Would you let her fuck bigger dicked guys while she locked your cock in chastity?

Would you let her fuck bigger dicked guys while she locked your cock in chastity?

Ahh... No... Faggot.

i would

No, the same way she wouldnt be forced to live a life inside the kitchen while I fucked younger, skinnier women.


With a jawline like that I'm afraid shed bite my arm off in the middle of the night.

Good god who is this beat as fuck Indian woman you cuck psychofucks keep posting about Jesus she's hideous


Fuck off samsap.


Without hesitation

I can see her ankles, OP, better stone her to death.

nope, but i'd let green dress in this pic lock me up!

Anyone else?

me too. what would she make you do for release?

mmm would love to worship those feet

Jesus fucking Christ, what is that thing?

Yeah she can lock me up and use me as her toilet

she can look cute and innocent sometimes too

any stories?

I bet her piss tastes like champagne

I wasn't there, but from gossip I've heard that she's had a threesome with 2 black guys who were a couple of years older than her. I don't know if it's true but I really hope it is!

bet she'd laugh at my tiny dick

no idea but i'd like to find out

yeah, she's fairly tall for a girl. I doubt she'd be satisfied with anything less than 8ish inches


No way I could satisfy her with my 4". I am not worthy of such womanhood

Kill yourself cuck...


Only if he fucked me too

She is perfect. I'd love to have her sit on my face
