Why didn't we Americans help our britbros with their Falklands problem? they are always there with us in our wars

why didn't we Americans help our britbros with their Falklands problem? they are always there with us in our wars.

america considered the war unwinnable , didnt want to be in someone else's vietnam

Shit, man, we had more seapower in the South Atlantic than the Britbongs and Argies did combined.

Then we gave the Brits an emergency lend-lease of sidewinder missiles when they ran low.

It isn't our fault that they make shitty ships.

Fighting alongside Americans is a privilege. You dont get to be an ally of America for free. Just because we are allies doesn't mean they can tell us what to do. We tell them what to do

Mamerica just likes military juntas to much to fight them.

>Falklands problem

that was like a Saturday night in Detroit
small beans babe

The Falklands war was the war equivalent of holding a midget at arms length. Britain didn't need help.


Kek exactly this, we can handle the argies. Hell they only got a shot in because the frogs sold them missiles.

Fun fact - Maggie "fuck your unions" Thatcher secretly threatened to drop a nuke on the french if they kept selling the EXOCET missile to the argieniggers.

We didn't need the help.
The war was won in something daft like 35 days of O remember correctly.

Argentina is whiter than the UK today

>why didn't we Americans help our britbros with their Falklands problem?


It was kept secret cause no reason to get Argentina pissed off at USA


>implying we needed their help

All they would have done is call in airstrikes on our forces and fund an Islamic militant group to fight a proxy war we'd still be dealing with now after a bunch of radical Argentinians crash a plane into Big Ben or some shit

You think that, the reality is we give you credibility.

>muh biggest empire ever
>colonies invade the metropoly after the empire is no more
you get what your deserve, greedy tea drinking fucks

>Considered the war unwinnable
IIRC didn't the 'war' last less than a month and have less than 50 British casualties?

hindsight is 20/20, user

Drinking the tea is better than throwing it in the sea you traitorous commies

chew on that bait

Credibility? I was on the Somerset and Richmond for six months each, the Royal Navy has no sea power, and is constantly broke. The weapons systems are complete shit, the only thing decent are the 14 Royal Marines they bring with them. GB fell off as a world power when they gave uprops the Suez Canal.

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I am a homosexual

The Belgrano, one of the Argentine ships was a survivor of Pearl Harbour. A terrifying threat...

Here's your (you), now fuck off.

Belgrano sailors got fucked but all is fair in love and war

because the Brits had it on lock.
remember it was back when the still used the FAL before their main battle rifle was a pos.
they fucked up a battleship with a sniper rile FFS
mgl quickscoped it.
rip arg.

kek kek kek

britain didnt want help


>mfw I'm American

No oil