Dubs decides what i get on my pizza and the special request note

dubs decides what i get on my pizza and the special request note

Nigga that promotion is dead, full price for you faggot.

honey instead of chinese

everyone's getting dubs, I want too.


no dubs for me

wasted a roll, fucker

When is the two loli special?

Protip: If you are carrying out though, do the 3-topping large for $7.99 deal. You can add as many toppings as you want to the pizza and the price caps at under $10.

This is now a refugee thread. You nativists are infringing on a sandnigger Europe.

Roll for Alfredo sauce.

RAPEFUGEES WELCOME! Please fuck my pussy with your dirty nigger cock, my European husband is too busy getting his PhD.

I am a dirty sandnigger.


r o l l

l l o r

Newfags cant tritroll

Dubs demands bacon.
Check 'em.

no, toppings, no cheese, extra sauce

Tell them its your birthday, they'll give you a liter of coke for free.

Checked, looks like this nigga is eating a plain bacon pizza so far.

Rolling for mushrooms.

extra jizz sauce

just bacon? what else?

you forgot the jizz, fucking faggot

this shows the special request, no jizz options... ill have to do that myself i guess

extra anchovies

cheese on only half

JalapeƱos and garlic

tomatoes red peppers and mushrooms, gonna be squishy

black olives mmmm I love me some black olives

jalapenos and hot sauce aka liquid pee

Pineapple fgt


onions and anchovies

have them draw a nigger hanging from a tree on your box

roll isnt a topping