Hi guys, I have a test due tomorrow and need pic related answered

Hi guys, I have a test due tomorrow and need pic related answered.


Here's how it's done
Faggot is underage and needs banning.

Obvious underage, who doesn't know this above the age of 16?

OK fine then how about this one ? It's a little harder.

( • ) ( • ) + X = (())

What the hell is this? Since when was x a number?

The 1400s. Get with the times.




Plug in the values for change in heat transfer
ΔG = 2 - TΔS
Now the temperature is 1 Kelvin so.....
ΔG = 2 - 1ΔS
Plug in the value for change in entropy
ΔG = 2- 1(1)
ΔG = 1
You're welcome

Oh, yeah. Now I feel stupid.



x^2+2x+1= 2^2

Now multiply by pi and you have your answer.

you can't add AND multiply something at the same time... also you left out the other number on the left side

x = 1/2
Trust me, OP. I'm 100% white.


x = potato

Now plug it in
3=2 1+
x = 3+2=1

>100% white
not Asian enough

1+x = 2 [equation 1]
d/dx(1+x) = d/dx(2)
1 = 0 [equation 2]
Substitute [equation 2] into [equation 1]
0+x = 2
x = -2

Since even a toddler would know how to do the arithmetic, I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume your problem is the algebra and you're a reasonably intelligent but overwhelmed junior high student who's had trouble keeping up with the material this past term. Prepare for a pretty decent overview of the latter half of pre-algebra.

See that x there? No, it's not multiplication this time. That's called a variable. It stands in for numbers.

Remember way back in first grade? "1 + 1 = ?" The question mark there. That tells you it's a math problem, not just a math sentence, right? And what's the answer? 2, right?

And how did you know it was 2? Because that's the number that would make the sentence right if you put it where the question mark is.

Same deal here. Think of that x as a question mark. In fact, whenever you see letters in a math problem, think of each different letter as a different colored question mark. Because that's what variables really are. They're just unknown numbers that need to be replaced with their true values to solve the math problem.

Think about the number 6. If you take away 1, you get 5, right? And if you put the 1 back, you get 6 again. It's probably not surprising to you that the same exact thing can be said about any number: if you take 1 away, and then put it back, you get what you started with. (This is called canceling out opposite like terms.)

What about x? That's a number, right? Sure it is. Just as much so as ? is a number in 1 + 1 = ?. So what if we take 1 + x - 1? We just get x.

But wasn't it true that 1 + x = 2? That means 2 and 1 + x are the same number. And if you subtract 1 from a number, are you going to get a consistent result? Every time you have 5 apples and take away 1, you'll always end up with 4 left, right? So if 1 + x = 2, then 1 + x - 1 must = 2 - 1, so, by the reasoning from the previous paragraph, x = 2 - 1. From there it's just easy single digit arithmetic.

Hope it helps

Sorry, I meant x = 2


that's fallacious, since the original equation can be solved for x in purely numerical terms that means x is actually not an unbound variable and therefore you can't differentiate with respect to it because its differential is literally equal to 0 instead of just infinitesimal so you'd be dividing by 0

fell for bad bait.

1 + x = 2
1 + (5) = 2

fell for counterbait.

x is the greek letter for 5, you retrds