Post them now

Post them now

Future belongs on far right purple and death grips as well other than that is good

My favorite album is Gunfighter Ballads by Marty Robbins

I feel like most of those are arbritary

Funny how all the best artists are on the right also 2pac is far left green with red mixed in

what in rap nation is this bullshit?
None of these artist locations make any sense to me

hello beautiful people
who's excited for daylight saving time

Is it because you don't want to believe the truth post a better one with 60s rock stars if you're so confused by it

inb4 404

Post ones relating to artists

Best album of all time this is as simple as objectivity can be


Do it do it now


Last time I took this I was somewhere in between Dead Prez and Jay Elec lol

>immortal technique
>the guy who thinks the government is poisoning the tap water and spreading chemtrails

Is this a troll chart? so many artists are placed completely wrong. 2Pac was a commie and is in the purple? Meanwhile 2chainz is far-left? Immortal Technique authoritarian right? Death Grips that authoritarian even though their whole attitude seems very anarchistic? But while those are so obviously misplaced, others are placed rather correctly, like Dead Prez for example.

Same but I'm a little more libertarian than that. Which is weird because I'm definitly not an anarchist.

No these are all objectively true with the exception of 2pac future jay z and Kendrick who would be all far left red except future who would be monarchism so middle blue

Immortal technique says it's the Jews who do it though just like Mos Def

Burzum, Drudkh, Japan, and Arditi are up there at the top.

True Kendrick mad city would be in the purple though

In blue



Why are right-wingers fundamentally incapable of making good music?

lol Me & Joe Budden are in the same spot

after his Hot Ones interview I totally want to hang out with him

btw if you're not in purple you're a faggot

Beethoven is on purple other than that all the lefties are rightfully horrible in music as the chart says

u chatting shit about ted nugent mate?

>in blue
Yeah but he would be low green

Isn't Immortal Technique a legitimate Communist?

Most musicians artists inventors and pioneers would agree with the last part of that statement

but they're right tho.

>Rage Againts the Machine
>Posting Beethoven but no Wagner
>Blue Drake

i mean, isn't he literally a capitalist? have you seen his mansion?

I know I agree sweetums
Retards on mu think to be against the establishment is a leftie trait when it's exactly the opposite........Cucks

did someone make this with the goal of triggering people? I can't follow the logic of any placement

Beethoven is on the lower purple as well but the chart proves that lefties cannot in music



Green does not imply against capitilism depending where on it
Learn political theory

Immortal Technique thinks the government is evil and should be overthrown, yet OP places him at 1984 levels of loving government power.

hmm I don't understand


It can be anywhere on it really.

Even Engels was bourgeoisie.

Not a surprise from jewy they're horrible anyway with the exception of sabotage ofc

In reality most of these artists are on the left.

enlighten me. to my understanding left-wing politics was always anti-capitalist while right-wing was pro-capitalism. towards the center i always imagined social democracy and the modern welfare state which is capitalism but with a lot of regulations and a lot of publicly funded government programs to distribute wealth more equaly.

Left green is regulated capitilism while purple is Americana and red is full retard mode commie scum while anarchism is in bottom middle between purple and green

How did you decide these placements? By which rules? Usually it was agreed upon that left-wing means anti-capitalist and that would place both communism and anarchism on the far-left and regulated capitalism towards the middle while the free-market capitalist models are on the far-right. You seem to pulling this shit out of your ass.

Full authoritarianism = "the government should control every aspect of our lives."

I'm not dipshit read Friedman anarchism is literally in the middle bottom basically under everything

You can be rich under Capitalism but still believe in Communism, Socialism, Social Democracy etc etc

Kroptkin was a prince, Lenin was upper-middle class (hard to determine since feudalism), Engels was extensively wealthy and owned private property.

This is wrong

Anarcho-Communist - Furthest Left, furthest Libertarian.

Anarcho-Capitalism - Furthest Right, furthest Libertarian.

Marxism-Leninism (or more logically it's offshoots, Stalinism and such) - Furthest Left, furthest Authoritarian

Fascism (conventionally, although tendency differs) Furthest Right, furthest Authoritarian.

The middle points are usually things like Social Democrats, Conservatives, Classical Liberals etc etc. Basically Liberalism within it's different conventional tendencies.

Should we post our top five artists along with it, or something?

I don't know, I just feel like music should at least be marginally involved.

>Ne Obliviscaris

Yes on the left is authorianism as well Orwell based it on socialist policies.a leftist ideology I know this may hurt you

>read Friedman
lol no thank you. now we know your bias at least.
>You can be rich under Capitalism but still believe in Communism, Socialism, Social Democracy etc etc
>Kroptkin was a prince, Lenin was upper-middle class (hard to determine since feudalism), Engels was extensively wealthy and owned private propert
I understand this, and I also know this. But they all condemned capitalism and consumerism and spent a lot of time creating anti-capitalist theory and working-class organizations. I haven't seen Drake say anything anti-capitalist in his life. How can you compare Lenin and Drake? Lenin led a socialist revolution. What has Drake done or said that puts him in the far-left?

Are you mentally retarded by any chance?

The whole point of this scale is to differentiate government and economy.

Orwell technically based his writings on people who co-opted leftist rhetoric (animal farm is about the politics of the Soviet Union though.)

His work is more anti-authoritarian than anything explicitly to do with leftism

I'm not saying Drake is anything, just providing the fact that someone can be left wing while still being rich. I'd image Drake to be some kind of left liberal, no?

t. Unemployed commie

Beethoven purple?
You're retarded, he supported the French Revolution.

I've never seen such obvious bait
Do a nosedive on your floor

Immortal Technique and Kanye blue?
OP confirmed Stormfag who's upset that no right-winger is a good musician.

>I'd image Drake to be some kind of left liberal, no?
I doubt he would support politics that would cause him to loose any of his wealth. He's probably a social democrat which by your own definition from here puts him in the center. And that's pretty fitting I would say.

Drake is a fan of the Democratic Party, who is blue.

Calm down and fascism is a lefty ideology you're a retard lmao

I like Bjork and Cocteau Twins

>fascism is a lefty ideology
Lmao holy fuck you are retarded

the democratic party is as communist as it can get; they literally want to install sharia law in this country.

You literally just don't understand how the political compass works.

What in the hell are talking about? What country do you live in?

You're correct, the other guy is a retard.

Sharlia law is authoritarian and in favor of enforced morality / traditional values.

> fascism is a lefty ideology
Whenever somebody says this I just immediately know that hes clueless on the topic of politics. Usually it's said by libertarians who re-defined their left-right spectrum to fit their agenda. You know what would be enough to realize that fascism isn't left-wing? Reading the first few sentences on wikipedia about "left-wing politics". Even this easy amd small task would be enough.

>sharia law
Even if this were true (hint: it's not), ISIL is right-wing as fuck.

>be socialist
>see the rise of the Third Reich
>see the National Socialists twist leftist ideals to suit their needs
>write a book about fascists using leftist rhetoric to win the people over only to exploit and oppress them
>fifty years later idiots who never read said book use it to prove that leftists are the real fascists

Not to mention the guy who is, you know, anti-capitalist and features communist symbols in his art.

Truth hurts I see it was called national socialism for a reason lmfao


Yeah, that reason was so that retards like you would associate the Nazi Party with socialism. Looks like it worked.

don't forget that they used the color red a lot.

Drake is blue, he supports capitalism and the Democratic Party. In fact, I'd wager he's even further into the blue than I placed him.

t. inbred redneck

My fav album is Remain in Light

You're the enormous retard the French Revolution wanted democracy and conservatism to prosper and would be in purple Robespierre literally called for the conservation.a classical liberal will be yup you guessed it a conservative

t.uninformed peasant

"people" still defining their life with politics

>mental gymnastics are this ground breaking

But Beethoven hated class divisions - which are essential to liberalism.

t. 16 year old who knows absolutely jack shit about anything

>the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is a democratic republic for the people that comprises all of Korea
This is how retarded you sound.

t.12 year old who thinks its edgy to be a leftie

We're not talking about Korea though stay on topic I know it's hard for you to concentrate auty

He's fucking with you

Yea when it was on monarchism which 85% of the people would be homeless

All of Sup Forums slammed on the ground
*coughes to near death*

Politics dictates my standard of life, along with yours and everybody else's. In any kind of democracy, your political stance should be a prominent aspect of your character; we set the mandate by which we will live and future generations of Americans will live.

Correct but more like Feudalism which was basically proto-communism which Beethoven and French Revolutionaries were against


>Feudalism which was basically proto-communism

learn dialectics bro
