Should there be an IQ requirement to vote? If so what should it be?

Should there be an IQ requirement to vote? If so what should it be?

It should be like 3 full IQs

but how many lavas is that?

It's 2 dumbass

Its two times more than 2 half-IQs

100+ normalfags out!

IQ does not measure intelligence. It is the quotient of a child's mental age divided by his chronological age. What do you suppose the difference between a mental age of 18 and on e of 40 might be?

(Hint: by definition, it should be zero.)

But it does vary greatly by ethnicity

I think you should be required to have a high school diploma or equivalent. That would include most people but filter out the most retarded.

At least a quiz or something on current events and policies before you're allowed to vote

How fucking retarded are you?

There needs to be some sort of requirements. I would say at MINIMUM 115. Probably a few more requirements like being educated to a certain point and having taken a certain amount of government and history classes.

In most places in America, people are required to graduate high school.

I know plenty of people who didn't. And as you might guess, most of them are drooling retards. I have one friend who's a smart guy and just did too many drugs. Still does 15 years later.

yes and only Asians should be able to vote and all the sub human animals should follow our command

Hispanics are technically more or less half asian, half white. Why isn't their bell half way asian-white

Yes, you guys are the best at government.

I wouldn't say the indigenous central and south americans were asian, they'd been separated from Asia for long enough

Hispanics are about half white, and half Native American, with a good amount of African mixed in as well. While native Americans are distantly related to East Asians, they are separated by 10 thousand of years of evolution. While Asians who stayed in Asia valued the development of technology and a state, natives remained hunter/gatherers. This acounts for the huge variance of IQ amongst the two groups.

>Why isn't their bell half way asian-white
Because they aren't asian. There's your proof.

nah son, we need stupid people to fight wars.

>Infringing on basic Constitutional Rights

I thought I smelled commies on Sup Forums today.

Also, you can tell this is underhanded at Trump supporters, but
>IQ requirements
>by your graph, the black and Hispanic vote
Goodbye Democratic Party

>Infringing on basic Constitutional Rights
You spelt fascists wrong