Anybody ever wright a song while high?

Anybody ever wright a song while high?

First link is LSD second link is shrooms

I thought this shit was good while tripping LOL

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I video'd myself noodling on my guitar while on LSD.

It was pretty funny to watch while sober, I thought everything I was doing was so fucking profound. I was like Keanu Reeves in Bill&Ted's Excellent Adventure.

I put my phone in airplane mode while tripping so I don't have to deal with people, but taking pictures and videos with my "reality device" are fun to review after the trip.

Right, I was tripping so fucking hard the the shroom song and just cracked up about it the next day. Another time I made a video of me drumming on a door lol

I play my guitar for at least a part of every trip. Just improvising though. Usually get too absorbed in the improv to write anything or to remember to record it. Maybe I'll record it next time

It's fun to listen to later. I have a few hours worth of recordings and some actually get pretty deep

Do you have any uploaded that you can link for us?

I'm op. I chose the shortest ones. The others kinda make me feel strange

Not OP, last time I took acid was 2 years ago, so those videos are long gone.

I do however have a literal freezer bag full of shrooms from growing them last summer.

LSD record is very good

Drop 7gs and make a song
Sounds like Pink Floyd 2 me. The shrooms one had some psychedelic ass guitar

I actually really like the lsd one. Sounds like it could be in a movie scene involving a desert. The shrooms one though lol

The shrooms one was a bit whacky because I was fucked up in some kinda way. I thought demons were writing the music

Idk the shrooms one was weird but it had some pretty groovy guitar

Wtf the lsd is actually really good. Dat ending solo

damn I wouldn't even be in this universe at 7gs. Full on ego death hits me at 4-5gs

I just noodled blues licks on guitar. I was really obsessed with tone. My bending sounded tight. But I got scared of the volume. I passed out listening to Smile. Want to try again.

You'd be surprised the by the difference between a 5g trip and a 7.5g trip

wrote the intro and the last riff while tripping on 3 tabs of acid, great days


Also post good tripping songs.

You haven't even been born until you have tripped to

That is the opposite of psychedelic

Optimistic by Radiohead killed while I was coming down

I'll give it a listen.

Breathe by Pink Floyd is ridiculous

Talk to me about LSD

Are you aware when you're on it? As in your surroundings, judgment, etc?

Surroundings yes but they're fucking weird. Hyper aware actually. You notice what you don't in everyday life. You won't hallucinate anything that isn't there, but you will perceive things that are there, uh, differently.

Judgement also good, but highly suggestible because you don't want conflict with anyone. ie: someone asks if you want ice cream but you don't really want ice cream, but you say yes anyway because you don't want to hurt their feelings (which is absurd)

that lsd song is unironically good, very post-rocky
the shrooms one isn't that bad either I don't think, nice and funky, very psychedelic guitar, lyrics are a bit cringe desu

Trip every week for a year you can focus while writing riffs

When I took it, I knew that I was about to be on it, but all of a sudden I became on it, but didn't realize it. You're aware that you've taken LSD, but are too distracted by everything you're seeing and feeling to think about the past. While on it, I had moments of forgetting that I had taken it, but it didn't matter.

Yeah, you're overly aware. You interpret things differently.

I tripped every weekend for a year, most I dropped was 8, I went from not caring about my place in reality to , reading every physics book I could find and every book on the brain and philosophy,
All I took was one morning looking at the sunset on acid and I had to know everything around me

It is an amazing and intense experience I've seen people flip out on it to having life changing experiences, it all comes down to how you orientate yourself in this world, I find lsd to break down barriers in the mind and break the "ego"

I want to try it so bad. But I'm just afraid of how I'd react to it. Weed for example makes me feel incredibly paranoid and depressed.

Weed makes me paranoid too.

Psychedelics are different. Especially if you're doing them with someone like a good friend.

Rarely take trips in a group, social interactions on lsd are quite awkward to me, take it with some experienced or close friend, then try it alone it's great listening to music watching documentarys , I spend 5hrs of every trip playing guitar , got so good so fast lol.

Once you've done it a few times mix it with weed and you will really trip or if you want your mind raped take lsd and synthetic weed, one hit and the whole world turns into 3D geometric shapes

I did this while tripping on LSD and with 3 hours sleep the previous night

All addicts are literal SCUM and they should overdose already and DIE

dude drugs

me and some friends had a few jam sessions while high.
They`re not too good though.

How the fuck do you write songs while tripping?
Anything that requires linear thought and planning is a chore in that mindstate

not LSD, but I write some songs under influence of weed mix of some alcohol, normally would only remember a line or a specific riff and then build a song latter sober

Hey, I wonder where I can find some LSD.

depends where you live

i tend to improvise and record on acid, and come back to it later to see if i can give whatever i made up some sort of structure

Well, where do you live?

In Porto Alegre, one of Brazil's state capital. Not a huge city (1 million people). Normally you would found LSD here in bars or parties (bought from college students) , especially when there's some kind of concert. Street dealers don' usually sell LSD here

Damn, I should move to Brazil

deepweb /r/darkmarketnoobs

>Damn, I should move to Brazil
I don't recommend moving to Porto Alegre we are in huge security crisis here (crime rate here are higher than Rio Janeiro) and our governor and mayor are both huge cucks that are selling the state, like the state bank, the water company, the light company. I would suggest to you Montivideo (Uruguai) as a better city to live, less crime , legal marijuana and basically has the same opportunities as Porto Alegre.

P.S. Porto Alegre gets cold as hell during the winter (not as much as North USA, but is still cold)

>I should move to Brazil

everybody here is trying to escape

The bassline to When I Come Around by Greenday was written while Mike was tripping on acid.

Grey Market (depends the laws in your country)

deepweb = buying from the CIA

I actually did two days ago, haha. Kinda Crust Punk and Death Metal inspired Grindcore I guess(?).
Wrote, recorded and mastered it while tripping on Acid and thought it actually turned out quite nice, though maybe a bit messy. Check it out, I would really appreciate some feedback on it.

My friend and I wrote basically an entire black metal album over a few different times tripping last year


That's just subjective honestly
I enjoy noise while tripping
"Distorted Buddha screaming at the heart of nothingness" by KK NULL is an amazingly mindfucking record btw

I enjoyed that man, keep up the good work

To me it kinda sound like a good but very childish tune, not really a critic knowing you were on lsd

Here's me singing through a loop pedal on lsd. If you give it a chance wait the 3:30 min mark to stop listening, it gets pretty weird.

I just tripped this week-end, and I have recorded some pretty fucking wild stuff.
>mfw I just spend an entire night persuaded to be in contact with alien life forms with the music
Very noise influenced
If anyone is interested I will post it.

do mdma its the patricians drug of choice, lsd is a bit boring (DMT is what you expect LSD to be like)