How much $$ would you give me if I showed my bare ass?

How much $$ would you give me if I showed my bare ass?

tits or GTFO. you know the rules!

depending on the shown ass

Ass? Like... nothing.

write splendid on your ass and ill send $100 :-)

Literally millions of pics/vids of women on the internet....many with asses far better than yours.

So how about $0.00.

Absolutely nothing

we have this for free in this very same Sup Forums!!!


>paying for bare ass

kek, fuck outta here cunt, there are millions of free bare female asses out there on the internet, yours is nothing special.

about tree fiddy

Nothing for you OP but maybe something for the girl in your pic

$8,000,000 goober dollars

The internet is filled with porn why would I care, also GTFO or tits you fucking faggot.

tits or gtfo whore


ill take that as blood runs black shirt,'s probably small, so I can cut the sleeves off and accentuate my white trashiness.

Put a cactus up there then take the picture, then I'd consider paying. After all, you wold have to go through a lot of pain for the photo.

>*** YOU HAVE BEEN VISITED BY LE PELICAN! *** post this in 3 threads or you will be fucking killed

7474? HOLY SHIT... You just did a thing


now show your feet

this girl is like a 6/10. go buy some more heroin. you look like shit.

I think you'd need to sit on my face if you're looking for money.

>all these replies

summer never ends

hurry up and post something you faggot

you'd have better luck around here if you had a dick

I bet it's a nice ass, here go buy yourself some aids medicine

>around here if you had a dick


The alt right loves cock

depends, let me see it, then we'll talk


You would fingerbang your snatch if you knew what was good for you.

Lol xD

if i cared about whoever the fuck you were, like a coworker or friend or relative of a friend, maybe like $20. double if you were asian

Lol if this is actually the person in the pic well then I'm good friends with your ex. I'm not one of those meme'er 4channers so not going to blow up your spot with your name and shit but I'd probably delete this thread.



no you're not. I know her and she doesn't have an ex


>*** YOU HAVE BEEN VISITED BY LE PELICAN! *** post this in 3 threads or you will be fucking killed

Delete my cock out of your mom's throat user