Post your last 5 rated albums on RYM

Post your last 5 rated albums on RYM


and now what

We do what we always do, call each other faggots.



>Jay Z
>5 starts
pick one

>5 starts





shit taste

Demon Days > Gorillaz > Plastic Beach


Vangelis album was that bad?

Television is average imo but at least you got your Gorillaz rankings correct

Think I might give Curved Air a listen sometime. Hounds of Love is like a 3.5-4 for me personally.

>Vangelis album was that bad?
I think I might have been too hard on the poor guy he was only trying to make weird music but it's just so bland




Beauborg is a great album
dont be a sheep and base your rating on what rym thinks about it
Listen to Hamburger Helper's mixtape
These are all wrong

>dont be a sheep and base your rating on what rym thinks about it
>Friends 3.92 from 6 ratings
you'd think a man would sheep his rym buddies hmmm I guess I'm too mysterious to do either


r8 or h8




Niggerfaggot too high

Videodrome not high enough

Had to expand in order to find the 5th album due to singles and or track ratings

how white are you

you're pretty generous with the ratings
then again these are all great albums
stop shilling your music coldplay
beaubourg is great wtf
great taste my nigger xD
pile of shit > gorillaz

i think you may have the worst taste i've seen on this board

t.gorillaz fan

You really enjoyed Die grune Riese that much? Your curve seems mad inflated b

Finna catch these hands, dumb pussy bitch