What kind of guy do you think she is attracted to?

What kind of guy do you think she is attracted to?

Other urls found in this thread:


A corpse


Black dudes. She LOVES big black cock that's thicker than her thighs

hopefully one who can fix her a sandwich


Lose heroin addict

Yep, from what I've heard she's like chubby guys.


Andy Sixx. His logs of shit are her only means of sustenance.

Probably a rich one.

I know that's a stretch, since she has a vagina.

did the shit log guy get aids?

Me please

Get that cringy shit outta here, faggot.



this guy gets it


The log of shit poster has blessed this post with his presence may Andy's log of shit be juicy ad steamy



That's about right. Beat me to it.

Why do people think that just because she is skinny she wants someone who is skinny too?

Probably an older guy, like father figure since she is obviously fucked in the head with issues.

Someone like this?

>implying ALL girls don't have Daddy fantasies.


Skeletor is super buff, though.

>Why do people think that just because she is skinny she wants someone who is skinny too?

Skeletor ain't even skinny, fam. Dude looks pretty buff to me.


Its actually sad to see how she has deteriorated from her old videos to her new ones. She will probably be legit dead one day and everyone will be able to see it.

One that can pack a lunch.

Haven't you heard? She's going to do Blacked.

Elie weisel



>She's going to do Blacked
Interracial ain't really my thing, but I'd love to see that.

When you so ripped yo skeleton be ripped

What is this, some kind of skellington?

Anyone who can fulfill her bottomless need for attention. And one person will never fulfill it. It has to be an audience of them. And nothing can be about the person. It all has to be about her.

She is ugly inside and out.

one with zero muscle and body fat

This user gets it.


Only heroes


Got 'em.

I didn't know Andy Sandberg was in MCR

She likes them with a boner.



that looks like my friend Richard.

>what kind of guys
that skeletor doesn't like guys that thing likes fucking woMEN OP (I'm keking)


Thread is dead


kinda looks like steve buscemi

Is that Bea Arthur?

one that doesn't like food. lol. stupid bitch

Underaged men

thanks mrs skeletal
