Hey b... im a white dude that has always lived in the shithole zimbabwe

Hey b... im a white dude that has always lived in the shithole zimbabwe...
My family survived the white genocide that occured here in 1980 onwards. We got kicked off our farm in 1996.
Both father and grand father were in the rhodesian military
ask me anything.

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Shameful self bump


why haven't you saved up money to move to a nice white country like Iceland?

how bad is the hyperinflation there at the moment and how do you cope with it

Cmon dudes! Ask anything

Family doesnt wanna move cause most rhodesians are either fucking stubborn or too broke... my family is both

Its really fucking bad... the gov just released new bond notes and they have inflated up to 23 percent in its opening week. ÑOrmally the shops clean out and you cant buy food and stuff so you either wait in huge bread queues or you order food from south africa

Are you doing alright over there?

this is interesting
do you date black women, how's your sex life?
what do you do for a living?
do you have any plans to leave the country?

what do u do for a living?

kinda... zim used to be kind of safe. the kaffs were pretty much lazy and werent too violent although you do see and hear about crazy shit sometimes like alan banks who was abducted by two nig nogs and they didnt get an cash out of him so they panicked. cut him up and threw bits and pieces of him in seperate dumptsters. nowdays zim has axtually gotten waaaaayyy more dangerous thabks to the bond notes... the nigs robbed my best frend and nearly ran my sister off the road

So interested in this thread. How many white people live there. How safe is it?

Take care then. Be on the lookout. Got any plans? Are you considering a better future/life for you?

sex life is good.. im dating one of the european ambassodors (spellcheck me) daughters... wont say who :D
and no i would NEVER touch the nigresses... most of em are nasty and have aids

what;s it like being white there? u get treated different or get weird looks ?

Where in Zimbabwe do you live, and do you fuck darkies?

im a college student now i started flying back and forth to sa for lectures

Why is your hand 20 days early?

its really hard to say how many whites still live here possibly 3000 to to 5000 and thats pushing it

haha thanks dude... hell yeah! my biggest plan is to become an animator in america... now trump is in power its gonna be amazing... trust me.. you do NOT want these fuckers as immigrants

Are you circumcised?


Lol oops... sorry

do you yearn for Rhodesia?

LOL fuck Iceland the people are huge douche bags and it has the smallest population ever

I was born russian jewish orthodox but didnt get snipped... grew up in my dads roman catholic family and tries all kinds of religions eventually i became an athiest and then nihlistic

Awful white looking for an African

Godspeed to you man.

is your dad cut tho, given that background?

long live Rhodesia i wish it still existed

Do White Lives Matter in Zimbabwe?
Or do Black Lives Matter more than whites there too?

In a way i do... i wish things were better and not so shit like they are now... the nigs just werent ready for a 1st world country so they fucked it up...
On the other hand the rhodesians were too lenient on the blacks and they saw the horrors coming but they didnt do shit about it and were cowardly fucks so they just keeled over and died so i have no respect for them


do you eat 3 meals a day?
how is nightlife in zimbabwe?
what's your most favorite thing of your country?

Nah my dad is dutch as fuck... so am i... my mom is a little bit lithuainian... my dads side helped colonize back in the day and my moms side were lithuanian jewish refguees who fled ww2 and came here


Do you poon niggers?

If you go to Mexico and sneak over the border you don't even have to apply to be a citizen

Its really strange now... in south africa there is such a huge black lives matter movement with riots to boot... here in zim its very muddy... normally we just try leave each other alone but black people will always have the upper hand... however there are so few whites left blacks are now turning on blacks for crime and shit so its more desperation than anything

Where do you live? City or farm? Harare is a shit hole

whats your opinion on black people?

not the niggers that have tried shooting your family up or whatever. black people in general.

Haha yeah... i eat 3 awesome meals a day... im very lucky
Nightlife is awful here... the people in zim are all depressed as fuck so they all go to the only existing bar and get in fights and get drunk... zimbabwean people are pretty disgustingly stuck up and ignorant people... alchohol and small town syndrome ruins this place.
My fave thing is defintly going bike riding and hunting with my best mates

Harare really is a fucking shithole... im stuck there though... my farm got taken a while back

hey, fuck you

Honestly... im not like rascist or anything i just hate stupid uneducated and ignorant people... unfortunatly thats mostly the black population... i dont really like black people tbh but i have met some really cool and amazing ones... no lies my friend taka is whiter than me hes fucking awesome.

are you gay?

Move to Vic Falls, more white than black. jobs are easier to come by, and decent tourism from Zambian side means there's always some European women looking for some fun...

Plus you get to go fishing on the Zambezi whenever the fuck you want

Lol fuck no... they all have aids and shit.. no lies a lot of them do... and theyre pretty baboon looking like

Haha im actually bi...

Haha dude im actually going to vic falls for new years or christmas... i got some friends and shit and were all going... been there loads of times... its my fave place in zim besides nyanga

show us some juicy African cock :)

Interesting. My understanding is that Zim isn't a progressive country at all. Wonder if there's a big gap on that issue between the white and black communities, the way there seems to be in South Africa

What are your feelings on Nelson Mandela?

Spent some of the best years of my life there. Travelling all over the world for work now, never found a plausible reason to go back...

Lol trust me its not... its still very very illegal to be gay in zimbabwe... when i re entered the country i was asked if i was a boy or a girl at the airport... i thoyght they were joking so i said both and they took me into a questioning room (more like a fucking shack) and threatened to arrest me cause i was wearing some very baggy sleeping pants that honestly looked like a dress... it was a crazy situation and honeslty very funny so you just gotta shrug that shit off


Well...you could always move to another English-speaking country and apply for asylum. That anecdote would be a fairly useful one if you were serious about it.

Haha hes waaaay too admired for his actions... he was actually quite an asshole when he was younger but he did become a good guy in the end... he did go through a lot of shit but its waaaay too blown up

I've never seen a rhodie dick before, so if you're willing...it'd be appreciated

Haha trust me i will... i have a dutch passport... im a little broke right now and i did work in england for a year. But i need to finish college in SA first

Lol i hope you enjoyed... please dont come back it got worse :D

how are black/white relations in your country then (other than that apartheid nonsense)? i guess im asking if people seem to focus on the racial divide there as much as they do here in the US (BLM, et al.)

also how do Africans in general feel about afro-centrism? as far as black americans claiming egyptians were black, i mean. is that considered cultural appropriation out there?

how do the average people perceive Robert Mugabe?

See, despite what they try to paint him as, I've always understood him to be pretty much a warlord, what with the necklacing and so on. I mean I understand it was a strange fucked up time, but the shit I've read about him and his wife, I just don't see how he's a hero.

Are you open/out?

Its really strange at the moment... its too small to really have a huge black vs white movement. Normally we just stay out of each others way but every now and then the kaffs and whites go at each others throats...
There is actually a law in place where black people can actually reposses land owned by whites. In other words the blacks have such power over whites

Ive come to realise a long time ago that blacks are very confused people... eapecilly out of africa... they grasp on what little history they have... be very careful of them... most of them lie

>itt Faggots can't read timestamps and can't see OP is clearly not white.

We all hate him... all of us do... unless they have been bribed by him

System.out.print ("How many niggers have you fucked")
int niggersFucked = reader.nextInt();
if (niggersFucked > 0) {
System.out.println ("Kill yourself OP");

fuck i forgot a semi ill go kill myself

He fixed it you twat

Nahh... just tanned.
Fuk u nig

>be very careful of them
>most of them lie

Do you mean...the blacks there or all blacks everywhere? How the fuck did yall pass a law that lets one race of people STEAL the other races land WITH 0 repercussions?! thats just...what the fuck?!

also do they bitch about "equality" there too? sure as shit sounds like post apartheid, they're running the joint and just as equally oblivious to their hypocrisy as their American counterparts. Has there been any kind of black vs white movement at all? sorry to admit that im woefully ignorant of zimbabwe..an...history.

My mom says there's a lot of black people in Africa.

Yeah i dont really care who knows... i kinda also makes good conversatiom with people... however i never tell cops or any blacks... they can really fuck things up and black mail you with that shit cause if they find evidence of you "doing henious acts of buggery" you are going to jail dude

>heinous act of buggery

Jesus fucking kek, do they purposely make their anti-homosexual laws hilarious?

kom hier heen

Most blacks in zim are too lazy to care about lying unless it means money. A lot of them are also picking up on the blacks in america and are acting like the world owes them everything but mostly they dont care.

Yeah it used to be way worse in the past but now land reclamation has mostly passed. You do hear about the odd farm being taken if the owners had military ties with the zim army that didnt hold up so the war vets then come in trucks and take it... it is theft but they think of it as taking their country back. Also be very careful of the blacks in america... if they say they owe you shit... they dont... they just want free stuff

have you done said heinous acts with the right hand dude here ?

Get "Sit Nomine Digna" tattooed on your chest

Yeah its fucking great... they still try to use english systems that were like from 1930 so they keep all the old ways of saying things and its fucking great... like try take your driving test here... "Straddling the white line allows the instructor to fail you." When they say it with their noggy accent its hilarious

Many... many glorious white times....

Lol nah hes my best mate

Lol isnt that from the rhodeisan flag?

>they just want free stuff
Got it, you're a lying American faggot.

Nah bru... the americans are actually right...

right in what sense?

Whats the native language of your country? Other than English, I mean to say.


Confirmed African.


Also, you shouldn't judge your white ancestors too harshly for losing the country. They were internationally isolated (as in, embargoed by almost everyone), foreign countries were pumping military aid to the rebels, and ofc they were badly outnumbered.

White people were fleeing the country in sizeable numbers, and the ratio of whites to blacks was shrinking more and more. The government realized it couldn't win the war in the long run, so it negotiated a peace before things became hopeless, so as to retain some leverage.

any chance you could be persuaded to get the snip?

They arent ready to join a western 1st world enviroment... their deep seated warlike and every man for himself culture is just too prevalent in their society...

They know what luxury is... they know they have to get it.
But they dont understand that with luxury comes basic principle of human understanding that you have to work for it.

Look at africa now bru...
Tell me im wrong.

>nihilism is a religion
found the edgelord tween.

Its shona... also ndebele and manica and zulu but the shona and xhosa whiped most of them out

Why don't losers who get piercings like yours upgrade to gold when they graduate with their lib arts degree and start working good service?

No no no, I'm not saying you're wrong. I've just never heard a legitimate Africans take on any of this. Its just that this sentiment is the one we're fighting against here, in a place dominated by whites. So it's weird to see it happening there, in a place dominated by blacks. So weird that it makes you sound like a liar...

Do you do any big game hunting? What are the gun laws like over there? Any left over FALs floating around?

(Not OP)

It's strange that a white Zimbabwean whose farm was stolen by blacks would hold black people in low regard?

Haha dont worry ive read it a few times...

What wikipedia doesnt tell you is that by sheer technological advancement and training at the time was thrashing the rebels like crazy... even numbers didnt help because they only had sticks rocks and really shitty kalashnikovs. The only reason the blacks have power now is through politics... when britan told rhodesia to go fuck itself the white youth of independace era were all hippy like and free love and voted for the blacks to be in power... much like the youth of today with blm and honestly it will kill america and the western world

Eh. I don't see blm as an existential threat to western civilization.