How are their reviews to be trusted, when someone this far gone writes for them?

>Dylann Roof looks like every member of DIIV
>did you seriously just tweet this?

>posting full names and Twitter accounts on Sup Forums
Gee I hope nobody gets this woman to kill herself that would suck

>~stop~ ~using~ ~Caucasian~ ~as~ ~a~ ~synonym~ ~for~ ~white~

she won't do anything, these tweets are from 3 years ago. she was called out then about it. she's still posts the exact same type of shit today.

if someone looks directly straight ahead, and their irises aren't touching the lower eyelid thats a huge sign of paranoid schizophrenia.

>go to her twitter right now
>her most recent tweet

i fucking hate that there are no consequences for this

Not being taken seriously by any intelligent person is a consequence.

who cares

also does she even currently write for pitchfork

all she has to do for the rest of her life is write for buzzfeed, huffpost, salon, slate, p4k, etc.

she'll make mean-spirited clickbait and whitey will complain and absolutely nothing will happen to her because she gets those page hits.

its the fact that the p4k editors went through her work and decided she was exactly what an unbiased indie music review site needs.

a lot of bands are still made and/or broken at p4k. how much does her worldview hurt or help the rating an album is given.

And i'm sure if she was approved then there are many others at p4k that hold the same viewpoint. maybe thats why in the past couple of years the best reviewed albums are top 40, r&b, and rap, where several years ago they were almost exclusively all indie bands.

As much as I hate using Sup Forums memes, it's clear that Pitchfork fell into the Marxist critical theory of judging music by how proletarian it is rather than by its musicality, which is why anything trending on Black Twitter instantly gets BNM

This is, somehow, just as insufferable as when they were the foremost purveyor of trend-chasing trust fund numale indie rock a decade ago

And somehow I keep reading their shit anyways

trust fund numale indie rock from 10 years ago is still more listenable than today's top 40 rap and r&b.

>As much as I hate using Sup Forums memes

You just hate admitting when they are right.

Which is far more than you'd ever care to be honest about.

Okay well call me back when I'm worshipping cartoon frogs

this woman legitimately his borderline personality disorder or histrionic narcissism. something like that. there is something genuinely pathological to how much of a bitch shit is all the time.

she has them eyes, boy.

dead eyes. like a doll's eyes...

F-fuck...m-mine don't...

get a check up

>goes straight to memetic craziness because all of the temperate statistic-based posts that are made there trigger you too much so you skip right over all of that

I knew it. Even in the thread where you literally said you agree with Sup Forums on a MAJOR issue they have you still need to cognitively reframe them as hapless crazies. Typical.

First of all, that picture is some of the most hideously racist and bigoted shit I've ever seen in my entire life.

Second of all, who's gonna be the one to break it to her she's basically fucking white.

If you're a women then you are also oppressed. No matter what.

I know your prob being sarcastic but I'm not talking about gender. I'm talking about how she is racist to white people while being white or extremely close to white herself

>First of all, that picture is some of the most hideously racist and bigoted shit I've ever seen in my entire life.

fuck off. i refuse to believe you are this new.

I know I agree, I was just russling your jimmies.

Please tell me how this is new? Are you talking about Sup Forums shit because I honestly think this is either on par with or worse than a lot of that.

I've been here every day for almost two years now I'm not new.

this, not even drumpfkins are dumb enough to honestly think you can be 'racist' against white people lmao

>Dylann Roof looks like every member of DIIV

OH GEE I DON'T KNOW ,maybe if the musician is white or not would have something to do with it

She's like seriously almost as ridiculous as a character, how is she in this position

>worse than a lot of that

0/10 not taking the bait. go and pretend to be a reddit idiot somewhere else.

>I've been here every day for almost two years now I'm not new

leave now, I'm on my sixth year it just never stops and keeps getting worse. you've been warned.

>She's like seriously almost as ridiculous as a character

She is mentally ill.

>how is she in this position

Leftists like to exploit people who are mentally ill.

I don't really get offended at "Lol white people xD" jokes at all, I just find them incredibly boring and unoriginal. Anyone else feel the same way? Responding to anything slightly upscale/pretentious with "Oh my god that's so WHITE! xD" has been used so many times that it's lost any and all humor. It's like one of the least interesting observations you can make, and I'm not saying that as an offended white girl, I'm saying that as someone who's tired of people thinking they're the pinnacle of edgy humor for saying "Wow that's so white!" to IPAs or avocados

you seem pretty offended

yes we can see how much you dont care

Yeah no I get that, definitely a stale twitter meme by now.

The worse part is that when ppl say it they think they are making some deep or insightful or progressive statement when in actuality they no doubt heard it from someone else and applied it themselves.

shes right that you cant be racist towards white people

female Sup Forums posters are fukken memes

their posts are always such meandering unfunny nonsense

no one else reply to him, ill give him his (You) that hero desperately craves.

>im a girl btw


ask yourself if you can really be racist towards bill gates

This rascist bitch really needs to be fired
why are they making hate for white people acceptable

i bet you have a fight club poster in your room

I can take good nature ribbing but their is a hatred undertone

i can't tell if you're really young and reddit tourist or affecting that corniness post-post-ironically

what a time to be alive

success fuels jealousy I guess

Shut the fuck up white boy
White boys like you are stupid and shouldn't post here
There I was just racist towards you
It was pretty easy

>Implying I was trying to be funny

Weird because I don't feel like I'm a victim of racism

Well you are
Don't you have a vineyard vines to be hanging around at white boi

Exactly. What the fuck was that. She is seriously just saying she doesn't like how white people look. Yes, white people have a distinct look for the most part, as do all races. This woman is more racist than anyone I have ever met.

white people should just take it as they hate us because they aint us
they hate or good looking features white silky skin
a rich history
most successful people on the planet

Everybody knows Dylann Roof is really just Yung Lean.

We run this shit and if it wasn't for us society would be back in the stone age

i would feel like somebody was bullying me yeah

how is that "yeah white boi" comparable to "i hate jews and the holocaust never happened but i wish it did" and "black people should all be killed"?

>hating white people
>enjoying everything made by white people

wew lad

I can't tell if you are trolling but try this.

Go to all the tweets in the op and replace all the instances of the word "white" with the word "black" in your mind

Would you consider it racist in that case? if yes it is racist, regardless of the demographic being targeted.

well fuck, mine don't

White people should experience a holocaust

I hate to be that guy, but....this girl is not black.


The answer is yes. Now please tell me some lies about power dynamics.

is he dare I say /ourguy/?

she is my captcha

hatred toward his skin color might not affect him but other people who are not in his position

sjw's are full of generalities

so people are still triggered by this three years later

I remember when this was posted everyday here with maxed out threads for months back in 2015.

Everyone ITT confirmed newfriends.

>brown person lives in a country full of white people
>hates white people
????? just leave

she doesn't even work there

Poor Stuart Murdoch. What'd he do to deserve this?

OK, except when not taken collectively (because collectivism is bullshit), a lot of white people are just poor, beaten and decidedly un-privileged. I don't think they take any consolation in the achievements of other white people.

I bet you're close friends with your wife's boyfriend

>temperate statistic-based posts
I wonder what Thomas sowell thinks of pizzagate.

"white" is codeword for european, "coloured" is codeword for people who are not european

While I'm not disputing the fact that what she's saying is bigoted, is it really bad enough to be considered "hideously racist?"

>millennials are being indoctrinated by buzzfeed to believe you "can't be racist towards white people" and general public doesn't bat an eye

he does

She's clearly a transnigger.

He'd probably be amused that you try to misdirect around those statistics-based posts to other topics that are more easy to lampoon because you can't deal with the statistics as they are.

Stay shook lmao.

Was mid-70s Bowie the most attractive man ever?


>And somehow I keep reading their shit anyways
Fucking same. Why am I like this?

>basically fucking white
>implying shit skinned curry munchers are 'basically white'

the irony here is that most of the people in this thread prob make 'special snowflake safe space' jokes, and then proceed to lose their collective shit over some low level music critic saying "fuck white people" on the internet.
triggered much?