If god doesn't exist then who made the universe? You atheists are so fucking stupid...

If god doesn't exist then who made the universe? You atheists are so fucking stupid. It's like you never even read the bible.

Are you actually illiterate, or do you legitimately think that the universe just came out of nowhere and Jesus died for your sins just for fun? Like honestly. You are going to hell and I am going to laugh so hard when I die and get to look doen on all you worthless faggots roasting for your sins.

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Well using that logic you could argue, Who/what made god?

Don't feed it... too late...

>Are you actually illiterate, or do you legitimately think that God just came out of nowhere?

Dude yoi didn't even respond to any of my points. Calling somebody a troll doesn't make you win an argument. It's just a way to brush inconvenient truths under the rug.

lel fed

kek it's 2016 and stupid godfags still haven't learned that their bible isn't even real

while you're wasting your sundays in church I'm out smoking weed and experiencing the ultimate sexual pleasure

pic related, my latest creation

God existed outside of the bounds of time you know. He is just the summation of all forces.

You are just a set of math equations so it is safe to say the universe has an intellect as well. What is physics dude? Just math.

he was never made. time is a mortal, human made form of measurement for convenience. we simply don't have control over it, but he has.

not even religious, your counter argument is just retarded

Dude smoking weed is a way to let demons into your thoughts. It decalcifies your third eye which evil spirits use to communicate with you.

Honestly, why do you think the government even bothers putting fluoride in the water.

you reverse the roles. the universe doesn't follow math equations. math equations are made to make sense of the universe. things are constant at our scale because 1. we're extremely tiny and even our measurements are not as valid as you may think, we simply use them because we don't have better solutions.
2. evolution does also work at the scale of the universe, where say planets that found an order, a loop and a certain ecosystem survived while others clashed and were destroyed or crushed into themselves to forge stars.

it's not an outrageous claim to say that this is all by chance.

Religion can't exist because of science. Just go to school and maybe you will leaen that there is a fucking method to decipher what is true rather than just reading it.

What rolled the dice if not god?

randomness. can you not read?

I am, therefore I think.

You libtards are all the same with your current year bs.

How did the concept of randomness even come into being?

Humans cooked it up to help explain the world around them.

we're only human, we haven't found out yet. we may or may not ever find out. resorting to a 2k year old book made from spoken stories from many sources and translated dozens of times as an accurate measure for the universes origin is beyond retarded.

I'm way to intelligent for that. *tip*

Look at a tree. Every branch is a fractal contorted to face the light. Each smaller branch looks like an imperfect copy of the branch before it. It isn't random. There is order.

In the same way that a leaf was created by a tree in the image of that tree, we are gods children created in his image. It is just a repitition of the order of everything we can see in the universe.

>way to intelligent
>to intelligent

get the fuck off my board

Dude stop making fun of people with lazy eyes.

Replace "cause and effect" with the word "order." No gods required, shit happens and other shit reacts. Sun shines, tree grows towards it. God has nothing to do with it. No order to it either, order implies a plan, a greater pattern. There is none, just shit happening.

I'm two intelligenter to care about petty mortal spelling

I know yourr fuckin around, but meth actually can open your eyes to demons, theyrr real as fuck. And idk what sort of truth there is to that fluoride conspiracy, and weed doesnt do much, but psychsll blast open that third eye, although all the spirits ive met this way have been benevolent or benign.

Sir you are schizophrenic and should probably not indulge in drugs lest they further worsen your psychotic delusions.

That is actually a fucking retarded argument. The bing bang was an effect and therefor necessitates a cause.

"I dont believe in god. I only believe in Science."

They both go hand in hand, my friend.

I did meth one time and all it did was make bdsm really fun.

Also I lost a lime up my gf's pussy and she had to go to planned parenthood to get it out.

The most recent findings in quantum physics suggests that the big bang wasn't a thing and the universe has always just existed.

Stims and sex go too well together for being something thats so bad for you, like cocaine and alcohol.


>not considering that god might exist outside of the only 4 dimensions of the universe we can actually percieve or that time might not be linear

I can give an explanation for why there is something instead of nothing, without invoking a deity.

The world is made of information.
Information can be encoded into binary- each answer to a yes/no question can be represented as a 1 (yes) or a 0 (no).
Now let's ask the question: does any information exist?
Either answer to this question would constitute information. Therefore, the only logically consistent answer is "yes". Thus information there is something (information) instead of nothing (no information).

Mental illnesses are just a myth perpetuated to fund the pharmaceutical industry. That's why you should just lie to your psychiatrist and get all the fun ones like adderall and xanax.

Quit moving the goalposts. God is dead, you lost, deal with it.

Are you saying we live in a computer or are you just a nigger? Stop speaking voodoo.

The worst advice for anyone who actually has a problem managing their schizophrenia.

But I got dubs. Checkem bitch.

I mean many physicists actually believe our world is made of information. You can think of it like a computer I guess, but that would be difficult to prove.


>hurr durr our computers are ones and zeroes and I made an equation with random letters therefore god doesn't exist


facts provided or learned about something or someone.

no fucking shit sherlock, you need scientists to tell you that facts exist?



I didn't make an equation, not sure what you're talking about.

Also, I'm not claiming to prove god doesn't exist. I am only claiming that I have an explanation for why there is something rather than nothing which does not invoke god. Perhaps a theist could use this to explain why there was god rather than nothing before he created stuff.


>Gives 0 fucks

Then get the fuck out of my thread. Your posts were literally irrelevant you stupid science bitch.


This is now a nigger general.

Or ancap memes. I'm done trolling so let's just derail the thread entirely and post whatever.
