Is my best friend pretty or nah

is my best friend pretty or nah

>best friend

Damn son i'd hate to be you

but please post more :D

Ya I'd give her the old lickaroo

why she is super pretty lmao


quit fishin bitch we know its you, tits or gtfo


boy you wish move on

its not baiting anything but ok

bc you could be kissing her passionately and having the best sex of your life but you just get to know her and thats it, that is a real case of blue balls my man

I guess the question you should be asking yourself is how you will feel when the douchiest dude you hate starts nailing her

seriously tits or gtfo, thats the rules of Sup Forums

i know right im a sad human being

Is that the one that put the spider in her mouth?

well they wont ever find him or his body so its ok

can a fem op still count as a newfag? tits or gtfo

thats not the rules of Sup Forums at all my man


>Sup Forums

Welcome to you, newfriend!

fem anons will prove fem with tits and timestamp, thats how its always been and will remain so


op take this dumb shit back to fb where it belongs

hes obviously new since its Sup Forums which is random not a porn forum lmao

take yourself back to the hole you came from

Sup Forums is not a place for attention whores

this proves my point, op is an attention whore and i responded accordingly

well its not me being a attention whore its asking a question lmao why so butthurt

same question for you

because ive been on this board since banned me ,
now before you call me a newfag, go do some digging to find out what im talking about, youngster

op's friend zoned hottie should be in a german gangbang flik

i wasnt actually gonna call you a newfag thats dope actually

haha i like you already