So, how many gigs of music do you currently have?

So, how many gigs of music do you currently have?

41,3 GB. Haven't downloaded anything in a while since I got Spotify.

11 gigs, I always clear out music that is just a phase and keep the stuff that actually sticks

k that's all stolen

please delete that music and don't steal music

i'm addicted..

~1.5 tb

Hey patrick get back to work... night shifts dont run themselves.

On my phone I have 64 gigs and 30 have been used up by 39 albums (some being FLAC)

>music that is just a phase
are you 16?


in my country the laws only forbid downloading if you resell it for money

what is this 3 drive bullshit?

>just a phase

Why do you have 3 different music folders in 3 different drives?

230 gigs, most 320, some vbr and aac files here and there and the occasional 192 files for obscure albums i didn't find better quality d/l's for.

but is it all still relevant to you?

>just a phase
for example, I got really into black metal for awhile and downloaded a bunch of shit, some of which I never even got around to listening to. Most of it is gone now and I don't find myself missing any of it.
Like Bathory, great band don't get me wrong, but they are just not something I have never listened to again besides the first couple of times so no point in keeping their music on my drive

Sure! everything. Also i like to collect, so there is entire discographies there, and some ''rare kind of music'' that is now almost impossible to get on internet nowdays... tracked music, (protracker and similars) maybe i'll make a thread of that later. Music is a part of my life.


A little over 60 gigs.

I don't even want to imagine how much it would be if I kept flac files. There's barely any space on my phone as it is

The stuffs OP has on his drive, are not even available on spotify. Spotify is for plebs like (you).


big dick swangin



Used to be much bigger. I'm just keeping the bare minimum now. :^)

What are some examples of your "obscure albums"?

a korean indietronica band called trampauline. took me forever to find a d/l.

It just keeps growing..

Just for this particular post

34 gb

101 gb
