Feels thread

Feels thread

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I needed this thread




Ohhh fuck



I just got a bj from my girlfriend a few minutes ago. Feeling pretty good right now.







too fuckin true
only reason I havent done it lol


I get you man, life pretty shitty at the moment


yo man thats some hard stuff right there




Oh god

Yeah, kinda how I'm feeling right now


Amen brutha





So true.....

that makes it even worse though, because thats just making the suicidal person feel bad because you're telling them to feel guilty for even considering ending it. You're putting blame on them to make them feel selfish and like a horrible person because they could potentially cause pain to other people with their action, when they're already feeling that pain and already have a (most likely) ill mind full of that pain and shit. Don't make someone feel guilty and selfish because they want the pain to stop, comfort them and make them feel like they don't need to feel that pain and that you're there for them.


It all just depends on the person. Some people respond to this more positively than being told "itll all get better" or some bullshit like that. Its all based on the person.

I almost did it, thinking about everyone else stopped me. I just want to make others happy even if it doesn't help me


Hey, my dudes. I don't post here often, but i thought I'd share. All my life, no one has ever loved me. My parents and friends have loved me, but no one has ever had feelings for me beyond a mutual frienship. I've had gfs before, but they didn't love me, not really. And after you live so long without any true love in your direction, you get used to it. You convince yourself that you don't need someone else to be happy.

Until she sits next to you, and lays her head on you, and it all comes back.

The softness of her hair

The warmth of her embrace

And suddenly, you realize how lonely you are.

I needed this thread OP, thank you.
Short story for anyone who cares.
>be me
>high school
>struggling with social anxiety
>have a bad reputation at school, very few friends
>constantly feel like I have to compensate, adding to my personality to try and appeal to more people
>be in english class
>9/10 QT3.14 cheerleader girl sits next to me
>god, she was beautiful anons.
>few friends slowly convince me to ask her out, stating that we would be a good fit together
>overcome my anxiety for a spilt second ask her out finals day before Christmas break
>she had already caught on that I was interested at that point
>says yes
>I was unbelievably happy anons, first time anybody said yes
>meet her at a coffee shop a week later


I just wish she felt the same way I felt about her......

well im glad you didnt do it, but seriously dude, don't let other people be your reason for staying, make your reason for staying be being able to experience life and be happy with yourself. Because inevitably those people will die, and you'll have nothing to make you want to stay around. you gotta learn to love yourself

>we hit it off, talk for two hours straight, it was Christmas Eve
>talk about a lot of shared interests, tv, music, movies, sports, our experiences; we shared common ground on all of it
>end up spilling coffee over myself during the date because I'm a fag
>she thought it was cute and helped me clean up.
>fast forward past Christmas break, back in class
>I still struggle to talk to her at school
>don't know why
>start ignoring her
>can only bring myself to talk to her over text now
>only felt comfortable talking to her when it was just the two of us
>consistently try to get her to hang out
>when we did I would never open up to her and felt like I had to put on a performance rather than be myself
>she caught onto this and broke it off
>tfw everything was set up for this relationship to work
>tfw my beta faggot tendencies fucked it all up
>tfw It's years later and I still think about her, what I could've done differently.
>tfw I haven't had a relationship since
I want the closeness of a partner anons, so far, I haven't found anyone who has meant more than she meant to me. Get over your social anxiety anons. It's why this relationship failed for me and I regret it everyday. I have never felt more affection for someone than I did for this girl, I would do anything to get her back but it's too late. So I soldier hoping I find someone else, knowing that I'll always be thinking back to her.


Just s rough patch in life..I won't do it because it will pass but it just keeps getting worse


I know that feel, Sup Forumsro.

This. When rejection becomes a normality we tend to bottle up feelings like this, until it all comes pouring out.

That's where I am at right now, being a little awkward around her, I mean things so far are good but still. I think she is actually on a date right now, I mean there is nothing wrong with that we are not a couple and I'm going out with her tomorrow but I can't stop thinking about her.

Never actually been rejected, just came out if a 6.5 year relationship. She was my first but this new girl, I just can't explain it. I can't stop thinking about her

Relatable movie quote

Lol same here my dud


Glad we can both find meaning considering our experiences are so different. Don't let her go user. Don't make my mistakes.

Story of my sad life

>Be me
>Be schizophrenic
>Struggle with it a lot socially because people can notice I am different
>Go to university
>Successfuly complete first year
>Spend entire second year in psycho hospital but tell people I went to finland for gapyear
>Redo second year
>Be successful
>Find the job of my dreams at the start of the 3th year
>Find fantastic girl I love despite schizophrenia
>Barely any symptoms left
>struggle to finish 3th year because of asshole teacher
>Finish all but 1 course (from the asshole teacher)
>Work is ok with it as long as I finish in he next year
>Asshole teacher makes sure I fail the year after that aswell
>Had to tell my employer I couldn't finish the 1 course I had
>Got fired
>Became paranoid again
>Spend 6 months and counting in psycho hospital
>Love of my life can't handle it anymore
>Wanne kill myself
>How did it all go wrong this bad so fast?

I need to vent

I'm freaking out
My girlfriend and I both might have STD's, not from cheating, we've been dating for a month and she's a virgin. I think I had one from a previous relationship but no symptoms ever came out. She's in pain and itching and my nuts hurt. The thing that's freaking me out is that I'm doing blood tests tomorrow and results only come back in two fucking weeks.

Just broke up with my gf of 3 years who was most likely cheating

>Junkie stole my computer

>fucked up my first day as a superior instead of a bottom-level peon

>Victim to ongoing identity theft


Amen, i had a problem like this when I was a teen and I had a therapist use the selfish dialogue and I left in tears and hated him for it. Still hate him to this day because he kept trying to force it on me, eventually went to a new therapist and got my stuff cleared up in 2 visits.

I get some shit isnt for everyone but fuck that guy

No point in going ballistic if stuff is that set out for you. Calmly address the situation by research and plan out options

I don't want to, she's the only light in this life I have. Unfortunately I just can't see it working out, she just keeps saying she likes me but she's not looking for a relationship. I think she just thinks of me as a friend.....

fuck alright im invested now



>be me
>shy, quiet
>high school
>totally fine with my small circle of friends
>some older people at church, another guy my age, and a girl I started to have a crush on
>all of them move away within a year of each other
>become hard and bitter without a care to develop new friendships
>spend entire senior year of high school with no friends
>go to uni with no desire to meet new people
>decide to move churches after spending 7 years at the last one
>only 3 people contact me to ask where I've gone
>3 years later, still no close friends
>relationships avoid me like the plague
>dont think I can ever have close friendships again
>spend most of my time alone and have become ok with it



I'm sorry user, I know what it's like. After HS I just haven't made friends and stopped talking to the few I had for the most part





First snowfall of the season tonight so I decided to go for a walk in the snow.

Loneliest I have ever been.

>be me
>have crush on girl in high school
>want to ask her to prom during junior year
>September (9 months before prom), i hear through the grapevine another guy asks her
>i get discouraged and dont ask her or go to prom
>finds out she went alone as the 13th wheel with friends who had dates
>find out shes moving to the other side of the country after the school ends
>incapable of having feels for someone ever again

There's a certain feeling of quiet and calmness that comes with the snow; I always attribute it to loneliness.

I wish this could happen when i suicide instead i would get a bunch of people that didn't even care about me just cry so they could look like they care but they actually never did.

Plz continue

I'm at the end of my rope right now. I'm only a few steps away from suicide. Nothing in my life has panned out. I just want to give up. The last shred of hope I had was crushed yesterday. I just want to end it.


hits hard because one of my friend's brothers killed themselves, such a nice guy and always gave hugs.
>Saw him one day and talked for like half a second.
>Couple days later he gives me a hug out of nowhere.
>Didn't see him two days later.

What happened user

Fuck, well... you could try opening up to that professor? You got this far, go for that course man, if you're gonna give up and least give it your all. I mean, you're planning to kill yourself anyways.

Come back to this thread if you do, I wanna hear how it goes.

I've lost the ability to give details of my depression without bursting into tears. What do I do? I don't wanna cry when I tell my doctor.

It's unhealthy to keep it in, man. Just do it, he'll understand. I'm telling you, crying is the best thing you will do.

Sometimes I'll look at the clock and see it's 11:11 PM and I'll wish for happiness or something along the lines.

>three years later my wish hasn't come true

Nothing in my life has panned out. I had a traumatic experience as a kid. Scarred me for life and made me have vivid nightmares which I still have.

I have always been bad at school. I can't seem to do tests no matter how hard I try. This was fine until college. I do really good but once I get to the test I completely fuck it up every time. But it's not like it matters. I am so untalented that I can't do anything. I keep looking for jobs but they're either uninteresting or pay no money.

So I decided hey. Why not join the army. I'm sure to find something there. Can't join because of my post traumatic stress, no matter how well I get.

It's literally over. I am so afraid right now it's not even funny. Once my parents boot me I'm finished. I just want to kill myself. I'm so afraid and alone and I can feel the walls closing in.

I really wish I had advice for you user I do, but how can I tell you everything will be better when I can't even lie to myself. I hope things get better for you, maybe the universe can give me a little more shit and make your life better as a trade. Best of luck and remember troubles do pass and a lot of the the times the future is what you make it.

I hope so. But I'm not confident.

>age 10 grade 5
>picked on quite a bit as a kid even before age 10, just wasn't as bad
>been to 3 elementary schools because of bullying
>got stuff thrown at me
>called every name in the book
>ugly, pig, old, mole ear, beaver, and more
>kids attempted to follow me home a couple times
>tried to throw my backpack in the creek
>shrugged it off the best i could with my one or two friends who were actually my own age even though I was miserable
>age 11 grade 6
>fastest kid in my grade
>man I could run
>probably why I wasn't picked on worse
>bullying got worse
>school got new teacher
>I ended up in her class
>she was a huge BITCH and I mean BITCH
>very obviously hated me
>helped bullies by getting me in trouble for no reason
>detention every day
>whole class hated me
>she moved me around the room many times because there was a problem wherever my seat was
>straight up told me I was the problem, I was in tears

>put me at bad kids table
>I was seated next to the worst of my bullies
>found out that I had adhd
>shit got better with the teacher for maybe a week
>then it just got even worse than before
>my parents were called for little to no reason constantly
>almost always yelled at when I got home
>would go home every day and instantly go to my closet, get a noose and see if I had the guts to end my life
>in the counselors office more often then I was in class
>best friend abandoned me for popular fags
>One day I had an especially bad day at school then got screamed at when I came home, I don't remember why
>crying hysterically I bolted in my room, slammed the door, threw myself on the bed and just cried more
>20 minutes later I remembered something
>I had recently learned what self harm was
>eyes glanced to pair of medical scissors on bookshelf
>got up, grabbed them, and sat down on my bed again
>I started scratching my skin, not quite enough to draw blood but enough to make a mark

>I started cutting at 11 years old
>I felt better, did this every day
>age 12 grade 7
>adhd medication doses just kept getting larger
>taking 42 m when I was only a child, a small one at that
>slowly turned into a zombie
>cuts got deeper, drew blood
>bullying didn't let up
>but I did get more friends, we were the outcasts, nerds, dorks, goths, and emos
>what we had in common was that people hated us
>treated like I was some sort of disease
>I was treated so bad that when my phone was stolen when a kind soul got it back from his friends and gave it back to me I cried tears of happiness
>I couldn't believe it, someone treated me like a person, I cried and I cried hard, made my entire week
>got into roller derby
>I was FANTASTIC at it, holy shit Sup Forumsros, I fucking SHINED
>and I just got better and better, stronger and stronger
Age 13 grade 8
>roller derby made me somewhat aggressive seeing that I could actually defend myself now
>slammed a kid into a locker once, because he was in my way
>my poor bf at the time's eyes widened and just continued walking with me
>speaking of that ex he was absolutely insane
>emo fag who upstaged all my problems
>each time I would say anything he would follow up with "uhh well I was raped so that doesn't really compare"
>he stabbed his hand with a pencil in the middle of fucking class and drank the blood
>10x more aggressive than I ever was, though he could be a massive pussy half the time
>he never hit me but he talked about gore so much he frankly terrified me
>stayed two extra months unhappy because I knew he would freak out
>when I did end it and started to walk away, he grabbed my arm and looked in my eyes and said "no! Please don't break up with me!"
>the fuck, no it's over
>heard he cried all lunch
>kids started being able to run faster than i could
>"just give up user, you're weak"
>I was dumb enough to actually give up
>parents found out I was cutting myself
>dragged me to the psychiatrist's office

I know I'm not either but let's push through this and get to the good times user

>asked me how long I had been doing it
>I said since 6th grade
>"two years???" My father said
>mfw I still remember the look on this face and the tears in his eyes
>my mom was really nothing but pissed
>never taken back for the same reason
Age 14 grade 9
>bullying let up a tiny bit
>though I was about ready to give up
>still cutting daily, cuts got deeper
>ripped apart my skin at one point because I wanted to feel something, even if it was pain
>got friends who were like me
>a little happier, even befriended a druggie who made some questionable decisions because I literally had no judgement for others
>got gf
>at first it was great
>took me to her group
>she then avoided me, cheated on me, almost got fucking pregnant (I'm a chick....)
>I just kept coming back because I loved her
>she eventually dumped me
>tried to hang out with her so much then I tried to go back to my friends but they weren't there anymore
>heart broke
>developed anorexia
>I slowly wasted away and nobody said shit
>I was alone in my former group
>no one ever talked to me
>reached 95 pounds and no one said anything but the girls crowding me in the PE locker room asking me for my secret to being thin
>i'd just giggle and say "I don't know, I love food"
>lie, I became too good at lying for my own good
>reached 85 pounds
>My roller derby skills lagged like hell
>figured out that they wouldn't put me on the travel team because I was too small
>a hazard on the track they said, that if I was in a real match, I could potentially die
>my heart sunk to my stomach

>skip to summer
>83.8 pounds
>would collapse sometimes
>vision would fade then maybe 15 seconds later my legs would give out from under me
>and I couldn't move or see the most fucked up part was that I was completely conscious
>the rest of my senses were heightened
>I will never forget how the floor felt under my unmoving body, how my bones pressed into the wood floor
>I still remember the way my heart would beat like a frightened rabbit well I lied there on the floor praying my mother wouldn't find me there
>my mother found out I was taking her diet pills
>screamed at me
>stripped my room
>threw away everything even loosely associated with my disorder
>even diary entries and shit
>all my dad did was cry
>he said we should get strong together since he was an alcoholic, though what he was talking about never happened
>age 15 grade 10
>cut off all my hair
>faked my friendly personality
>even lifted weights to get my mom off my back

>tomboys don't get eating disorders right?
>actually got pretty popular
>bullying almost stopped
>no one knew I was still starving myself
>exploring myself sexually
>sent nudes to random chick on kik i met on omegle
>she didn't send anything back
>she just blackmailed me for more and more
>and if I didn't do exactly what she wanted she would post my pics to the internet
>"shhh as long as you're a good girl you're safe"
>"shhh we're just having fun"
>"why are you crying?"
>was actually dumb enough to send more
>hours later she wanted to skype me
>sent me instructions through kik
>to stop the torture even just for a minute I said I was a singer and could sing to her
>and I was, I recently got a solo in choir and sung that to her
>she said "wow

>age 16 grade 11
>got kik again so I could talk to a boy I liked
>took months of convincing me to go near it again though
>ran into solid evidence that the incident was not when I was 14 but 15
>figured it's not healthy to deny shit
>tried to fix it on my own
>big mistake
>panic attacks every week, sometimes every day or even more than once a day
>had panic attacks in the middle of class, had to go to the nurses office, fucking embarrassing
>I knew damn well I was broken so on the outside I smiled but on the inside I frantically tried to put myself back together
>age 17 grade 12
>I had failed at fixing myself
>I had just given up, starting being a cunt to cover up that I wasn't whole
>I still want to die
>at least my problems with food are better but not by much
>I'm 18 now and graduated highschool
>recently got out of a stressful as fuck relationship
>I don't even know who I am anymore
>who am I Sup Forums?
Optimism is for the innocent and delusional, those of us who actually lived know better than to hope. You can't stop a trainwreck, you can only delude its passengers into thinking they could be saved. Life is like a game of Tetris no matter how many lines you clear more problems keep falling down. Everyone leaves, that's just how it is.

pour vous


>went out with grill
>love of my life
>ends cause of complications
>she loves me too but I put it off cause I'm depressed cunt
>feeling better, off meds, try to talk to her again
>she has le rebound boyfriend
>go through severe depression
>see other girls but aint the same
>still friends with her and could tell deep down she still liked me
>2 years l8r she gives me a sign
>take opportunity
>breaks up with bf
>starts working out really well
>feel amazing, can climb a fucking mountain
>2 days l8r she just wants to be friends lmao
>more complications (im unlucky af)
>week later she tells me she has new bf
>repeat depression cycle all over again
>im an autist and this is what my life has come to


Get a cat if your depressed it gives you responsibility, It helped me a lot

>My girlfriend and I both might have STD's, not from cheating, we've been dating for a month and she's a virgin. I think I had one from a previous relationship but no symptoms ever came out. She's in pain and itching and my nuts hurt. The thing that's freaking me out is that I'm doing blood tests tomorrow and results only come back in two fucking weeks.
You're girlfriend was not a virgin, and in fact she was probably a whore. She has given you an STD and is trying to blame it on you. This is classic cunt behavior. Find out what you have, fix it, then dump that cunt.

I'll post a few.
This one made me cry.

this user is probably right she may be lying about her virginity but you also could've taken tainted fluid from god knows what is out there