Hey Sup Forums...

Hey Sup Forums. I just found out my wife of 25 years cheated on me and ended up dumping me after I've supported her and have stayed completely loyal to her 100% through. The pain is unbearable and I might kill myself within the next couple of hours.

why did she dump/cheat on you?

Has she been cheating on you throughout the marriage or once off?

Same boat here, but 18 years. It happened in August, and I've wanted to an hero since then.

If I've survived, so can you.

You could also post her nudes for revenge.

Permanent solution to a temporary problem. The pain will fade. Talk, bro.

It happens Sup Forumsro. You will be fine. Move on. She is a shitty person.

Dont do it bro. Start being selfish and just looking out for you. From one user to another thats been in a similar boat. Youll want to die every day for the next 2 years but it gets better. Just stick it out man and go finally live your life.

post her tits

I don't know if you'll believe me or not. But there was absolutely no reason to. The amount of pain I'm feeling is making it a amazing effort to post a simple reply

PS oldfag also, if that makes a difference.

Kill her first.

Gotcha. Keep it simple. Got kids?

the guys been married with her for over 25 years even if they got married out of high school the guy is in his 50s or mid 40s, the pain isn't going to go away for the rest of his life and the fact that hes been loyal to her only supports that

Op here. After this post I'm killing my self. The gun is fully loaded on my desk , goodbye

>because this definitely real

Helpful. Not. And wrong.

I cant stop you but i wish i could man. I dont know you user but youre worth more to me than most people.

why don't you kill her and the guys she cheated on you first you massive cuck?


What i dont get user..why think of suicide...why end your own life..when you can end her life!

OK. Bye then. We tried. Just out of interest, what calibre? Point of entry?

OP should punish the bitch and post here her tits.

.50 cal, in the asshole

Make it clearly that it's her fault so she has to live her life knowing she killed you.

Well OP at least post pictures of this person so we know the have a record of the person you devoted your life to that didn't give anything in return. If you an hero without it your story will be lost. So OP tell your story and post pics.

Bro, hang on. Get some Percocet. Two of those puppies will make you temporarily okay. And keep talking to us...

Dude, I'm 50. Divorced after 20 years. Found a new love and lost her too. After all the heartache and bullshit, tho, now I finally found REAL love and I've never been happier.

Have a beer with some bros. Go out with twenty-somethings. Buy a motorcycle. Go to a strip club. Fuck a teenage hooker. What-the-fuck-ever. But get on with your life and don't let one bad load of bullshit (and I know it's bad) ruin you forever.

takinurpic at gmail if you care to

lack of understanding and dissappointment try to eat souls, and a loss is a shocking gap only time can fill.

you need time, bro, not death. time to learn to cope with your loss, and with you alone again, in order to find your other, maybe true love.

We need proof you are o
Not a troll

Don't kill yourself bro, you're a better human than that whore...you're gonna waste yourself over someone else's decision.

>Get a lawyer and/or a Private Investigator
>Gather evidence
>Necessary Divorce because of Adultery
>Best financial decision of your life

You got this bro, let the professionals do their job while your storm settles.

Eh, at least you had a wife for 25 years.

I want to an hero cause I'm too fucking ugly to get a wife in the first place.


Low quality bait. Trying to bait oldfags who would walk through hell to support a bro but who also wouldn't give a fuck if they crap out. You underestimate us.

Dude, will you die in silence? Some want to live here

If you're going to kill yourself, at least kill her first. Cheating whores shouldn't get away scot free.


Did you steal that from a fortune cookie?


instead of killing yourself go on a holiday.

If you really plan to kill your self and don't think staying alive will do any better, take her out with you.
Cheating bitches like that shouldn't get to prosper while people they cheat should get the suffer and die. Show her how unpredictable a human is pushed to the end.


i am a fortune cookie.

Serious, do this, and the man, too.

No. Nooo op should sleep it off. Nobody should die. People suck. Its just terrible that he learned that so late. I Don't invest emotion into anybody except my direct family. They suck too. Its just the way it is. Gotta man up and accept that. It shitty but thats how the world is. Dont be a pussy. Youre tough enough right? Show her you arent a bitch op and go be successful. Shell be a worthless fat whore soon and you wont.

take her with you champ

proofs or you are a gigantic faggot


Thos is why you don't get involved with women

I have a better idea kill her then the person she cheated on you with then kill yourself channel that sadness into a undying rage of pure hate for your wife think of as many ways to kill her then do one of them, INFACT DO ALL OF THEM nothing can stop you I believe you are destined for something great op now go kill that bitch

Actually i have a friend who after 1-2 years understood that was good and felt relieved that he got seperated from her.
She cheated with his best buddy.

Ok b/ro..
Open the door
Tahe a deep breath
Start walking
Find new peoples
Find new girl
Begin new life

Dont kill urself....
A woman out there is waiting for you...

Your life is worth shit and I don't care wether you die or not, that said I have no respect for anyone who thinks death is the solution.
Many have said it before me and I'll repeat after them:
> IF you want to die, do it while clean the earth of all the shit that is
or at least die venturing the world.

Wives don't care about ugly. They care about money and power.

let her go. release yourself. have both hands free for a new life, partnership and luck. become what you want to be. no longer compromises.

Hello Op.

My wife leaving was the best thing that ever happened to me. It was hard for a few years but NOW she is an alcoholic slut and I'm raking in the big bucks, the kids love me, and I get all the pussy I can handle. About to turn 40 and life is fucking great!

So my advice to you is go ahead and kill yourself. More pussy for me.

This is important advice. You have no idea how many ways a woman can screw over her husband until you've lived through the onslaught. Preparation is essential. Don't wait until the battle gets brought to you, by then it will be too late.

No, that will make her clit hard. Kill yourself and say you're gay, then you win.

No u wont.
Stop trolling u cunt and just fuck off.

Years, dumped ne for no reason
>>Fell in a deep hole
>>stood up again
>>became an asshole full of hate and vengeance
>>worked day and night
>>made a lot of money while she lives in a single room Apartment
>>called me 2 years later, because she made a big mistake and she wants to get back to me and blablabla
>>i am happy like never before, but on a businesstrip at the moment , asked her if she want to join me
>>yes of course she is feeling bad for what she had done to me and she will come to where ever i am right now but she got no money left and cant afford a planeticket
>>bought her a businessclassticket to Manila
>>mfw it was oneway and i am in a Club in Hamburg fucking bitches
>>she never called me again

Here's the thing, a bitch in in her prime from the times she's 18, till when she hits 30, then it's all down hill. A man, his prime begins in his 30s and goes till he's 60. Have you ever noticed how sexiest woman of the year is always in her 20s, and sexiest man of the year can even be in his 60s? Bro, your good.

Time for you to try the online dating game. You'll be surprised to find that you'll be able to have some game with women younger, I mean you gotta be realistic, but yeah.

Haven't kek'd that hard since the olden days

Epic if true. Got any nudes?

Fellow old fag here,
Don't kill yourself, once you decide that and go to the dark side you will realize that you really don't want to die... that you really just want the pain to end.

Stay alive long enough to realize that it is you that is responsible for creating the emotions you feel. She didn't hurt you, she just shattered your misconception.

The best thing to do is be successful, don't let her think she got the best of you. This is actually a positive thing, you just don't know it yet. Don't call her, don't answer her calls or text messages. Be grateful that she is out of your life. Don't waste time even hating her, just ends up hurting you.

Go to a tiitty bar and let a sweet young thing grind on your cawk. Have a beer. Chill the fuck out and regroup, do some man shit for fucks sake.

Let me tell you that the pain will lessen with time , but it will never completely go away.
There will always be a part of you that loves her, but it will lessen over time, in your case a long time since you have been with her for so long.