What's Sup Forums's opinion on USA?

what's Sup Forums's opinion on USA?

Its a large land mass contained in an island located between the Atlantic and pacific ocean.

That's a fact, not an opinion you stupid motherfucking autist

best and most relevant country in the world

>my opinion is that the fact is an opinion
there. now YOU'RE the autist, you dipshit

im happy i live somewhere that can't be invaded or overcome military tech wise

That's the continent of North America


Im sorry, do you live here? No then fuck off

>That's a fact, not an opinion
Anythings a fact if you say it loud and often enough


I'm from the Midwest retard

Canada is not a part of USA

The most hypocrite country in the world.

Used to be a 1st world nation
About to become a 2nd world nation led by Trump
and putting a firm down payment on becoming a 3rd world country.

but mexico is?

No, half the USA is technically mexican

>About to become a 2nd world nation led by Trump

You mean China. China has been buying up Canada for the last ~15 years. Vancouver is basically a Chinese city now lol

The United States of Mexico.

I dunno. Its where I live. Its fine I guess, but everyone is acting crazy about everything lately.

Don't like us? No problem.
At the end of the day, you are all American people. You follow our elections. You eat our food. You watch our movies and television shows. You wear our clothes. You copy our vernacular. You access American websites. You copy our Constitution and our laws. You read our books, ponder our art, use our weapons, drive our cars. The global economy is based on the US Dollar. Our military maintains bases on your soil. When our President speaks, you listen.
You are ALL American people.

>No, half the USA is technically mexican
This is true. Half of USA are lazy turds.

OP needs to go back to school. Study geography. That's the class where they show you maps, in case you didn't know.


Well for now. Soon we'll all be Chinese.

No, Chinese live there, and own houses. But the city is a Canadian city.
Niggers in Oakland are 75%...Is that owned by niggers. No. Nigger don't own anything.

Ethnic Origin by Regional Group[23] Population Percent of 2,313,345 Population in 2031[24] Percent of 3,500,000[25]
*Percentages total more than 100% due to multiple responses, e.g. German-East Indian, Norwegian-Irish-Polish
Aboriginal origins 64,473 2.3% >84,000 3.5%
African origins 23,545 1% 69,000 2%
Caucasian 1,250,360 52.5% 1,422,000 39.2%
East and Southeast Asian origins 644,555 29.7% 1,261,000 36.2%
Latin, Central and South American origins 29,125 1.3% 62,000 1.8%
Middle Eastern origins 48,865 2.1% 124,000 3.6%
South Asian origins 252,405 11.1% 478,000 13.7%

your momma is a whore

Nice dubs, it will happen on the exact date.

Kek wills it.

shit hole

Richmond, B.C. is only a 'Canadian' city by technicality. Most rental listings require you to speak mandarin. Most jobs require mandarin. The same is happening in Vancouver. It's only a matter of time.


I live in Vancouver, do you? or just another stupid Amerikan that talks out his ass out of ignorance?



so why do you care about Richmond....Asian chicks are smokin hot!!!