Who´s with me?

Who´s with me?

I don't really know you, but sure, I'll agree you're probably stupid.

You dumb bastard. Well, let me cite why I didn't vote McCain: President Palin. No sir, crazy risk having that wack job in the office. Now: Mike Pence. That guy is a retard and any pissed off liberal would do well to jump in front of anything that might risk our President elect.

Better if he gets impeached and goes to rape camp for 15-20.

op is a stupid faggot - OP

not I. I'm fairly moderate (environmentalist but anti-authoritarian-left) and I would take trump over almost any trad-con. Give it a few months he's not exactly as horrible as as he's portrayed. He's out of his depth for sure but the first 100 days of any presidency is mostly warming the chair.

> kill trump

just one problem, you'll be left with Pence as president. I think that might actually be worse.

i fully commend you to follow your dreams.
whether you succeed or not doesnt bother me.

This, Don is covered by Pence Mutual life insurance.

If he dies, we get a war profiteering, closet fag who is dumb as a brick. Or rather a simple man who through therapy got over his sinful desires and who's bff is the founder of Backwater private security firm and contractor. Who is really dumb. Wouldn't want to slander the man.

Trump dies, Pence is your president.
You think that was accidental? Hell no it wasn't.
That's proof he's not stupid, so you're wrong.
Your tears are tasty though.
Sitting at my battlestation marathoning the Apprentice.

Definitely not stupid, just self centered.

I mean, his vice pick has that one point. There's nothing else to credit the man with for getting him the position. I mean, Don himself can't be against the separation of church and state like Mike. But he wasn't chosen for that. He was chosen because he is so vile and inept, it keeps Don alive. And it consolidated the evangelical vote. This is how you make America great again, by choosing the best vice for Don, not for the country?

Trump's already done more to fulfill his campaign promises than any other president elect. To say he's self centered while he takes the slings and arrows of the mainsteram media and every libtard in the country to MAGA is frankly insane.
Also do you think people would have a problem with Mike Pence if he was a black Muslim?

Trumpie is such a fucking putz. China is going to own America within a year and Trump will be sucking every hard dick in Shanghai.

China won't do shit.
It'd be hilarious to see them try.
Do you know how many countries are waiting for China to get distracted so they can join in on ganging up on them?
Who would ally with them? North Korea?

>Trump's already done more to fulfill his campaign promises than any other president elect.

You sound as stupid as the people saying he is already the worst president ever without having taken office yet.

Yes, he is self centered. All of that is attention. He is also an attention whore. Like most people in the media. Feeds his ego.

You mean a Muslim saying that the only thing that makes the government's authority legitimate is being backed by god and that he was gay but Allah cured him?

Yes, they would, much more people would since islam isn't as widespread a religion as Christianity in the US, there isn't that big a problem. Pence isn't as radical as someone proposing Sharia courts, but it helps that he is with the popular religion. A lot.

basically this picked the worst possible guy to negotiate with china. Could have delayed it maybe 8-15 years (to a point where it might not even happen) with just about anyone else. But a crushing defeat is sort of assured by putting an incompetent in office who'll likely sign anything that on the surface looks like it's good for the private sector.

How's the Clinton prosecution coming along?

How about that ban on Muslims?

All he's done so far is give back handlers to corporatists...was that somethings he promised?

and liberals have fulfilled their expectations of taking every fulfilled promise and spinning it into something really negative...and when they can't do that, they just downplay it.

get ready for four years of everything trump does being "unprecedented" even though there's precedent

they don't need to try shit they can and will use BRIC to subvert our influence and take away the things that make america so independent and powerful.

But...user, the private sector is what drives the economy and produces jobs and shouldn't have big government on it's back and should have all the legislative help it can get buy should be too regulated but definitely has to be bailed out and not allows to fail or Armageddon.

lol funny ass picture because true.

China will definitely win. People in the US think they we can easily fight them economically and they are a bunch of dummies. We will be sadly mistaken. Chinas goverment is very intelligent and how much control they have over the US economic future is startling.

...about as well as Obama's promise about people being able to keep the doctors they want...

The only thing he's done is save 800 jobs at the cost of $7million in tax(still losing 2000 jobs in the process) and nearly starting a war with China by a single phone call.

To call him an inept imbecile is an insult to inept imbeciles everywhere

Their economy is teetering already do you know how hard we could cuck them?
Do you think Russia would side with them over the US?
Do you think India would turn down all that money?
Get real kid.

did you even read any of what I wrote besides keywords?
I said on the surface. Half our legislation looks like one thing and functions like something else. Look at NAFTA looked like good thing for everyone. But in tern just lead to more crippling poverty and record starvation in mexico, business leaving the US and an escalation of illegal immigration issues. Politics are based on ideals not realistic projections of how it will impact the country long term.

And now, any company that wants to pay less tax knows all they have to do is threaten to move jobs to Mexico

Hey guys think Hillary quit crying yet,
All the sjw Libby's haven't yet
Victory smells so good
It's nice when only the winners get trophies

You know what I'm always confused by? The rhetoric about the regulations. Granted I know some regulations are probably stupid and harmful, but regulations as a whole were made for a reason. Republicans act like they were enacted all willy nilly with no rhyme or reason. Thats retarded. Of course there had to be a fucking reason for them existing.

Who knows? By getting rid of a lot of them we may find out that reason.

America has NEVER had the guts o stand up to China precisely because they are aware what an asskicking they would get

there's nothing of substance in this post. You seriously have no clue what you're talking about.

7 million dollars over 10 years.
800 jobs and taxes from those 800 jobs plus 16 million in investment locally
and he's not even the president yet.
You are so wrong it hurts my head.

And republicans had to approve them

Regs so we won't pollute
Instead china and Mexico pollute
Good thing we live on a different planet than them

And what's to stop other companies threatening to leave in order to get a similar tax break?

>America has NEVER had the guts o stand up to China
Until Trump.
If you're scared of China you're an idiot. They're propagandists. Can't even build a functional escalator.

it's for their an-cap masters and lobbyists. They just want people to believe it's the government that's stifling the economy and not bad business practices and unpaid consumer dept.

Right. That sets a dangerous prescedent. If i were GM id say im moving the entire company to mexico right away. I bet i could weasel my way into never paying taxes.

This isnt how capitalism is supposed to work. Fuck i agree with Sarah Palin. You cant pick winners and losers you let the free market decide that.

Now he could make general laws that incentivise them not leaving, but making a deal with an individual company is bullshit.

I've been to China AND America

China was far more impressive on every level

You mean the kind that pays for itself 200+%?
haha I wish they all would!
don't forget Obama dealt with the same company but he didn't give a shit about jobs. He wanted better environmental regulation and he did burn up money in the process.

GE doesn't pay taxes now in fact they take money from the gov under obama

That makes sense. It also seems like an easy talking point. For some reason most Americans think the goverment is literally run by people with sub 70 iqs, and that businesses and ceos are gods among men.

Citation needed

Figure sources directly from your own asshole

And how much tax does Trump pay?

>pay 7 million
>so that they spend 16 million dollars locally
>and keep 800 jobs, the gov gets that tax money.
The 7 million pays for itself just with the 16 million, not counting the tax money from the job.
It's a hell of a deal.

Oh yeah? Well your a fucking faggot

they're all smart people unfortunately (even Bush I know real shocker) but they're all courting an electorate that's next to mexico in terms average intelligence. Everything is based around what will get votes which naturally pulls issues into two extremes.

GE worked within the law. The law is pretty fucked up. They used good accountants to do it. They also blackmailed CT in giving them good tax shit and successfully did it with Boston.

0% that's my point
The system is screwed
All with dems and repubs approval

Wanna fight? Cuz your a pussy


Enjoy prison OP

Who are they paying the 16million to?

Mexican labourers

Shut up, faggot

I literally just said locally you mongoloid.
First you fail to realize 7 is less than half of 16, now this.
And you can't even say "well I didn't know" because I just told you each time.
No wonder you don't support the God Emperor, you're an idiot.

It's called investment
You get your money back from the workers taxes alone
Also all these factories have smaller mom and pop shops supporting them, small machine shops cleaning companies even the local quick marts all usually close when the big factories go

>no concept of what a free market economy is

This is essentially a type of communism - government controlled economy.

And you Cucks lap it up

youre an idiot

Really? that's your best spin?
This is pathetic.

So your tax dollars should go to propping up these highly profitable companies.

He complains big about JOBS going overseas ....he says nothing about sending all of MONEY overseas

This is your best come back?

This is pathetic

Your post is a form of communism.

What you are advocating is "Planned Economy"
Read up on it cuck lord.

Trump and Putin are best of friends

This same faggot will bitch and moan about Trump going against communist China.

This same faggot will applaud corporations not paying tax, applaud Trump not paying tax, all while his own tax bill increases thanks to the new "planned economy"

You could always kys, you'd be less conflicted

You're painfully stupid.
You're Canadian aren't you?

So, Trumps intervention isn't an attemp at 'planned economy' (a socialist principle)?

Pray tell, oh oracle of the interwebs - wtf is it then?

>planned economy
>an economy in which production, investment, prices, and incomes are determined centrally by the government.

Sounds exactly what trump is doing

(You) = butthurt

Aww did your idol let you down?
Delicious tears

So's public education.
this is embarrassing. a leaf complaining about socialism (which isn't even happening)

>no answers
>only ignorance and denial

Shame I give less of an iota of a quantum of fucks what you think, isn't it girlfriend?

Your point is stupid, why would I argue against it?
"hurrrr communism"
who cares, it works for now and is a net profit for the US government.

Trump just announced 35% increase in import tariffs...
>planned economy
>it isn't even happening

Your Lord Trump disagrees with you... You don't want to get on his bad side like those filthy Muslims, do you?

But guys.


What if we kill Trump AND Pence.

not him, but if anyone has a right to complain about socialism it's people who've lived through it. Not America where socialism is a boogieman. They can't even recognize it when they're looking right at it. No, they just go after all social programs because that's what it means to them.


Your defending communism now?

How the right has fallen

yes, negotiating a deal to keep american jobs is communism. I totally believe you and I'm so convinced. I'd better just hang myself with a belt right now.
Trump could literally shit gold and you'd find a way to make it a bad thing.

Don't be so retarded
If Obama had done this you'd be claiming it was Sharia Law.

You're too partisan to see past your own limited party values...
What Trump is doing is 100% socialist ... And you have no argument of defense as to how it isn't

Just roll over now, cuck Lord - your ass is free for use by everyone

I'm actually a former democrat.
If obama had acted like Trump I still would be.

Ahh... So that's why you approve of his socialism

No country is purely capitalistic.
You're not complaining about public schools or farm subsidies.
Plus any form of taxation could be construed as a "planned economy" if you stretch it as far as you do.
How dumb do you think I am?


>don't go to school
>don't go to work
Guess Sup Forums will be shill free for a day.

free 3 day weekend



unless the two of them are in a line, Pence is the ultimate life insurance policy.

more malignant than Palin, even.