I'm 22, male and I just found blood in my urine. It looked like watered down wine coming out

I'm 22, male and I just found blood in my urine. It looked like watered down wine coming out.

Wat do Sup Forums?

Stop eating too much salt.

Prostate cancer, trust me i am science

i should probably add: I haven't felt any pain. Not in my abdomen or when while I was pissing.

Wait till tomorrow. If it still happens go see a doc.

did you eat beets recently?

go see doctor you retard

I have no idea, but that's definitely a good reason to go see a doctor sooner rather than later, man.

No beats.

You ate beetroot

This. You could have a serious condition dipshit
go see a doctor.. Some peoples kids..

Go to a urologist. Could be a kidney stone though

>tfw I have a urologist appointment tomorrow and I'm pretty sure I have chlamydia :(


Look pal, I'm browsing Sup Forums since over a decade and I learned that there are three things you shouldn't joke about

sudden health problems
any health or existential handicaps if only people born with it
Animal abuse/gore

so go see a fucking doctor right now.

Do you have pain anywhere? Especially in the middle of your back to the left or right? Is it hard to pee?

If bleeding continues, and if you feel pain or lightheadness, go to the hospital

Pour rubbing alcohol down your urethra. That should fix it.

not that bad, could be way worse, simple antibiotics. tinder girl gave it to me once.

It's just your period.

Oh, no worries. It only means you are a faggot.

What, if any, were your symptoms? My balls have been hurting. I was kind of freaked out that it could be something worse like cancer but my GP said it was epididymitis, which apparently two out of three times is chlamydia. He didn't make that determination himself, for some reason he passed me off to the urologist. Thing is, I haven't had any pussy in like two years so if I've got VD, I've had it a while.

Your prostate might be fucked up dude. You should really go to the doctors. They are probably going to stick a finger or a camera up your ass so be ready

I'm absolutely going to the doctor anyway. I made that decision the second I saw sangria coming out my dick.

I guess I just wanted to see if people suggested a UTI. Kinda to easy my worries and get away from the really grim diagnosis.

Go to doc. Probably a uti or kidney problem.

I've peed some blood for 2 different reasons 2 different times of my life. One was I felt a cut inside of my dick hole.
and 2 I actually don't know cause I never followed up with the doctor.
gl op

Go to the doctors it could be anything from cancer to heart failure but I can tell you it's not good

stop doing ketamine

Unless you are Spiderman, don't listen to what WebMD says.

Don't go to a doctor now so you can win a Darwin Award later

Look pal, I'm browsing Sup Forums since over a decade and I learned that there are over 9000 medical professionals that are experts in their respective subfields here at any given time.
Good idea coming to this board for advice.

OP make sure the white of your eye and your general complexion are not more yellow than normal. Consider your diet for the last 24/48 hours, were there any high concentrations of synthetic or natural red or blue or purple? Soda, chili, beets, etc. Certainly you do not need to rush to a hospital if you are not experiencing pain. I would suggests you schedule a physical with your gp and make sure they do bloodwork to check kidney function. Tell him about your red piss.

Yeah best thing to do is go to a doctor at once, it's probably nothing major. I've pissed blood for the length of a few months twice and both times kidney stones. Hurt like hell but no long terms issues although they did stick a tube up my cock once

Go to a doctor.
I'm sure this has been posted.
Although you could try only drinking water for a few weeks.