guy two rows away yells " i cant hear you"
>drill instructor mad and tries to find out who mocked him
>i yell again "OOOOOOOO''
>random guy shots a rock 10 meters in front of him from laughter ( the target was 300 meter away)
>dust rises up and one general runs and screams at drill instructor
>we march back to camp 10 kilometers instead of driving
>i am attending the "i cant hear you" guy wedding next week


that was a neat story too bad it didn't happen

That's pretty funny.

I'm sure you all will have a good laugh while you get gunned down by a more well disciplined force you immature faggots.

really happened
it was a drill you spaz not real war
spongebob square pants



Your a really neat person. too bad you dont exist. You know . Cause nothing on the internet is ever real. If it was real It wouldnt be able to be on the internet.

>it was a drill you spaz not real war

I wonder how militaries train for real war... oh right with drills.

You've clearly never heard the phrase "You train how you fight" or understand the concept of muscle memory.

Your military is shit and you and your comedic buddy's lack of discipline won't get either of you killed, it will be someone else.

But by all means keep laughing it up.

hey there buddy

Ok just turn into an emotionless robot with no sense of what its like to be human. Then when you ccccome home ill put you put of yoyr misery by killing you in your sleep. Grew job being the perfect military man. Now every normal person in town despises your violent outbursts and when you stabbed the nice Muslim man down the street in a violent episode. Everyone will gather together to deal with you. I'll kill you myself if that's the route you take. You angry violent, shithead, bastaed, nazi, faggot. For I'll kill you give me your after a I'll fucking kill you kill you burn you in your sleep and your whole family I'll kill all of you fuck kill kill kill.

Chill nigga, they wouldnt pull this shit in a real war.
Also youre being so triggered by this shit its funny

Triggered cod fag

Yove clearlwy nvr herd th prase "Yo trin hiw yo fight" or undrsand te conet af misce mimory.

They never been out there bro, give them a break, when they're standing there holding their buddies guts in their hands wondering what went wrong them maybe they'll remember


op here
i thought the same thing too :D


op here again
hahahha no you fat nerd 100% no

And when you come back and everyone shuns you cause they're afraid of you snapping and killing them it will lead to depression ebough for you to kill yourself
Ahhhhhhhaaahahahaah i cant wair im totally jizzing rainbows at the thought of people like you being wiped from the planet. Ohohohohho i can taste the chocolately goodness of your suffering mmmmmmm it tastes soo good.

If i had a fag like you in my unit i'd give you a code red see how you're laughing after that

There's a time and a place for joking and emotions. That time is not while you are training for a potentially lethal confrontation.

Yes they would, that's exactly my point.

Of course they wouldn't literally make a Spongebob reference but the lack of discipline during training would result in inaction, indecision, and indecisiveness.

Yea that is clear.

Υe we greeks are not in war because we are a country that only defends unlike murrica who is 100 years straight in war, dude if you want to try our power just attack us and see how much we make spongebob refs while we fuck you up, maybe i will make a spongebob ref while you are my captive with shoving my calamari in your ass

Greeks got invaded by muslims a long time ago they arent even real "greeks" just half breeds, you overfished the Mediterranean so no calamari and you're getting invaded again and you and your buddies are making jokes while gettting cucked by muslims.

Keep making those jokes though, while your sargeant tries to impress on you the importance of your job, you keep making those jokes

Always a time and place? Not in the military. Its all. Work work kill kill opress innocent people kill kill work work work work destroy all hope for peace in the world kill kill work work

Your the kind of person your wife fake slaps your face by touching your cheek.... so you snap her neck and end up in prison bu but mah training made me kill my sweet innocent wife yoy turnes me into this. Doesnt matter kek time to go to jail forever for being a fucked up psychopath due to the war amd robot training we put you though

Haha your country is only able to defend itself because of the rabble it has as a military force. Greece is unable to project any power anywhere on the globe because of shits like yourself. Your culture has failed.

It's why your country is so poor and shitty. Your populace, as evidenced by you and Spongebob guy, is trash.

I'm sure the Drill Instructor in charge of you is ashamed of his recruits.

>Someone who has never been in the military.